Is Your Brain More Artistic or Scientific?

By: Raj Chander
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Is Your Brain More Artistic or Scientific?
Image: Marilyn Nieves / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Over the years, you've undoubtedly heard people say things like: "I'm just not right-brained enough for this," or "She is extremely left-brained." The classic theory on mind function is that each hemisphere represents a different type of thinking. Our right brain is the creative, artistic side that is responsible for new ideas. Our left brain is the detailed, analytical side that helps keep us organized and track the details of our life.

Despite how prevalent this theory is, it's largely been debunked. Researchers conducted brain scans on about a thousand different subjects and found no difference in the functioning of the networks on either side of the brain, regardless of the types of tasks being completed. In other words: we all use both sides of our brain, all the time.

Nevertheless, we still run into people who seem to use different sides of their brain. We all are familiar with our detail-oriented friend - probably an accountant or engineer - who is great with math and keeping things organized but couldn't paint a picture or carry a tune if their life depended on it. Conversely, most of us know that free spirit who seems to barely be able to put clothes on in the morning, yet can write a song or perform a classical dance like few others in the world.

You've probably even classified yourself under the left/right brain theory - but how accurate is your assessment? Let us double check; give us the answers to the questions below, and we'll assess whether you are more left or right-brained.

Our academic aptitude says a lot about our brains. What was your favorite subject in school?
Foreign Language
Our brains love music! What is your favorite type of tune?
We often admire celebs who think like us. Which of these celebrities do you idolize?
Barack Obama
Albert Einstein
John Coltrane


Logic and puzzle games help engage our minds. What kind of brain game do you enjoy the most?
I really just like to doodle or free-write.
Paint by numbers
Crossword puzzle
There's a strong connection between the mind and body. How good are you at physical tasks?
There's a few I can do well, but not everything.
I'm about average at most physical activities.
Outside of one or two things, not that great.
I've always been more about books than balls ...
Keeping ourselves fit can keep our minds healthy too. How often do you exercise?
A few times a week
Once or twice a week, but I want to improve.
Whenever I walk to school or work
Whenever I remember to, which isn't often.


What kind of recreation does your brain enjoy the most?
Creating any form of art
Solving a puzzle
Reading or watching a great story
Just relaxing with my friends and family
Our jobs often illustrate our mental preferences. What kind of work do you do?
I work in IT sales.
I'm a financial analyst.
I'm a professional writer.
I'm an artist.
Our brains can make romance easy or difficult. What's your marital status?
I date around, but it's nothing serious.
In a casual or new relationship


We're all our own biggest critics. How do you judge your own creativity?
I think I'm usually pretty creative.
I prefer logic and facts.
I have my moments when I can be pretty clever.
I can be creative, but not every single time.
Making music is a complex function that involves both brain and body. Do you play any instruments?
I play a few times a week as a hobby.
No, but I've always wanted to.
Yes, I have one primary and a few others I am OK at.
No, I'm still searching for the right instrument.
We can all express ourselves in different ways. What's your favorite form of art to create?
Sometimes I doodle on my notes ...


Let's say you need to focus before an important project or assignment. What do you do to get in the zone?
Meditate for a few minutes
Positive self-talk
Visualize the end result I want
Focus on the basics of the task
Which of these tasks is a friend most likely to ask for your help with?
Putting together a speech
Organizing my house
Drawing a picture
Doing my taxes
When you are trying to learn about a situation, how quickly do you jump to a conclusion?
I like to get all the information and then make my decision.
Relatively quickly, but I'm open to change.
I rarely ever find a definitive conclusion, and I'm OK with that.
I take longer than most people to make up my mind.


You're presented with a perplexing problem or obstacle. How do you start solving it?
Putting it away for a while and doing something else.
Breaking it down into smaller segments.
I re-read or re-consider everything.
Brainstorming freely
Your personal style says a lot about your brain. What kind of decorations are you most likely to have in your home?
Neutral colors with minimal art
Normal decorations with bright accent colors and a surprising element or two
Pretty traditional decorations with one or two personal touches
Unexpected pieces with lots of foreign influence and unique colors
If you could pick anywhere in the world to live, where would it be?
Somewhere with great culture like Paris or London
A nice suburb where I can raise a family
A relaxed city like Austin, Texas or San Diego, California
Somewhere with plenty of privacy, like a ranch or cabin


You just got a new piece of furniture for the house, how likely are you to put it together?
If I'm in the right mood, I'll give it a shot.
I love putting together furniture.
Very unlikely - this is why they invented home assembly.
If it's something simple, I can do it myself.
Do you wear glasses or contact lenses?
Contact lenses
Glasses for reading
If you could have dinner with one famous person from history, which of the below four would you choose?
Thomas Edison
John F. Kennedy
Jimi Hendrix
Pablo Picasso


Most people try to keep themselves to a schedule - how do you plan your days?
I just think about what I want to do in the morning, then do it until I think about something else.
I use hourly blocks of time on my color-coded wall schedule.
I set three or four goals for the day.
I have a to-do list and a calendar app.
It's a technique used by both creative and scientific people - what do you think about meditation?
I've never tried it, but it seems helpful.
I've done it once or twice and it was wonderful.
I don't think it would work for me.
I meditate often, it's been great for me.
If asked to describe you in one word, what would your friends say?


Which type of movie does your mind find most interesting?
Romantic comedy
At work, the way you think builds your reputation. What kinds of tasks do coworkers tend to ask you for help with?
Things involving creativity and design
Things involving math and calculations
Things involving communicating with others
Things involving judgment or dilemmas
How would you describe your attention span?
I'm sorry, what was the question?
It's longer than most people.
I'm usually present, but I sometimes lose focus.
About average


The way our brains move our bodies is a big part of who we are. What's your favorite dance move?
The Running Man
I don't dance.
Whatever strikes me in the moment.
Shoot dance!
How familiar are you with scientific calculators?
They're like a part of my body.
Um, what is that?
I'm not an expert, but I could probably get around on one.
Ugh, I haven't used one in decades - it'd be rough.
What did your teachers think about you in school?
I was nice but needed to focus more.
I was one of their favorite students.
I would sometimes act out but was overall good.
I stayed in line and didn't make much trouble.


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