About This Quiz
Some cults promote harsh conservative judgment; some are more into free love and spaceships. Others are incredibly dangerous, harming their own members and innocent people. With this quiz, we'll see how much you really know about infamous cults.Raëlism began in the 1970s and is often associated with claims that they can clone humans and an attitude of very liberal sexuality.
The Brethren believe all celebration should be saved for the imminent return of Jesus Christ (which has been imminent since the 1970s), so the kids can't play.
Members of the Unification Church are sometimes called "Moonies" because of their association with founder Sun Myung Moon.
When Mary did not arrive, the cult leaders caused explosions and fires that killed hundreds of cult members.
Deprogramming is a controversial activity that isn't always successful.
The Children of God ran into trouble both because of sexually transmitted diseases and for their publications which promoted child-adult sexual activity.
The People's Temple commune in Guyana, called Jonestown, was the site of the massacre.
918 people died, the worst cult-based massacre in U.S. history.
The incident gave rise to the phrase, "drinking the Kool-Aid," often used to mean, "believing in something because someone told you to."
Congressman Ryan is the only member of the House of Representatives to be assassinated while in office.
The sarin gas attack killed 13.
Translation is tricky since the cult's founder combined Sanskrit and Japanese to create the name, but Supreme Truth is the generally accepted translation.
Doomsday cultists sometimes believe only they will be spared in the coming apocalypse, but cults have also committed mass suicide when they thought the world would end.
Although the initial raid on the Branch Davidians was conducted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the final assault which set the compound on fire was conducted by the FBI.
Koresh, who was born Vernon Howell, took over the cult in the 1980s.
The Oklahoma City bombing targeted a building that housed federal agencies as revenge for the Waco incident.
The Solar Temple's members believed their leader was Christ and that they'd go to another planet when they died.
Manson took the phrase from the Beatles song "Helter Skelter;" one of the cultists wrote it in blood at one of the murder scenes.
Tate was nine months pregnant at the time she was killed.
The astronomers that Hale-Bopp is named after probably wish the comet had become famous for some other reason.
The Nike sneakers were a strange detail of the mass suicide scene that the media focused on at the time.
The salmonella poisoning was part of a bizarre scheme to gain control of county government.
The cult hoped the homeless people would pack ballot boxes in their favor. Did we mention that it was a bizarre scheme?
Knight channels a 35,000-year-old "ascended being" named Ramtha.
Magdalena Solis possibly suffered from delusions that she was a reincarnated Incan goddess and needed to drink blood to maintain her immortality.
Crowley was once described as "the wickedest man in the world."
While other Islamic terrorist groups have political goals alongside their religious aims, ISIS' cult-like goals are primarily based on a religious prophecy.
The Covenant, the Sword, and the Arm of the Lord fell apart after a peaceful FBI standoff ended with the leaders being arrested.
Constanzo's reputation as a black magician and spellcaster was reinforced by the grisly body parts, including brains and spines, that he extracted from his victims.
The Church of Satan doesn't worship a literal demonic entity called Satan.