Is Your Brain More Suited for Law Enforcement or the Medical Field?

By: Teresa McGlothlin
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Is Your Brain More Suited for Law Enforcement or the Medical Field?
Image: Image Source/Image Source/Getty Images

About This Quiz

To work in either law enforcement or medicine, you have to have a special kind of brain. You need to work well under pressure, and you need to practice compassion at the same time. After you let us pick your brain for a while, we can let you know which of the two fields your brain is best-suited to pursue. 

Not everyone is made from the stuff that can handle wielding a weapon or a scalpel. Before you get yourself in a field that you'll later regret, you need to know if your hands are more steady on the streets or in the surgery theater. The things you tell us about the way your mind works will allow us to compare your strengths with the known strengths of paramedics and police officers around the world. 

When your brain reads our questions, don't question your brains response! Instead, choose the answer that you gravitate toward most naturally. Just like you can fake a police academy physical, any dishonesty you practice could lead you down the wrong career path! 

Once you've finished telling us how your brain operates, we'll let you know which field you need to enter. Will it be the field you think you're meant to be in, or will you have to go back to school? Ready to find out? 

What does your brain have in common with someone who works in the legal field?
I am always making sure I can't get sued.
I need to know all the answers.
I enjoy helping uphold the law.
I have nothing in common with a judge or a lawyer.
Where would you fall on the scale of braininess?
That's not a real scale.
Extremely smart
As smart as a Labrador retriever
If you were a nurse, how would you communicate with someone in pain?
I would talk in a soothing voice.
I would just read their chart.
I would tell them to suck it up and answer my questions.
I couldn't handle being a nurse.


Do you think with your head or with your heart?
I tend to use both.
I'm all heart.
I always use my head.
Sometimes, I flip a coin to make decisions.
Is your brain fueled by coffee or by water?
I drink a lot more coffee than water.
I prefer tea.
My brain is fueled by water.
I don't know what fuels my brain.
Do you think you are smarter than your coworkers?
I think we are all intelligent in different ways.
I don't have coworkers.
A thumbtack is smarter than some of my coworkers.
I'm usually the smartest person in the room.


If you gave your brain a nickname, which one would it be?
Gray Von Matter
Captain Thinker
Neuro The Wonder Brain
Which of these things makes you feel queasy?
Mold on cheese
Does your brain need to control every situation?
You can't control some things.
I let my brain run free of control.
I do like to be the one calling the shots.
Not every situation, but most of them


Would you say that your brain is emotionally intelligent?
I think so.
It's not my strongest trait.
I'm all sorts of intelligent.
I do know how to handle my emotions.
Are you able to stay calm under pressure?
I thrive under pressure.
It depends on the kind of stress I'm experiencing
I stay outwardly calm.
I usually crack under extreme pressure.
Which one of these qualities is your brain's strongest?
Sense of adventure


Are you more right-brained or left-brained?
I think I'm somewhere in the middle.
I am far more left-brained.
I'm more right-brained.
I've never really thought about it.
What time of day is your brain most active?
It loves to wake up at bedtime.
I'm more active in the evening.
I think most clearly early in the morning.
It takes at least six cups of coffee to activate my brain.
If you were a police officer, how would you handle an unruly suspect?
I would call for backup.
I'm not cut out for police work.
I could handle it.
I would simply arrest them.


Would you be cut out for military service?
I've considered it.
I'm not the military type.
I'm a veteran.
I'm better suited for local law enforcement.
Can you do long division in your head?
I prefer to use a calculator.
I can totally do long division in my head.
I wouldn't even try it.
What kind of test taker are you?


How would you rate your people skills?
I'm great with people.
I'm more of a loner.
I'm a good team player.
I'm better with cats.
Do you do a lot of daydreaming?
I don't have time for daydreaming.
I'm always thinking about something.
Sometimes, I dream of a peaceful world.
I can be found daydreaming a few times a day.
Are you interested in going back to school to further your career?
I could use a refresher course.
My school days are over.
I'm totally open to the idea.
I'm still in school.


How would you feel about being called a perfectionist?
I would agree.
I would giggle.
I would have to argue that I'm not.
I don't care what other people think of me.
Would you consider yourself an overthinker?
No, but I'm an overachiever.
I'm definitely an overthinker.
I take things as they come.
I think certain things into nonsense.
When you are at work, do you always follow the rules?
If I didn't follow them, I would lose my job.
I don't believe in rules.
Sometimes, you have to wing it.
We don't have a lot of rules at my job.


If you were the boss, what kind of boss would you be?
Hands off
What kind of dream did your brain last conjure up?
Sexy dream
Forgettable dream
Bizarre dream
Which of these brain foods do you like most?


Is your brain wired for technology?
I know enough to do my job.
I'm not all that tech savvy.
I'm great with technology.
I'm good with my phone.
What do you do to cheer yourself up after a bad day at work?
Naps always help me.
I go out for ice cream.
A workout always improves my mindset.
I like to hang out with my dog.
Which famous genius are you most like?
Charles Dickens
Leonardo da Vinci
Stephen Hawking
