Is This the Name of a Real or Fake Organ?

By: Ashley Ehman
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Is This the Name of a Real or Fake Organ?
Image: ER Productions Limited/DigitalVision/gettyimages

About This Quiz

The complexity of human anatomy has been studied for centuries. Over time, scientists have divided it into various parts and sections. As it stands right now, the human body consists of 11 different organ systems that allow your body to function in the way that it does. The major systems are the skeletal, lymphatic, nervous, respiratory, endocrine, urinary, digestive, reproductive, circulatory, muscular and integumentary systems. 

Within each system, there are a number of organs working hard to keep you alive. Can you tell the difference between an appendix and a liver? What if a random, fake organ was placed in the question? It is one thing to know and recognize the seventy-eight organs that we house in our bodies, but it is another thing entirely when fake names are thrown into the mix. Do you know the human body well enough to discern between what is real and what is fake? 

Whether you're a health care professional or simply relying on your freshman biology class from high school, we should all know what's in our bodies, right? Put your heart into this and prove your anatomical knowledge through the 35 questions in this quiz! It's time to see how much you know about your insides!

Located in the throat, the pharynx aids in swallowing. Is the pharynx real or fake?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The pharynx is a very real organ. It plays a role in the digestive and respiratory systems. While it helps the body swallow in the digestive system, it helps inhale air through the nose in the respiratory system.

The jejunum is the name given to a section of the small intestine. Does the human body contain this organ or not?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Despite its silly-sounding name, the jejunum is a real organ. It is the name given to the second part of the small intestine. The jejunum is used to absorb nutrients that have been digested by the organs before it,

The endogallum is the part of the body that uses peristaltic contractions to transport food to the stomach. Is the endogallum a real organ?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Endogallum is a fake organ! The organ that actually aids in food transport through peristaltic contractions is the esophagus! Some of its more common names include gullet and food pipe.


Also known as the bile pouch, the biliosack is a pouch-like organ that holds bile made by the body. Is the biliosack something found in the human body?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The biliosack is a fake organ! The organ that actually stores bile is the gallbladder. The bile is then released into the small intestine to aid in digestion of fats. It is located under the liver.

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The trachea is commonly referred to as the windpipe. Is the trachea real?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The trachea is a real organ! The trachea is responsible for connecting the pharynx and other parts of the respiratory system to the lungs. The trachea allows the body to inhale air.

One important pair of organs that help your urinary system work are called the renaltines. Are renaltines a made-up organ?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Renaltines are fake. The pair of organs that are being referred to here are the kidneys! The kidneys are responsible for filtering your blood and aiding in the production of urine.


One of the tube-like structures necessary to the function of the male reproductive system is called the epididymis. Is the epididymis actually a male reproductive organ?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The epididymis is a real organ. Its primary function is to connect the testicles to the vas deferens. It is tightly packed in adult males, but the organ itself can be 20 to 23 feet long!

AnatomyZone via YouTube
The bulbourethral gland is used in males to create bodily fluid during moments of arousal. Is the bulbourethral gland a real organ?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The bulbourethral gland is real! Within the male body, it is roughly the size of a pea. The female equivalent of this organ would be Bartholin's glands. They are common in most male mammals.

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One of the many glands in the human body is the pelotineal gland. This gland is responsible for producing serotonin. Is this a real gland?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The pelotineal gland is not real. The gland that is responsible for serotonin production is the pineal gland. This gland is part of the endocrine system and can be found within the brain.


In order to regulate the body's blood sugar levels, the panneal uses its enzymes to monitor the bloodstream. Is the panneal a false organ or necessary for one to live?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

There is no such thing as a panneal! The organ responsible for regulating blood sugar in the body is the pancreas. It is also used for distributing insulin and somatostatin to the body.

Stocktrek Images/Stocktrek Images/gettyimages
The thilio is an important part of the body's immune system. The thilio is a ...
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The thilio is not real. The organ that aids our immune system is the thymus. The thymus is responsible for aiding in the maturity of T cells. T cells are needed to adapt to bodily threats.

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One section of the brain stem is called the pons. Is the pons a part of the brain or is it a completely imaginary organ?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Despite its short and simple name, the function of the pons is rather complex. The pons is the part of the brainstem that transmits information from the brain to the cerebellum and medulla.


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The endocrine system and the nervous system are connected to each other because of the diencephalon. Is the diencephalon real or fake?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The diencephalon is a real organ. In addition to connecting two systems, it also connects to the optic nerve. The diencephalon is also able to create and organize memories and emotions.

The organ that works to keep our blood clean by filtering it is called the pleurisis. Is the pleurisis an actual organ or not?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The pleurisis is not a real organ. The organ being referenced here is the spleen. The spleen gets rid of old red blood cells. It can also hold a supply of blood on reserve and helps the body get rid of bacteria.

Klaus Vedfelt/DigitalVision/gettyimages
An ovum is necessary for reproduction. The ovalian is the part of the female reproductive system that is responsible for creating said ovum. Does the ovalian exist in the human body?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

It is the ovary that does this, not the ovalian. In addition, the ovary also helps control the menstrual cycle through the hormones it releases. Each female is typically born with two ovaries.


16_choroid plexus
Kenhub - Learn Human Anatomy via YouTube
The choroid plexus is responsible for making the cerebrospinal fluid. Is the choroid plexus the name of a fake organ or a real organ?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The choroid plexus is a real organ! It is located in the brain and is the fourth ventricle. The fourth ventricle lies under the cerebellum. The choroid plexus also helps balance iron levels in the brain.

