How Could You Be a Better Version of Yourself?

By: Teresa McGlothlin
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
How Could You Be a Better Version of Yourself?
Image: F.J. Jimenez/Moment/Getty Images

About This Quiz

The fact that you want to know how to better yourself already says a lot! People who aren't interested in change never ask themselves what they can do to be a better person. Since you're here, you've shown that you believe in yourself and that you're ready to step up to the plate for a little self-improvement. You're most likely already doing a great job, but what could you do better? 

Honesty will be the key during this quiz! In order to figure out what you could do to elevate yourself, we need to know where you are, how you think and where you want to go. Some of the questions might seem quite easy for you, but others might require a little soul searching. Whatever you do, be truthful! You'll only better yourself by getting an answer tailored to you. 

Will you need to undertake a major life change, or is there something you can do with your mind? Every human has something they can do to better themselves, but there's one thing in particular that you need to do now. Take a long, hard look at the way you do things before you answer, and take our advice to heart. 

1 mad dash
Fuse/Corbis/Getty Images
Do you frequently find yourself in a mad dash to get everything done?
There are not enough hours in a day!
I usually rush around in the mornings.
It takes a lot to make me hurry.
I stop and smell the roses when I can.
2 changing rooms
Lisa Stirling/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Let's say your friend's backside does indeed look enormous in that outfit; do you tell them?
My friends aren't really concerned with that kind of thing.
If you don't want to know, don't ask me.
It's the honest thing to do.
"No, babe. It's on fleek!"
3 driving lessons
Thomas Barwick/Stone/Getty Images
Which one of these life events do you think has shaped you the most?
Learning to drive
Meeting my best friend
Finding my inner voice
Trying sushi for the first time


4 excercise
South_agency/E+/Getty Images
Are you getting enough exercise and drinking enough water?
Who does that?
I'm getting enough exercise, but I probably don't get enough water.
I try, but I stand more of both.
Yes! I'm very strict about my health.
5 sense of humor
Klaus Vedfelt/DigitalVision/Getty Images
How would your friends describe your brand of humor?
What sense of humor?
6 spa
Matthew Wakem/Stone/Getty Images
When's the last time you indulged in a spa treatment?
It's not the same, but I got a haircut a while ago.
My toenails look like talons, and I need a massage!
I've never been to a spa.
It's been within the last year, but I could go for another round.


7 mirror
inhauscreative/E+/Getty Images
Would you say that you're your own worst critic?
That's a fact.
I'm only hard on myself about the big stuff.
I'm my own best cheerleader!
I know a couple of other people who might qualify for that position.
8 proud of self
Luis Alvarez/DigitalVision/Getty Images
If you could give one of your traits a perfect 10, which one would it be?
Sense of humor
9 driving
stock-eye/E+/Getty Images
How do you motivate yourself to do things you might be dreading?
Cookies do the trick sometimes.
Sometimes, I put them in the back of my mind until they disappear.
I just do them; there's no point in waiting.
I buy myself a small something I've been wanting.


10 laundry
John Slater/CorbisDocumentary/Getty Images
Which of these things do you wish took up less of your time?
Sitting at a desk
11 worry
10'000 Hours/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Do you worry a lot, or do you take it all in stride?
I could win medals in worrying.
I try to take it all in stride as much as I can.
I worry, but I don't think it's abnormal.
It depends on the source of stress.
12 reflection
Manchan/DigitalVision/Getty Images
What do you think when you look at yourself in the mirror?
"Look at that hottie!"
"Get it together, champ!"
"You're doing fine, kiddo."
"OMG. Is that a gray hair? This can't be happening."


