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Every person has a proverbial fuse that, when lit, gives us a set amount of time until we blow up. Some have a short fuse, while others take ages until they are overcome with rage. How much self-control do you really have?
You hear nails on a chalkboard. What do you do?
I remind myself it will be over soon.
I politely ask for it to stop.
I yell for it to stop.
I stand up, walk over to the person with the nail, and fart in their direction.
You came into the station just as the train is leaving. What do you say?
Oh, well.
Darn it!
Damn it!
I hate you, God! I hate you, and I hate the train and I hate everything!
How often do you do laundry?
Once a week
When I'm running low on undies.
When my basket smells.
When I have no clothing left.
How often are you late?
Ten minutes early is on time.
I'm on time!
I'm five minutes late, sometimes.
Do you always take your daily medicine?
Doctor's orders!
I usually do, unless my symptoms are going away.
I do if it's a fun drug.
When did you last eat your five fruits and veggies in a day?
Last week
Last year
What? I have to eat five?
Assuming you haven't permanently fallen out, do you call your mom?
I do, regularly.
I do, sometimes.
I do, every once in a while.
I don't.
Do you know how to switch off?
Like a light
If I can have a nice cold beer.
If I can get out of the city.
Have you ever smacked someone, just a little bit?
Not outside self defense
A few times
All too often
You're invited to a party the night before the big exam. The hottest guy in the world is going to be there and he's single right now. Do you go?
No. I have work to do.
I might go if I can get all my work done early.
I might go if I make a dent in my work.
I am going!
There's a button coming off your shirt. How soon after noticing do you sew it back on firmly?
I fix it at the earliest opportunity.
I sew it on when I get home.
I send it to the cleaner to get fixed.
I get a new shirt.
Do you know how to sing like no one's listening?
Only when no one is listening.
Only in my car
Only in the shower
I sing like no one is listening when people are definitely listening.
Have you ever written a really angry letter and then not sent it?
I do that all the time.
I do it sometimes.
I usually send the letters.
What's the point if you don't send it?
Are you in as good shape as you would like to be, broadly speaking?
I am exactly as I want to be, within my physical capabilities.
I'm close enough.
I'm not happy with myself.
I'm a mess.
Have you ever gone to work when you were grieving something really bad, and not told a soul there?
I have, several times.
I did once. I cried a lot after.
I've never been in that situation.
Nope, I tell everyone everything about me.
Do people see you as a shoulder they can cry on?
Some do
No one does
I'm the reason they cry.
You see someone being bullied. How do you handle it?
I step in and push back.
I tell the bully his or her parents will never love them.
I say nothing.
I take notes.
You committed to run a race for charity but halfway through you realize you're running on fumes. What do you do?
Walk the rest of the way.
Take a nice long rest.
Cheat and take a shortcut.
How many of your socks still match?
All of them!
All but one loner I have.
Most of them
I have a matching pair.
Have you ever gone unprepared into a job interview?
Once. I learned my lesson.
A few times
Whether or not you're your parents' favorite child, based on behavior: should you be?
I should be.
I do have one sibling who is perfect, but I should be number two.
Probably not
Definitely not