About This Quiz
We have to give credit to baristas, who make a wide variety of coffee drinks on a daily basis. In this quiz, we'll take a look at 35 questions regarding coffee terminology, including roasts, brews and popular names of coffee drinks. After all, if you want to become a barista, you have to know almost everything about coffee!
First thing's first: if you want to become a barista, you have to know how to profile a roast of coffee. Known as "roast profiling," this is a technique that is used to determine the quality of a particular roast. Rate, temperature and time are used for this type of profiling, and is sometimes conducted by the roast master.
You also have to know what certain types of tools are used for. For example, do you know the difference between a grinder, boiler, tryer and a moka pot? Or, do you know what a steam wand is used for? A steam wand in particular, is used to froth up milk using compressed steam from the boiler.
This quiz will look at various types of coffee terminology that will put you in the place of a barista! Think you know what a caffè mocha and a flat white is? Try this quiz now to see how well you do!
Packaging aesthetics is not very important when it comes to roast profiling. Baristas need to know how to 'roast profile' using temperature, time and the rate of roasting.
Caffe Lattes don't contain any tea leaves. These are made with steamed milk and espresso, with a layer of milk foam on top.
Dark roasts contain a lot of oil and is usually very strong and bitter in flavor. These types of roasts are also not very acidic in nature.
When moisture is released from inside the coffee bean, it "pops" to a larger size. This is known as "first crack."
A tryer is used for roast profiling, which is often done by the roast master. A tryer is also part of the drum roaster.
A rich brown color refers to an American-style roast. This is due to the light color of the coffee bean.
There are many types of roast levels, including Full City, Vienna, City+ and French roast. Each type of roast refers to the first or second crack of the coffee bean.
A Vienna roast has the nickname "continental" roast. This type of roast is also full-bodied with popularity in Northern Italy.
Iced coffee is also called "on the rocks," because you're pouring coffee over a cup of ice cubes. You can also add bitters, mint leaves, sugar and cream in this as well.
Espresso has Italian roots and is featured in a number of popular coffee drinks, including a cappuccino and a caffe latte. It's typically served hot, but may be served cold as well.
A cappuccino is also called a "cappa," and is made with double espresso, steamed milk and foamed milk. It can also be garnished with cinnamon.
A skinny latte is prepared with skim or nonfat milk. This is also made with espresso, foamed milk and a lot of steamed milk.
A latte macchiato's translation is "stained milk," because the steamed milk is "stained" or added with espresso. There is also typically a layer of foamed milk on top as well.
Coffee seeds actually come from coffee cherries, specifically the pit of the cherry. The seeds are removed, dried and ferment in water.
A light roast is also called "half city" or "light city" as well. This is due to their light color and acidic quality.
A medium roast is also called a "breakfast" roast, and is typically a rich brown in color. The acidity and body of this roast is typically balanced with each other as well.
Espresso has quite a bit of coffee oil and is highly concentrated, which is due to the metal filtration system. Metal filters also work great for French Press and AeroPress coffee.
An Espresso Italiano doesn't contain anything else except for espresso in its purest form. This also has Italian roots and is thick in texture.
A cortado is a type of coffee drink that has Spanish roots, and is known for its mixture of espresso with hot milk. There is also typically no foamed milk on top.
When you incorporate steam into milk, this is known as frothing. Frothed milk, or milk foam, is great for cappuccinos and lattes.
An affogato is actually a type of dessert that is made by pouring espresso over ice cream. This results in a sweet and bitter flavor, as well as creamy textures.
The texture of the coffee can be referred to as the "body" of the coffee. This is also called "mouthfeel."
The three parts of an espresso shot are the body, heart and crema. The hopper is actually a coffee grinder component that contains the coffee beans.
The steam wand is used to froth milk, and looks like a small "arm." Steam is pressed through the nozzle of the steam wand via the boiler.
As its name implies, latte art is the process of incorporating art designs on top of a latte. This is accomplished through microfoam.
A moka pot is used to make "false" espresso. It was invented in 1933 by Alfonso Bialetti.
A tamper is used to "press" coffee into a "hockey puck" shape. This is also used to make espresso.
A frappé has Greek origins, and is a blended beverage that is served chilled. This is typically made by blending ice, milk and espresso together in a blender.
A long black is mostly hot water with a layer of espresso on top. This type of drink is also popular in New Zealand and Australia.
An espresso con panna is made by topping espresso with chantilly cream, or whipped cream. It also translates to "espresso with cream."
A "mocaccino" is also known as a caffè mocha, which contains distinct chocolate flavors. This is also typically topped with whipped cream and syrup.
A doppio is another way of saying "two shots of espresso." This is also made with a double coffee filter.
A standard espresso shot contains 30 milliliters. If you want a double, it would be 60 millimeters, which is also known as a doppio.
Irish coffee contains Irish whiskey, which is a type of alcohol. This drink is also sweet and creamy in nature.