Eat or Not to Eat Quiz

Estimated Completion Time
2 min
Eat or Not to Eat Quiz
Image: BananaStock/Thinkstock

About This Quiz

Diet can be a funny thing. To play it safe, it's always a good idea to think of food as fuel, but it can be a reward and a comfort, too. It can also be great for what ails you. Do you know what foods will tame that ringing in your ears or help you remember where you left the car keys? Let's see how much you know about the healing and restorative properties of some popular foods. It may change the way you and eat!
Gout is painful inflammation of the small joints caused by a buildup of uric acid. What foods should you avoid if you've been diagnosed with gout?
meat, fish and beer
high-acid fruits
salt and refined sugars
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Often called the "rich man's disease," there appears to be a link between eating lots of red meat and drinking liquor and beer that lead to an increased risk for gout. Although genetic factors may contribute to the condition, reducing the amount of meat, fish, dairy and alcohol in your diet could help reduce the number and severity of future gout attacks. It's possible that dietary changes could prevent gout altogether.

If you're having more senior moments these days, which foods could improve your memory?
oranges, bananas and apricots
beets, blueberries and grapes
onions and peppers
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Anthocyanin, the phytochemical that gives some fruits and vegetables their rich purple or red coloration, is good brain food. It's abundant in beets, blueberries and grapes. Other good sources are apples, eggplant and cherries.

As people age, they become more prone to eye problems like macular degeneration and cataracts. Which foods help provide good eye nutrition?
horseradish, liver and tripe
eggs, avocados and spinach
potatoes and brown rice
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Eggs, avocados and spinach contain high concentrations of vitamin A and lutein, both of which play an important role in eye health. Other foods high in lutein and/or vitamin A are kale, carrots and broccoli. Nutrients that promote eye health are lycopene (abundant in tomatoes), vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B6 and the omega-3 fatty acids found in some fish.


Sticking to a diet rich in heart-healthy foods may keep you active and fit longer and protect you from heart attack and stroke. See if you can spot one of the best cholesterol-lowering foods from our list.
whole kernel corn
dark chocolate
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

This one was easy. Eating oatmeal regularly may help reduce your cholesterol level. Oatmeal is a good source of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium and potassium. It may also help prevent some cancers. Start your day with oatmeal, and try to fit in some of these other heart healthy options: almonds, spinach, blueberries, salmon, carrots and tomatoes.

As many as 50 to 70 million people in the U.S. get less sleep than they should. What foods can help you get a better night's rest?
raisins, pistachios and bread
bananas, cherries and almonds
baked chips, cinnamon and tuna
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

You probably already know that caffeine is the enemy of sleep, but you may not realize that eating a banana, a handful of almonds or a few cherries a couple of hours before bedtime will help you get those zzzs you've been craving.

Lifestyle choices like eating a healthy diet, maintaining your optimum weight, exercising and quitting smoking can have a big impact on your blood pressure. If you want to get a jump start on reducing your blood pressure, what common ingredient should you moderate in your diet?
water intake
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Wrong Answer

The answer is sodium. Guidelines established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services place a daily maximum consumption for sodium at 2,300 milligrams a day. If you're older, have hypertension or are African-American, then you should consume no more than 1,500 milligrams of sodium per day.


If you hear a ringing in your ears, even when the phone is on vibrate, you may be among the 50 million Americans who suffer from tinnitus, a malfunction in the way the inner ear sends signals to the brain. Which of the following can make the symptoms of tinnitus worse?
fat and sodium
chocolate, alcohol and caffeine
dairy products
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Culprits that can increase tinnitus symptoms are chocolate, alcohol and caffeine. For natural relief, try foods high in zinc like sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and spinach.

You probably know about the advantages of dairy in building strong bones, but good bone food doesn't necessarily have to come courtesy of a cow. What other foods help build strong bones?
oysters, pumpkin seeds and beans
oranges, kiwi and pomegranates
figs, lentils and squash
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Oysters, pumpkin seeds and beans contain some of the important nutrients bones need. Oysters are an excellent source of the zinc necessary for a healthy immune system, and pumpkins and beans both contain bone-building magnesium.

If you want strong nails that will stand up to everyday wear and tear, your diet can help. Name the best nail-strengthening foods below.
cornstarch, tea and carob
turnips, lettuce and raisins
dark, leafy greens, carrots and almonds
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

You can help keep your nails in good condition by eating nutrient-rich foods like dark, leafy greens, carrots and almonds. Nails need sulfur, silicon, vitamin A, vitamin B complex, zinc and other nutrients to stay healthy. They also need lots of water for good hydration.


The best way to perk up your smile is with healthy teeth and gums. Which foods will help keep your gums and teeth ready for your next close-up?
rhubarb, asparagus and ginger
tofu, liver and persimmons
celery, green tea and wasabi (Japanese horseradish)
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

That would be celery, green tea and wasabi. Celery gives your mouth a double whammy. All that chewing helps produce bacteria-busting saliva and also massages your gums. Green tea contains catechins that kill plaque-producing bacteria, and the isothiocyanates that make wasabi taste so darned hot kill plenty of bacteria, too.

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