Which East Coast City Are You?

By: Brian Whitney
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Which East Coast City Are You?
Image: Dong Wenjie/Moment/Getty Images

About This Quiz

There isn't any city like a coastal city. There is something about living on the ocean that can't be explained. Of course, there is the physical beauty or the ocean,  but there is much more to it than that. Something about the ocean and living on the coast draws all sorts of interesting people to it. Cities on the coast have the best nightlife, the best arts scenes, the best shopping, the best restaurants, and the best bars. And if you're going to argue that point, that just tells us that you've never been to the coast, or at least that you've never lived there. And while the West Coast has its fans, for our money, the coolest cities happen to be on the East Coast.

Speaking of cool, we know you've got a pretty cool vibe, so which East Coast city are you? Are you the hip, yet still rugged, Portland, Maine? Are you the tough, yet still cool, Boston?  Are you one of the genteel cities of the southern coast, the party all night and beach it all day city of Miami? Or are you possibly even cool and fascinating enough to be the grandest East Coast city of them all, New York City? Take this quiz and find out. We might not be able to tell you where you should live, but we'll tell you where your vibe would fit in the best.

At what pace do you like to live?
Pretty slow
Really fast
Really slow
Pretty fast
Do you like spending time at the beach?
Sure, but I don't do it all year.
Nah, I hate the beach.
I don't mind it.
I love it, all year long.
How important is culture to you?
I could care less.
Really important
It is kind of important.
Pretty important


What would you have to eat?
A lobster roll
Fried Chicken
Can you handle a foot of snow?
Sure, that is easy.
Yes, but it is a pain.
No, that sounds pretty bad.
No, that sounds like the worst thing imaginable.
Do you like an active singles' scene?
No, that isn't that important.
I sure do
Yes, I live for that.


How rude are you?
Not very, unless I am pushed
Totally rude and I love it
Not at all rude
Probably about average
What sounds good to drink?
Craft beer
A Manhattan
A Mint Julep
A margarita
What is your favorite type of music?
Classic rock


What might you wear most?
LL Bean boots
A leather jacket
A cowboy hat
A thong
Do you like to hike?
I love it
No, I never hike
I don't hike much.
What would you be most likely to say?
Wicked cool
You're just fronting.
Bless your heart.
Hey, bro


What TV show would you watch?
"Ice Road Truckers"
"Project Runway"
"Southern Charmed"
"Jersey Shore"
Are you environmentally conscious?
Very much so
I never think about that stuff.
Kind of
Sure, I guess
Have you ever seen a moose?
Sure, it's no big deal.
No, but I would love to see one.
Maybe, what do they look like?
No, I would freak out.


What is your favorite baseball team?
The Red Sox
The Yankees
The Braves
The Marlins
Do you know many people where you live?
Yeah, I know just about everyone.
Sure, but I don't really know them, if you know what I mean.
Just family and close friends
Not that many
What time do you get home from a night of partying?
4 a.m.
2 a.m.
6 a.m.


How tan are you?
Just a little
I am not tan at all.
I am pretty tan.
I am extremely tan.
Do you like Whoopie Pies?
Oh man, so good!
Ehh, they are OK.
I have never had one.
Are you making that up?
Do you get freaked out by street people?
Not if there aren't a lot of them
I could care less.
Well, it does make me kind of sad.
I totally do


Does Times Square sound fun to you?
Not really
I would rather die than go there.
Kind of
Have you ever yelled at a cab driver?
No, I take Uber
Yes, tons of times
No, that would be rude.
No, but I wanted to
Would you push an old lady out of the way to get on a crowded subway?
I highly doubt it.
No, that is awful.
If I was in a hurry, maybe


Are you a fan of Pitbull?
He is OK.
I love him.
Who is your favorite basketball player ever?
Kyrie Irving
Patrick Ewing
Dominque Wilkins
Dwyane Wade
Do you like crabs?
They are OK.
Wait, what kind of crabs?
Love them
Not really


How often are you in a rush?
Pretty rarely
Every day
Do you get freaked out by hurricanes?
No, a strong one has never been close to me.
Not particularly
I sure do
I am terrified of them.
Does your house have a porch?
A small one
I don't know anyone who has a porch.
Of course, it does.
