How Well Do You Know Official NFL Rules?

By: John Miller
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
How Well Do You Know Official NFL Rules?
Image: ferrantraite/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

To the uninitiated, National Football League games are a strange combination of organized violence and strict rule-following. Even seasoned sports fans often can't make heads or tails of the league's densely packed rule book - that's in part because each year, the NFL changes the rules a bit, sometimes to improve player safety, or perhaps to sway the game in favor of the offense or defense. In this hard-hitting quiz, do you really think you know NFL rules?

Sometimes rules even seem to be made to protect a specific player. Just mention the "Brady rule" among a bunch of Steelers fans and watch the fur fly.

Every bit of professional football games is guided by a finely tuned set of rules. When players break those rules, their team is often "flagged” by the officials. Those dreaded yellow flags mean that a rule has been broken ... and the offending team is typically penalized by a loss of yardage. In some cases, those penalties might be rather mild, but in others, it can cost a team big chunks of field position. Do you think you know which infractions are the worst?

From kickoffs to touchdowns, field goals to free kicks, the NFL is chock full of regulations. Tackle this tough NFL rules quiz now!

It's a triumphant accomplishment in gridiron battles. How many points are teams awarded for a touchdown?
6 points
3 points
2 points
1 point
In the NFL, the offense has four downs to accomplish which task?
Construct a wedge
Gain 10 yards
Find their cleats
Shoot a basket
There are four quarters in an NFL game. How long is each quarter?
25 minutes
30 minutes
15 minutes
12 minutes


This part is critical to strategy. What are teams allowed to do between downs?
Shoot three pointers
Substitute players
Form a scrum
Attack with spiked clubs
If a defender interferes with a receiver during a pass, where do officials spot the ball?
At the spot of the foul
The offense gets 10 free yards.
Automatic 20-yard gain
On the far hash mark
After the end of the previous play, how long does the offense have start another play?
20 seconds
40 seconds
60 seconds
2 minutes


If the offense doesn't snap the ball before the play clock hits zero, what happens?
They lose the game.
Pass interference penalty
Targeting call
Delay of game penalty
In the NFL, you're not declared down until what happens?
Your elbows scrape the turf.
You surrender.
Your knees touch the ground.
An opponent touches you.
This event sends fans into hysteria. What happens if the defense tackles the ball carrier in his own end zone?
First down
Field goal


In order to be a legal kick, how far must the kickoff travel?
At least 5 yards
At least 10 yards
At least 20 yards
Out of bounds
What happens when there's just two minutes left in either half?
Play pauses.
The offense must punt.
The defense is awarded a safety.
Teams switch sides.
In the NFL, what happens if the game is tied at the end of the fourth quarter?
Game ends in a tie


What happens if the offense kicks a field goal on the first possession of overtime?
A scrum ensues.
Fans boo.
The other team gets a chance on offense.
The game ends.
What happens if a coach's challenge of the previous play fails?
His team loses a timeout.
The defense is limited to 10 players.
His teams loses a down.
He must exit the stadium.
In overtime, what happens if the offense scores a touchdown?
The game ends.
The other team gets a chance on offense.
The other team wins.


In 2010, why did league officials change the overtime rules so that games DID NOT immediately end when the first team with possession scored a field goal?
To make the games longer
Players like longer games.
Because the first team to get the ball almost always won overtime.
To increase TV commercial revenue
In the NFL, which condition must be met for a catch to be considered legal?
Must use both hands
Must touch at least two defenders during the play
Must land with both feet in bounds
Can't use teeth
If an NFL team elects to go for two after a touchdown, where is the ball placed?
2-yard line
4-yard line
5-yard line
10-yard line


In the NFL, what happens with the game clock after the offense gains a first down?
The clock keeps running.
The play clock is turned off.
The clock pauses momentarily.
The game clock is set back one minute.
A "place kick" is used for which purpose?
To attempt a field goal
To score a touchdown
To kick off
To punt
Linemen hang their heads in shame during this event. How many yards is the offense docked for a holding penalty?
5 yards
10 yards
15 yards
Spot of the foul


In the NFL, what happens if the offense commits a chop block penalty in their own end zone?
Touchdown for the defense
Immediate turnover
Automatic safety
Loss of timeouts
In the NFL, what happens after a missed field goal attempt?
Kicking team loses
Defense awarded two points
Ball is moved to spot of the kick
Offense must kickoff
Officials in the TV booth always review which NFL plays?
First downs
Scoring plays


It's a major change that started in 2012. What happens after every NFL turnover?
The offense is charged a timeout.
The offense gets a do-over.
The defense gets one automatic point.
Officials review instant replay.
If the defense blocks an extra-point attempt and returns it to the opposite end zone, what happens?
Defense awarded six points
Defense awarded two points
Defense awarded three points
Defense awarded five points
PATs are no longer gimmes. Where is the ball spotted for extra-point attempts?
5-yard line
10-yard line
15-yard line
30-yard line


In an NFL game, which official is the leader of the officiating crew?
Line judge
Back judge
What happens if both teams kick field goals during overtime?
A shootout
Sudden death begins.
Both teams win!
The game ends in a tie.
How does the play clock work during an extra-point attempt?
It doesn't run.
It's only 10 seconds.
It runs just as it would for a regular play.
It's 70 seconds.


In the NFL, how many challenges does a coach have per game?
What's a consequence for an intentional grounding penalty?
Loss of a timeout
Substitutions blocked
Loss of a down
Loss of 15 yards
NFL coaches have two challenges per game. What happens if they use both challenges successfully?
They forfeit all timeouts.
The game ends.
Officials will be waiting for them in the parking lot after the game.
They get a third challenge attempt.


It's a serious offense. How many yards is a team penalized for a personal foul?
5 yards
10 yards
15 yards
20 yards
If the kicking team misses a field goal attempt on the 10-yard line, where does the other team take possession of the ball?
The 50-yard line
At the spot of the kick.
At the 5-yard line
Their own 20-yard line