About This Quiz
The science of plants is amazing in its complexity - and its simplicity as well! In this quiz, we'll discover some obvious and not so obvious facts about the plants that surround us on this beautiful planet! When you're done, you'll be inspired to start a garden, plants a tree or just stare at nature in a daze.All of these plants are in the rose family! The list also includes cherries and peaches. Yum!
The first botanical garden was created in Padua, Italy, in 1545. It was surrounded by a ring of water.
The study of cultivated plants is known as horticulture. Heard the word before? We're exploring horticulture right now!
The coastal redwood is the world's tallest tree! It grows on the Pacific Coast in California. It's also known as Sequoia sempervirens.
Cranberries have air pockets inside, and that's why they float! Have you ever waded in a cranberry bog? Try it.
Iris means rainbow in Greek. Iris was the goddess of sea and sky - and rainbows. Iris flowers are named after a rainbow because they come in a rainbow of colors!
Aspirin and other pain reducers came from the bark of the willow tree. I always knew trees could heal our pain.
A whopping 85% of Earth's plant life can be found in oceans! That means that there's so much more to explore than what we find on land.
Bamboo is the fastest-growing woody plant on the planet. It can actually grow 35 inches in one day. That's a growth spurt!
Caffeine is actually the natural pesticide of the coffee plant. It's meant to ward creatures off, but it just pulls us in like a drug!
Rhubarb is a vegetable because it doesn't contain seeds! Avocados and pumpkin are technically fruits because they do contain seeds.
A notch in the tree stays the same height, even as the tree grows! Pretty amazing that a tree can do that!
The study of algae is phycology - not to be confused with psychology! I suppose you could combine the two and study the algae's thoughts.
Tomatoes became popular in the U.S., thanks to A. W. Livingston of Reynoldsburg, Ohio. That's why tomato juice is the state beverage of Ohio!
Vanilla flavoring actually comes from an orchid. Fertilized flowers produce pods, which must then be dried.
Peanuts are actually legumes. They're similar to lentils and beans. They're packed with protein and natural fat!
One fifth of our oxygen comes from the Amazon rainforest! That means it's a big problem that they're tearing it down. . .
Cabbage is 91% water! Brings a whole new meaning to Cabbage Soup Diet.
A strawberry actually has its seeds on the outside! It's the only fruit of this kind, and each one has about 200 seeds.
The dwarf willow is the world's smallest tree. It's only about 2 inches tall, and it can be found in Greenland. Worth the trip!
They actually taste the same! What to try it? Pinch your nose and do a taste test.
Onions emit a gas that causes our eyes to tear up. This gas is a serious irritant, but onions still taste good!
A cluster of bananas is called a hand. A single banana is a finger! That's true in the banana industry, anyway.
There's actually a natural chemical in bananas that makes you happy! Give it a try. Eat a banana right now. . .
Trees actually cool down the air! This happens when they evaporate water in their leaves. Global warming, anyone?
Forestry is the study of the management of forests. We don't mean like office management, we mean understanding how forests thrive and how to preserve them!
Mesopotamians, who lived in modern day Iraq, grew grapes for wine some 8,000 years ago! Of course, Egyptians did it too, 5,000 years ago.
Poinsettias were brought from Mexico in 1825. The minister to Mexico, Joel Poinsett, was the one that brought them here. Thanks, Joel!
Gingko is one of the oldest living tree species. Scientists think it's 250 million years old. Holy Toledo.
Onions acts as a sedative. Did you know that? When you eat lots of onions, you get sleepy. Be careful of onion soup. . .
All of these are technically fruits, because they have seeds! Talk about a whole new kind of fruit salad.
Onions are the most widely used vegetable in the world! That makes sense, because they're mighty good for you and they're aromatic.
Tomatoes and potatoes are grown in the largest quantities in the world. Thank goodness they're so delicious too!
You can tell how old a tree is by counting its rings, which represent years of wood growth. Botanists can get amazing information by studying these rings, as well.