About This Quiz
To the uninitiated, National Football League games are a strange combination of organized violence and strict rule-following. Even seasoned sports fans often can't make heads or tails of the league's densely packed rule book - that's in part because each year, the NFL changes the rules a bit, sometimes to improve player safety, or perhaps to sway the game in favor of the offense or defense. In this hard-hitting quiz, do you really think you know NFL rules?
Sometimes rules even seem to be made to protect a specific player. Just mention the "Brady rule" among a bunch of Steelers fans and watch the fur fly.
Every bit of professional football games is guided by a finely tuned set of rules. When players break those rules, their team is often "flagged†by the officials. Those dreaded yellow flags mean that a rule has been broken ... and the offending team is typically penalized by a loss of yardage. In some cases, those penalties might be rather mild, but in others, it can cost a team big chunks of field position. Do you think you know which infractions are the worst?
From kickoffs to touchdowns, field goals to free kicks, the NFL is chock full of regulations. Tackle this tough NFL rules quiz now!