Everyone Has a 1920s Job That Matches Their Personality — Here's Yours!

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Everyone Has a 1920s Job That Matches Their Personality — Here's Yours!
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

The 1920s were initially a time of great optimism: the world had beaten itself half to death during what they then called The Great War, and at first, people were still quite shell-shocked. However, by the time 1920 itself rolled around, people were all sure that such a thing could never happen again. This led to a complacency that opened a great many doors to trouble, as well as an optimism and a sense of possibility that led to a led to some of the most significant innovations in human history. As monarchy's last hurrah was broken through much of the world, and major empires collapsed, both angels and demons were unleashed: environmentalism, feminism, civil rights and gay rights, socialism, communism, anarchism, and of course, the ideology that would shape the 1930s and '40s all too much; fascism. Meanwhile, the stock market was surging, rules were being broken, and a staggeringly corrupt president was in charge with a cabinet populated by wealthy businessmen.

Come 1929 and the Wall Street Crash and the Dust Bowl; everyone realized too late that apparently, the party was always going to have to end. However, it was fun while it lasted. What would you have done while you were there?

Is English your first language?
Ha! Barely. I don't speak it too well though.
Yes, but mummy and daddy made sure I spoke French by age five.
Yes, but I grew up in a bilingual household.
Can you talk for long periods of time without a break?
I barely talk.
Sure! All day!
Only for a few minutes at a time.
I could do that for an hour or two, maybe.
How elite is your education?
I have none.
It's basic, but respectable.
My education is very elite.
I have a college education.


How ideological are you?
I'm only a little ideological.
I don't bother.
Only insofar as it benefits me personally.
I'm totally ideological.
How sturdy are your hands?
My callouses are an inch thick!
My hands are strong but soft.
Oh dear, not at all.
They're fine, and I have a high pain threshold.
How dexterous are you?
I'm fairly dexterous.
I'm very dexterous.
I'm not very dexterous.
I'm not dexterous at all.


How good is your memory?
It's okay for certain things.
My memory is only good for procedural things.
My memory is excellent.
Fine, if I can take lots of time to rehearse.
How persuasive are you?
I only succeed with my immediate family.
I can usually get my way over the phone.
When I'm in an expensive suit, I can persuade anyone with fear.
I could sell an oven to the devil.
Do you mind working long hours for little pay?
That's life, eh?
Yes, I'll need a coffee break, a lunch break, a smoking break...
Little pay? What do you take me for?
You see, that's the problem. This shouldn't even be an option!


How soothing is your voice?
My voice isn't soothing at all.
It won't put you to sleep, but it's comforting.
My voice is very soothing.
My voice doesn't relax people, it riles them up!
Are you willing to be evil?
No, I couldn't look my kids in the eye.
That sounds like I'll get in trouble if I get caught.
Nope, not at all.
No, that's contrary to everything I am.
Are you a man or woman of the people?
I'm one of the little people.
No, I defy too many expectations.
God no. I'm no prol!
Yes, yes I am.


Do you keep mostly to people from your home culture?
I don't interact with anyone else.
No, I had to get out of there.
For the most part those are the people I play golf with, but then you see all kinds at work.
No. We're all one race, you know?
Do you like to work in a busy atmosphere?
I don't mind noise.
I live for that.
No. I need my own space to work.
If I'm the one driving it to be busy.
Do you mind having to wear a suit to work?
I'd rather not.
I would rather wear a skirt.
I would love that!
No, I would rather wear blue jeans.


Do you have anything against being arrested on the job?
I'd be ashamed forever.
I'd have a heart attack!
Oh dear. Did I get caught?
I'd be proud to be arrested for my beliefs.
How close are you to your family?
No one is closer.
I've had a few disagreements with them.
I do what is expected of me by them.
I'm tight with my cousins.
Would your family object to you having a nontraditional career?
Not if it brings in more money.
They might at first, but if it affords me independence, then they'll come around.
They would disown me!
I neither know nor care.


How likely are you to do what is expected of you by your parents?
I'm very likely to do that.
I'm not very likely to do that.
I will do exactly what they want, because I lack the creativity to do otherwise.
That depends on if we share the same values, deep down.
Are you willing to defy society?
Gosh no.
Only in small ways that make a tangible difference in my life.
Not unless it pays the mortgage.
I would relish the opportunity.
How much hustle do you have?
I have more hustle than my neighbors.
I have enough hustle to defy a few basic expectations.
I always say, "Work smarter, not harder."
I have hustle to spare.


Are you willing to learn new things?
You can't teach an old dog new tricks, but you can use old tricks in a new way.
Oh dear. No. I'd rather stick to the old ways, thanks.
If needs be.
How corruptible are you?
There's not much to corrupt.
I'm not very easy to corrupt.
Ethics? Is that the city east of Sussex?
I'll do what needs to be done for the right ends.
Are you willing to loose a battle to win a war?
I can't afford to lose any battles.
No. No, no, no. I will lose no battles.
I'm willing to do that, if that's what it takes.


How spartan a lifestyle are you willing to live?
I'm willing to live in Sparta if needed.
I can survive on modest means.
Spartan? Do I look like a Greek to you? Pah! Where did I put my decanter?
I will sleep on the floor if I have to. I will do it while chained to a bulldozer if I must.
Do you mind if your work colleagues are more or less all of your social circle?
Since I work with my family, and go home to them, I don't mind.
Sure, if they're diverse.
I don't mind that too much, but I plan to leave that to my wife.
Yes, I mind. I need a wide circle of friends.
How hard drinking are you?
I only drink at the holidays.
I like a glass of wine after work.
I only drink at elevenses, lunch, tea, happy hour, dinner, and bedtime.
I don't drink at all.


How much do you smoke?
I don't smoke.
I'm something of a chain smoker.
I pack a week.
I smoke only when I have to keep my hands warm.
Do you mind working in unsafe conditions?
I don't mind that at all.
No, I need a nice safe office.
The only danger I want to be in is tanking the world's economy.
I will work in chainsaw factory during an earthquake if I think it is right and moral.
Are you personable?
No. I'm gruff and taciturn.
Yes, very.
Yes, to the right sort of person.
I am a master of the code switch.


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