13 changes
Klaus Vedfelt/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Are you a fan of sudden moves, or do you like to ease into things slowly?
It depends on what I'm dipping my toe into.
It's best to rip off the band-aid.
I like to slip into changes slowly.
I do what my gut tells me to do.
14 others opinion
Kiyoshi Hijiki/Moment/Getty Images
Whether it's true or not, which of these words sums up the way you think others see you?
15 fall in love
anandaBGD/E+/Getty Images
How long does it take you to invest your heart into relationships?
We could be here for a few years.
I tend to fall in love really fast.
All relationships are different.
It's been a long time since I've had to think about that.


16 hold your tongue
Mike Watson Images/moodboard / Getty Images Plus
Do you hold your tongue when something gets your goat?
If it's really offensive, I'll say something.
If I'm thinking about it, you'll know about it.
I always manage to bite my tongue; it saves me a lot of trouble.
It depends on what's bothering me.
17 competitive
Klaus Vedfelt/DigitalVision/Getty Images
What kind of thing would bring out your competitive side?
I must win all the board games.
I didn't realize that I had a competitive side.
I'll compete for something I really want.
The last donut has that effect on me.
18 tough times
Mixmike/E+/Getty Images
How do you get yourself through the tough times?
I pull myself up by my bootstraps.
I dig in and fight.
I go with the flow.
I call my mom.


19 grateful
Maria Teijeiro/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Do you ever stop and think about all the things you're grateful for?
I keep a gratitude journal.
I really should do that more often.
I think about that stuff around the holidays.
I try to live with gratitude.
20 insomnia
Matt Henry Gunther/The Image Bank/Getty Images
If you can't sleep at night, what's on your mind?
The noisy neighbors
I never have that problem.
Tomorrow's things to do
The size of the ocean's bottom-dwelling fish and what they must think of humanity. Also, do they know Spongebob?
21 try new things
Dougal Waters/DigitalVision/Getty Images
When you have to try new things, how do you approach them?
I dive right in!
I'm usually cautious, but I'm always up for something new.
I like to suss things out a little first.
I don't try a whole lot of new things.


22 positive
Flashpop/DigitalVision/Getty Images
What are you feeling most positive about right now?
I think my relationships are moving in a positive direction.
I'm close to achieving a goal.
I'm earning a lot of respect at work.
There's an event coming up that I'm excited about.
23 chatting
Thomas Barwick/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Are you always the chattiest person at a party?
I'm the exact opposite of that.
I love being the life of the party.
I'm friendly, but I'm not overly chatty.
I'm usually too busy eating the party food to chat!
24 buy on impulse
Virojt Changyencham/Moment/Getty Images
How likely are you to buy something on impulse?
If candy bars count, I do that all the time.
I'm more of a penny pincher.
I tend to get what I want when I want it.
I'm oddly good at avoiding impulse buys.


25 apologize
Javier Zayas Photography/Moment/Getty Images
Even when you know you're wrong, do you find it hard to apologize?
No way! If I'm wrong, I'll say so.
I don't like it, but I do it.
Ugh! I hate apologizing.
It depends on what I'm wrong about.
26 good manners
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Are your manners impeccable enough to live in the American south?
I could stand to brush up a little.
My manners are great!
I have manners when I'm in public.
I try to be as polite as I can.
27 visionary
Luis Alvarez/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Do you get lost in the details or see the big picture?
I always see both.
I'm a big picture kind of person.
You'll find me obsessing over the details.
I just focus on the here and now.


28 sensitivity
SDI Productions/E+/Getty Images
On a scale of sensitivity, where would you put yourself?
I'm not all that sensitive, but insults bother me.
I'm practically made of armor.
I take everything to heart.
I'm touchy when it comes to the people I love.
29 forgetful
fotosipsak/E+/Getty Images
Are you forgetful, or do you remember every last word?
I remember everything!
What was the question again?
I've been more forgetful lately.
I remember all the important stuff.
30 thoughtfulness
Eternity in an Instant/Stone/Getty Images
Would you say that thoughtfulness is one of your best skills?
I think that's a reasonable thing to say.
I could use a little practice.
My other skills are much sharper.
I'm the most thoughtful person I know.
