About This Quiz
Let's put it out there: Spelling is hard, not "fun" as Taylor Swift has famously said - just before it was pointed out that some of her merch had the spelling "your'e" instead of "you're" on it. But take heart: Spelling is also well known to have no correlation with actual IQ. Still, errors can make you look stupid, and on a resume or in an important memo, that can have serious consequences. (In a love letter? Maybe; it depends on the spelling skills of your beloved and how much your ardent declarations of love carry the day).
Success in this area starts in grammar school. That's where you learn the correct spellings of words you'll need on a regular basis. You'll likely be forgiven for misspelling "prerequisite," and anyway, if you know you can't spell it, there are ways to avoid using it. But everyday words like "believe," "necessary," and "unique" trip quite a few people up. Then there are a few job-specific words: Don't get us started on the widespread inability of our nation's restaurateurs to spell the name of a popular salad ... (we'd say which one, but it's a spoiler for the quiz ahead).
How confident are you in your basic spelling skills? We've got a quiz to help you figure out if you'd get a bright red "A" on a quiz, or a great big "F." Don't worry, though - nobody needs to know but you!