How Witty Are You Really?

By: Elisabeth Henderson
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
How Witty Are You Really?
Image: Unsplash by Matheus Ferrero

About This Quiz


Are you ready to put your wit to the test? Dive into this fun am i witty quiz to discover just how clever and humorous your wordplay truly is! From quick comebacks to unexpected jokes, this quiz will challenge your mastery of language and wit. So, are you ready to show off your skills and impress your friends with your sharp humor?

Developing a quick wit takes practice and observation. By studying the language masters in literature, politics, and comedy, you can learn the art of delivering a powerful punch in a concise package. With a keen understanding of social situations, impeccable timing, and the confidence to say the unexpected, you'll be well on your way to becoming a true wordsmith. So, take this quiz and see if you have what it takes to crack up intelligent party-goers and go viral with your brilliant memes!

If you're ready to unleash your inner comedian and show off your witty side, then don't miss out on this quiz! Test your wordplay skills, challenge yourself to think on your feet, and discover just how clever you really are. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and enjoy some pun with this interactive and entertaining quiz!

Unsplash by Kon Karampelas
What is the wittiest place on the internet?
Bored Panda
Dinner Party
Unsplash by Scott Warman
If you find yourself at a dinner party in vibrant conversation, how do you play it?
Listen closely and interject a comment at just the right time
Stay silent most of the time and then say something that catches everyone off guard
Make jokes based off something someone else said
Keep trying to think of something to say, but think of it too late
Barack Obama
Unsplash by History in HD
Who was the funniest president?
Barack Obama
Abraham Lincoln
Bill Clinton
G.H.W. Bush


controlling laugh
Unsplash by Brooke Cagle
What kind of humor will make you laugh the hardest?
Literary jokes
Political banter
Low and dirty
Laughing couple
Unsplash by Priscilla Du Preez
What, in your opinion, is the most crucial element of a good joke?
The way you say it
Ellen DeGeneres
Which of the following quick wits would you most want to be like?
Oscar Wilde
Abraham Lincoln
Ellen Degeneres
Jeff Foxworthy


Friends laughing
Oliver Rossi / Stone / Getty Images
When do you usually come up with the perfect comeback?
Exactly when I need it
About ten minutes before I need it
On the spot
Two hours too late
Donald Trump
Unsplash by History in HD
End result how would you finish the following sentence, "Politicians and diapers must be changed often and ____”?
For the same reason
With care
They stink
Hmm, forgot the last part
Dinner Party
Unsplash by Kevin Curtis
How do you feel when a table full of people look at you in anticipation of what you're going to say?
A sense of tingling excitement
A quiet joy
An adrenaline rush
So anxious I feel sick


Mom and son
Unsplash by Sai De Silva
How do you typically talk when you interact with children?
I speak to them as I do to adults.
I speak slowly and carefully.
I try not to cuss as much.
I usually talk more like a child.
Unsplash by Alexis Brown
Which of the following literary devices would you be comfortable using in a conversation?
What's a literary device?
Friends laughing
Unsplash by Ben White
Which of the following has the power to make a joke a whole lot funnier?
If you say it with exquisite style
If you can deliver it with perfect timing
If you can connect it back to a joke much earlier in the evening
If you tell it multiple times


Family dinner party
The Good Brigade / DigitalVision / Getty Images
When you tell a joke in a small group of people, what kind of reaction do you typically get?
Silence, followed by laughter
Surprised laughter
A few awkward laughs
Mom and daughter cracking up
MoMo Productions / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What makes for a good punch line?
Something completely unexpected that turns a joke on its head
Carefully crafted language
Just the right amount of raunch
Obvious enough that everyone gets it
Trevor Noah
Comedy Central
Which comedian is killing it these days?
Hasan Minaj
Trevor Noah
Hannah Gadsby
Larry the Cable Guy


Woman in hell
Manuel Breva Colmeiro / Moment / Getty Images
How would you complete this famous witty statement: "Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the ____”?
Hell of it
Fun of it
Busy Restaurant
JohnnyGreig / E+ / Getty Images
If you walk past a table at a restaurant and overhear something that you have a perfect response to, what would you do?
Stop and deliver my quip
Whisper it to my friend
Say it loudly as I pass
That would never happen to me.
Tell joke friends
Drazen_ / E+ / Getty Images
If you are in conversation with people you don't know and you think of something hilarious but inappropriate, what do you do?
Say it in a way that it's only ambiguously inappropriate
Hold it in
Say it bluntly and enjoy how people react
I don't typically think of hilarious things to say


Friends conversing
miodrag ignjatovic / E+ / Getty Images
Would you rather be an active participant in a conversation or a bystander?
Leading the conversation
Active when I need to be, but mostly listening
I like to be the star of the show
Definitely bystander
Excited woman
Image_Source_ / Cultura / Getty Images
How well do you know what you're going to say before you say it?
I know at least half of the sentence and the rest just comes to me.
Every word and also the tone
I realize it as its coming out.
I think I know what to say then it doesn't come out quite right.
Female friends laughing
SolStock / Moment / Getty Images
How likely are you to throw out a dirty pun on something innocent a friend said?
Very unlikely
If I think of it, I'm 25% likely to say it.


Smiling woman at party
Thomas Barwick / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Which of the following best describes your conversational style?
Quick and concise banter
Thoughtful and pointed statements
Wacky and off-the-cuff declarations
A bit slow on the uptake
Party joke
Thomas Barwick / DigitalVision / Getty Images
When you tell a joke, what is the most pressing thing on your mind?
Whether it linked up with the context exactly how I wanted
Whether I delivered the language how I meant it
Whether it got a rise out of people
Whether I seemed funny
Woman laugh at phone
Oliver Rossi / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Which of the following are you most likely to read?
Literary classics
Political essays
Humorous narratives
Internet memes


Audience laugh
Flashpop / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What is a question you consider when you hear a joke that really makes you laugh?
Which word was most crucial in that joke?
How would the meaning change if I changed one word?
Why didn't they tell that joke in a more raunchy way so that it would be even funnier?
What does it mean, though?
Robert Deutschman / Stone / Getty Images
What is a reason you would reference a joke someone made earlier in the evening in your own humorous statement?
The humor builds on itself
Bringing in something from earlier increases the complexity and, hence, the pleasure of the joke
It's like a comedic routine
Because I don't know what else to say
Couple laughing at book
Hybrid Images / Cultura / Getty Images
What kind of humor do you appreciate when you are reading a book?
When a character makes a quip that perfectly stops someone in their tracks
When the drama takes an ironic turn
When someone says something absolutely hilarious that no one understands
When someone says something funny that I'll be able to remember and tell my friends


Friends hiking
SolStock / E+ / Getty Images
Which element do you find most crucial to understand when analyzing why something is funny?
The words themselves
Friends laughing rooftop
Mike Harrington / Stone / Getty Images
If you're on a roll at a party, when is the best time to stop?
When people are asking for more
When they're asking you to explain
When they're rolling in laughter
When everyone stops laughing
Comedians joke
Jacobs Stock Photography Ltd / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Can a good joke be recreated?
If you can recreate the context
Definitely not
Sure, if you tell it all the way through
It doesn't usually get the same reaction when I try to
