Does He Like Me?

By: Emily Maggrett
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Does He Like Me?
Image: Alys Tomlinson/Cultura/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Some guys can be so confusing! One minute your crush is sliding into your DMs, the next he's blowing you off to go party with his friends. When you see him the next day, he avoids making eye contact, but then he follows that coldness up with a series of flirty 2 a.m. texts. What are you supposed to think? Does he like you or not?

If you're tired of playing guessing games with that special someone, this quiz can help. We know you're sick of pretending not to care, so we've come up with a series of questions designed to determine whether he's just being nice or if he's hiding a big fat crush on you. It's possible that his hugs and compliments are signs that he's been in love with you for years, but it's also possible that he merely likes you as a friend or is stringing you along because he likes getting attention from you. 

Don't put up with this painful uncertainty any longer. You deserve love in your life, whether it's from him or someone new. If you're ready to find out what his mixed signals actually mean, it's time to take this quiz!

Does your crush know of your existence?
Um, I think he does?
Yeah, we're a big part of each other's lives.
Of course!
We've only known each other for a short while, but he's VERY aware of who I am.
Has he ever acted hostile to guys who flirt with you?
Once or twice
Are you and your crush close?
Sadly, no
Yes, in a sibling-type way
Physically: yes. Emotionally: no.
I feel like our souls knew each other before we were born.


When you two are going to the same event, does he text you several times to make sure you're coming?
Uh, we don't usually go to the same events.
How long have you known your crush?
A few weeks
Several years
Six months or less
Six weeks, but they've been the best six weeks of my life!
How often does he text you?
A few times a week
Every Saturday night


Have you ever caught your crush staring at you?
No, but that would be so dope!
Yes, but it was because I had mustard on my face.
He stares at certain ... sections of me.
I often catch him staring, which makes him blush!
Does your crush tease you?
No. He's sort of depressingly polite with me.
Yes. Our group has a few in-jokes about every member.
Yeah, but it's not that different from the way he teases the other people he flirts with.
He teases me about everything and I love it!
Is your crush already in a relationship?
I'm not sure.
Yes, but it's not serious.
Yes and it is serious.
No, he's definitely single.


Has your crush ever given you a gift?
Does "bringing in doughnuts for the whole office" count?
He gives me fuzzy socks every Christmas.
He's bought me drinks?
Once he surprised me with a gift-wrapped package of my favorite snacks.
When you post content on social media, does your crush like it?
We're only connected on LinkedIn.
Yeah, if he thinks it's funny
No. And sometimes, he even untags himself from photos I've taken of us!
Yes, he likes every pic I post.
Is your crush really flirty one day, then really distant the next day?
No. He's always distantly nice.
Nope. He's always the same guy in our interactions.
(Sigh.) Yes, and it hurts my feelings a lot.
Nah. My crush doesn't run hot and cold on me.


Does he ever compliment you?
Once he said, "Nice hat."
He usually just says gruff stuff, like "Good job, kid."
If I'm wearing something racy, he says, "Love the outfit."
He praises my ideas, my jokes, my purse ... virtually everything!
Has your crush ever talked about what it would be like if you two dated?
No. We haven't, uh, actually had many conversations.
Kind of. He jokes about how we're like an old married couple.
Yes, but the "joke" is how unlikely it would be for us to date
Yes. He obviously thinks we'd be the best couple ever!
Does your crush remember random facts about you, like your birthday or your pet's name?
No, and it's tragic to me!
Yes, but he should know those things since we've been friends for hundreds of years.
No, he never remembers stuff like that, even after I've told him several times.
Yes! He even remembers totally irrelevant stuff, like my grandmother's maiden name.


When you have plans with your crush, does he ever cancel them at the last minute?
We've never made plans together.
Every once in a while, but he usually has a good excuse
Yes, and it drives me crazy! Why is he ditching me?
No. He knows that kind of behavior is very hurtful.
Are you always the first one to contact him?
In the sense that I'm the first one to say hi, yes
No, we alternate between contacting each other.
No, but I contact him a lot more than he contacts me.
No. Actually he contacts me the most often.
Have you met his friends?
Not yet
We have the same friends.
No, he keeps me separate from them.
I've met at least one of his pals.


When you're sick or in a bad mood, how does he act?
He doesn't seem to notice.
He sends me silly "feel better" texts.
He avoids me.
He brings homemade chicken soup to my house.
Does he go out of his way to do special favors for you, like changing your oil?
No. I don't think he's that kind of guy.
Yes, if I ask him to
No, not even when I've been desperate for help
Yes! It's like he knows what I need before I do.
Are you interested in the things he's interested in? Be honest!
I ... don't know what he's interested in.
Yeah, we share a couple of common interests, such as soccer and Quentin Tarantino movies.
We don't really talk about his hobbies or interests.
We have so much in common, it's crazy!


Does he talk about his other love interests with you?
Yes, if he happens to be seeing someone
He often comes to me for romantic advice.
He doesn't tell me who else he's seeing. (I have to Insta-stalk him to find out!)
No, never. He doesn't look at other people when I'm around.
Is your crush always finding silly, random excuses to touch you?
I don't think so. I wish he would!
No, although we often hug or high-five each other.
His touch is not random, if you know what I mean ...
Lol yes! Like that time he said it was "Free Back Rub Day."
Do his eyes bug out when you wear revealing clothes?
No, he acts like there's nothing different about me.
He might joke about being overwhelmed with lust, but rarely looks like he is.
Yes. I can be sure he'll text me that night.
Yes, but he always tries to maintain eye contact and not check me out.


In dangerous situations, does he behave protectively toward you?
Does walking on the part of the sidewalk that's closest to traffic count?
Yes, but it's not like a scene from a romance novel or something; it's just common courtesy.
No. I wish he did.
Yes. He's my knight in shining armor.
Has he ever mocked you in a way that was cruel, not cute?
No. We're not well-acquainted enough for that.
Once, but I shut it down and he never did it again.
Yes. It wasn't teasing; it was genuinely mean comments about my appearance.
No. He would never treat me that way!
Do you think your crush respects you?
I'm not sure.
Yes, definitely
Sadly ... no
Not only does he respect me, he also admires me.


Have you and your crush ever hung out one-on-one?
No. Well, we got stuck in an elevator once.
Yes, but only because we needed to drive somewhere together.
Yes, but only after 2 a.m.
We hang out all the time!
Do your friends think he likes you?
They think it's possible!
Well, they won't give me a straight answer on that ...
They think he likes my body but not my mind.
Yes. They think I should make a move!
How do you feel when you're around him?
Excited and confused, like I'm hanging out with a celebrity
Calm and content, like I'm hanging out with my best friend
Anxious. One minute I'm euphoric; the next, I'm in terrible pain.
Happy and warm, as if I'm on vacation
