The Ultimate Dog Training Quiz

Estimated Completion Time
3 min
The Ultimate Dog Training Quiz
Image: Fort Worth Star-Telegram/Tribune News Service/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Training a dog might not be as easy as one-two-three, but it's rewarding for both handler and dog. With consistent efforts it can bring out the best in the duo, generating desirable behaviors in the dog and satisfaction on the part of both. Take this quiz to learn more about how dog training works.
How much money do Americans spend on their pet dogs per year?
more than $40,000
more than $40 million
more than $40 billion
What are the main differences between the various dog training methods?
how quickly they work and how much the dog and handler enjoy them
how difficult they are and how much the dog absorbs the concepts being taught
how expensive they are to implement
In Pavlov's original study, he added the component of _____ to the paired salivating-feeding operations.
food preparation
bell ringing
flashing lights


Pavlov termed the salivating phenomenon as _____ whereas the bell ringing was _____
an unconditioned stimulus, a conditioned stimulus
a conditioned response, an unconditioned stimulus
an unconditioned response, an unconditioned stimulus
Regarding classical conditioning, which applies to both animals and humans, is the learning active or passive?
it differs between animals and humans
What does the reward and punishment system, introduced by Skinner, rely on?
the age group of the learner
the actions of the learner
the wishes of the trainer


What did Skinner call his approach to learned, conditioned behavior?
behavior conditioning
operant conditioning
operant behavior
Which of these is an example of a negative reward?
a tug on the collar to pull the animal in a certain direction
giving a sugar cube for waving the foot
a horse galloping faster to stop the pressure of spurs
If you don't like to use the negative reward of an electronic collar for ethical reasons, how else can you train your dog?
You can use positive rewards, such as praise and patting.
You can use a stick.
You can use electronic prongs.


What's the best reinforcement for all dogs?
it differs for every dog
snacks and treats
dog toys
What animals did the Brelands conduct a training experiment on in the 1950s?
wild cats
marine animals
circus animals
If the marker isn't the reward, what is it?
a consolation prize
a signal of correct behavior and the promise of a reward
an encouraging sign of affection


What is a common marker that people use, especially after it was introduced by animal behaviorist Karen Pryor?
a sharp, swift bell ring
a high-pitched whistle
a metal clicker
When using a voice marker, what should you consider?
The word should be short and specific.
The tone must be consistent.
Both of the above are correct.
How does the trainer help the dog understand that clicking means a treat will follow?
by repeatedly clicking at the beginning and immediately offering a treat
by telling the dog in soothing tones
by giving a treat, then clicking, giving a treat, then clicking again


In the process of dog training, what is meant be shaping?
The dog's behavior is shaped to conform to what is expected of it.
The dog is lured into a shaped structure to elicit desired behavior.
As the dog learns a new step, the standard for what earns a reward gets higher.
If you command your dog to sit while you're standing, then do so again while you're sitting down, why is it difficult for the dog to understand the command?
because animals are contextual learners
because the dog doesn't know whether to do what you're doing or the opposite
because the dog misreads the signals
What is the hardest part of using the clicker system?
remembering to click when you want to offer a reward
having good timing and consistency
holding the clicker while training the dog


What is the usual explanation for a dog's failure to learn something?
the dog's lack of intelligence
the dog's unwillingness to cooperate
a breakdown in communication
What is a downside of punishers?
They don't elicit the desired behavior effectively.
They're often associated with the handler rather than the misbehavior.
They're cruel.