How Psychologically Mature Are You?

By: Jennifer Post
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
How Psychologically Mature Are You?
Image: Flashpop/DigitalVision/Getty Images

About This Quiz


Are you ready to test your psychological maturity? Take this fun quiz to see where you fall on the scale. From handling emotions to responding to situations, this quiz will give you insight into how you navigate the world around you. Learn more about yourself and your level of psychological maturity in just a few minutes!

Psychological maturity is not a one-size-fits-all concept. It can vary based on different factors, including how schooling impacts individuals and how emotions are handled. Whether you are someone who freely expresses feelings or someone who keeps them bottled up, this quiz will help you understand where you stand on the spectrum of psychological maturity. Discover more about yourself and how you interact with the world!

Everyone goes through periods of immaturity, but that doesn't mean you can't be psychologically mature in other areas of your life. This quiz will show you that psychological maturity is not a linear journey, but rather influenced by what is happening in your life. So, why wait? Dive into the how mature are you quiz and uncover how psychologically mature you truly are!

You Quiz How would you respond in a situation where you and your friend are up for the same promotion, and your friend gets it?
I'd feel sad.
I'd feel like punching a wall.
I'd feel angry.
I'd be disappointed in myself, but happy for my friend.
You Quiz What bothers you the most about other people?
People as a whole are not smart.
Everything about people fills me with rage.
How slow they walk
I think humans as a species are incredibly selfish.
Can you think back to a time when everything felt like it was going wrong?
Yeah, it sucked.
I can, and it was hard for me to put into words how I felt.
I remember feeling really down on myself.
Yes, and I remember trying to logically evaluate the situation.


Is there a certain thing that makes you get along with people?
They hate all the same things as me.
We bond over silly things.
We can talk about anything.
We genuinely support each other.
What is one thing you feel like you can teach others?
How to play chess
How to fight
How to mediate arguments
How to meditate
Why do you admire the people you do?
They make me feel good.
They make me happy.
The people I admire inspire me to be better.
They bring out a side of me I don't always show.


Is there one act in your life that you're really proud of?
Saving my sister from drowning in our pool
Finally learning how to be happy
Mastering the art of saying "no"
Moving on from an ex that I was stuck on for a long time
When you think about working with other people, what kind of people do you want to work with?
Fun people
Hard workers
Those who aren't afraid to take time off
People who challenge me, but in a good way
Do you feel like you need to control situations?
I have no control over anything.
I like to have control, yes.
Yes, but only because it makes me more comfortable.
Most situations are far out of my control.


Would you say you are a compassionate person?
I'm focusing on myself right now.
If I care about someone
I'm really working on it, but I slip into selfishness sometimes.
It's one of my best qualities.
Are you able to set boundaries in life?
It's something I struggle with.
I'm definitely getting better.
I don't always see the point of boundaries.
I can pick up on when people need space.
If you've done something wrong, can you take responsibility for it?
Not quite yet
I don't do anything wrong.
If I really feel like I'm in the wrong
I understand sometimes it's better to just apologize.


How well do you express your emotions?
I repress instead of express.
I have breakthroughs occasionally.
I can express them in my head, but it's hard to put into words.
I'd say I'm pretty good.
While you're working on expressing your feelings, do you at least let yourself feel your feelings?
Very rarely
If it's something serious
I do, but only when I'm alone.
Feeling things is human.
You Quiz How do you determine if a feeling or reaction is appropriate?
I base it on how others are acting.
I assume it's not appropriate.
I evaluate the situation in my head before expressing anything or feeling anything too much.
I'll figure that out later.


Thinking about your life, would you say it's balanced?
About as balanced as a see-saw
I would like it to be, but no.
It's way better than it was a few years ago.
I feel proud that I've achieved some level of balance in my life.
Do you have violent tendencies?
Only when provoked
Sometimes I feel like it's the only way I can deal with things.
Not at all
I used to, but I grew out of it.
You Quiz Love is patient, love is kind. But is it easy for you to find?
Love is boring.
Love makes me feel happy.
Love is a main purpose of life.
I think it's a little too easy.


Do you ever hurt people, emotionally, on purpose?
I've been known to do that.
It distracts me from my own life.
I really try not to.
That would be horrible of me.
Before you act, do you think of the consequences of your actions?
I'm more impulsive.
I think about how the act will make me feel, but not how it will impact others.
Depends on the act.
I make a conscious effort to, but it doesn't come naturally.
You Quiz Do you tend to look at things as black and white, all or nothing?
Yeah, you can't have your cake and eat it too.
I try not to, but it does tend to be my default.
There is so much gray area in life.
Not everything, but some things really are black and white.


You Quiz If someone is hurt by something you've done or said, how do you feel about that?
Not my problem.
I can't be responsible for other people's feelings.
Was it something I said? Or is it something going on in their own life that made them react that way?
I try to figure out where I went wrong.
Would you rather do what you feel or do what would make people happy?
I'll do whatever my gut tells me.
It seems easier to just make people happy.
Definitely what I feel
What I feel, but I also think about how other people will feel about it.
Are you an attention seeker?
I would prefer people not know I exist.
Not intentionally
I do like being the center of attention, but I don't seek it out.
Not anymore


You Quiz How do you respond to people offering you advice?
I tell them that I don't care.
I pretend to listen.
I listen, but I make the ultimate decision to follow the advice or not.
Depending on the person, the advice could be really valid.
Have you ever manipulated something to get what you want?
Oh yeah, all the time
Not in a malicious way
I'm not a sociopath.
Maybe unintentionally
You Quiz Do you perceive the human race as innately good or evil?
Humans were born from a rebellious act, so you tell me.
I want to think good, but I don't know.
I think everyone has a bit of good and a bit of evil in them.
I think we have to work to not be evil every single day.


Has anyone ever used the word "detached" to describe you?
Of course, and I'm pretty proud of it.
My childhood therapist did.
Not in a very long time
Actually, no
Motivation really should come from within, but would you say you are good at motivating others?
I can't even motivate myself.
I think I motivate others better than I motivate myself.
That's not my job.
If my friends need it, I'm there.
More Quizzes Do you think you need to adapt to society in order to be an effective human being?
Society is everything that's wrong with the world.
I probably need to, but I don't want to.
I think society should adapt to me.
In some ways, yes


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