About This Quiz
HTML color codes comes in 140 varieties, and are used to display various browser colors through HTML and/or CSS codes. For example, a salmon color would have the hex code of #FA8072, while a black color would be #000000. Each of these hex color codes also equates to an RGB color code (which is an acronym for red, green, blue). RGB codes consists of three numbers that correspond to specific shades of red, green and blue colors. When these colors combine, they make up a specific shade of a color that we see.
Here's an example: a teal color would have the hex code of #008080. The RGB value of this is (0,128,128). This means that there are no red shades in the color teal, but there is an even mix of specific green and blue shades. If we take a look back at the color code for black, which is #000000, we can observe that the RGB code is (0,0,0). This means that there are no red, green or blue color shades in black. But what does all of this have to do with your personality? In a nutshell, these color codes correspond to a specific shade of color, which means we're about to find out what color your personality is!
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