© Brigitte Smith/Moment/gettyimages
There are many organs at work to provide our bodies with sight. The interior illia is the part of the eye that lets humans control the amount of light let in. Is the interior illia an existing organ?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

It is the iris that controls the light amount, not the interior illia. The iris also determines a person's eye color and controls the diameter of the eye, functioning much like an aperture in a camera.

Dorling Kindersley/gettyimages
The cochlea is responsible for our sense of hearing. Is the cochlea an actual organ in the human body?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The cochlea is real! This spiral-shaped space in our ear makes it possible to hear. Its appearance resembles that of a nautilus shell and it has three chambers within it. These chambers are the vestibular duct, tympanic duct and the cochlear duct.


19_olfactory epithelium
Mike Saunders/gettyimages
Our noses are lined with unique tissues that allow us to smell. One such tissue is the olfactory epithelium. Is this nasal lining a real organ?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The olfactory epithelium is a type of special tissue that allows us to smell! There are four types of cells within the epithelium which make it function properly: olfactory sensory neurons, supporting cells, brush cells and basal cells.

20_spinal cord
Nazar Abbas Photography/Moment/gettyimages
The spinal cord is the reason your brain can send messages to the rest of the body. Is the spinal cord a real organ in the body?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The spinal cord is very real! It connects the brain to the rest of the central nervous system. The spinal cord is how your brain talks to the rest of your body, which allows it to move.

21_bone marrow
Christine Schneider/Cultura/gettyimages
Boneithilium is the substance that makes up the spongy sections of a human's bones. Is the boneithilium present in the human body?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The organ that is being described here is bone marrow. For adults, the majority of our bone marrow is found in our pelvis, sternum, ribs and vertebrae. Bone marrow typically makes up 4% of a human's mass.


GALT is the organ that protects our gut by working with the immune system. Is GALT a real or fake organ?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

GALT, which stands for gut-associated lymphoid tissue, is the permeable membrane that lines the intestines. It helps the body absorb food with its finger-like appendages, called villi.

The endocrine gland located in the neck is known as the tibertus. Is the tibertus an actual organ?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The gland located in the neck is the thyroid. The primary function of the thyroid is to control our metabolic rate. This is controlled by the amount of thyroid-stimulating hormone that is released by the body.

The suspension of skin found beneath the penis is called the peritenial sack. Does the human body contain an organ called the peritenial sack?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The scrotum is what's found beneath the penis. It is made up of skin and muscle, and encases the testes. In females, the body part that is comparable to the scrotum is the labia majora.


The polital bulb is the area surrounding a woman's genital region. Does the polital bulb exist in the body of a female?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The area that is being referred to here is the vulva! The vulva includes a variety of female reproductive parts, like the clitoris, labia majora and the mons pubis. The vaginal opening is also included.

26_fallopian tubes
Dorling Kindersley/gettyimages
Salpinges are what allows the egg to travel from the ovary to the uterus in the female reproductive system. Are salpinges a real organ?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Salpinges are very real! They are more commonly called fallopian tubes, and they serve as the passageway for the egg from the ovary to the uterus. The tube itself is made up of four layers.

Jasenka Arbanas/Moment/gettyimages
Our body allows air into the lungs by way of the bronchus. Does this piece of our respiratory system exist?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Bronchus, or bronchi for more than one, are responsible for passing air into the respiratory system by way of the lungs. It's important to note that the exchange of gas does not happen in the bronchi, but in the lungs.


The organ that helps our body detoxify itself is the lipidal gland. Is the lipidal gland real or fake?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The organ that actually detoxifies the body is the liver! It is located beneath the diaphragm. It is the liver that produces the body's bile, which is then held by the gall bladder.

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The mesentery is what keeps the intestines attached to the abdominal wall. Is the mesentery a made-up organ?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The mesentery is a very real collection of tissues that keeps our intestines where they should be! This internal organ also helps store fat and provide blood and other necessities to the intestines.

30_parotid glands
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The largest salivary glands in the human body are the parotid glands. Are parotid glands real?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The parotid glands are very real! They are located on each side of the mouth, just before the ears. If someone contracts mumps, it is likely that both of the parotid glands will swell.


#YouCanLearnAnything via YouTube
Our small intestine is separated into parts. The ileum is the name given to the last section. Is this organ actually present in the human body?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The ileum is real! It follows the duodenum and the jejunum. Its primary purpose is to absorb whatever nutrients were not grabbed by the earlier parts of the small intestine. One such nutrient is bile salts.

Tara Moore/DigitalVision/gettyimages
The mastical appendage is what is responsible for manipulating food in a human's mouth. Is the mastical appendage real or fake?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The organ that is being talked about here is the tongue! It helps the body swallow and manipulate the food around one's mouth so that it is adequately chewed. It is the primary organ of taste.

Food collection in the human body is managed by the cardial sack. Is the cardial sack an important member of the digestive system or completely imaginary?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

There's no such thing as a cardial sack! It's the stomach that collects food and begins the second part of digestion. The stomach uses acid to break down food after the body has chewed it.


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The ureter is what transports urine to the bladder from the kidneys. Is the ureter an actual organ in the renal system?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The ureters are very real! Each body has two that connect to each kidney. They then transport urine into a singular bladder. The primary material that makes up the ureters is smooth muscle.

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Human brains are responsible for much of our body's functions. The olfacephalon is a section of the brain that helps with temperature regulation. Is the olfacephalon a real organ?
Real organ
Fake organ
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The olfacephalon is fake! The organ in question here is the midbrain, or mesencephalon. It helps the body with things like temperature regulation, as well as hearing, vision and arousal.

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