Is Your Soul a Dancer, Actor, Author or Artist?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Is Your Soul a Dancer, Actor, Author or Artist?
Image: Mengwen Cao/Moment/Getty Images

About This Quiz

There are two distinct sides of your brain: the left side, which controls logic and deductive reasoning skills, and the right side, which is all about creativity. Today, we're going to explore the creative aspects of your brain, which involve artistic expressions, musical awareness and a high level of emotional instincts. 

Those who are creative in life are not necessarily more intelligent than left-brained individuals, but they do tend to think more abstractly. They often have a greater appreciation for the creative pursuits, which include acting, dancing, writing and various types of art (like photography, painting and drawing). Those who are more right-brained also tend to go with the flow of life, as opposed to following a set plan or schedule. If this sounds like you, then you might also exhibit adventurous, free-spirited and imaginative traits.

The creative arts can also be a lucrative way to make a living if you come up with unique ways to inspire other people. Although the competition is quite fierce, it's important to remember that anything can be achieved with enough time, effort and resilience. Tell us more about how you want to express your creative personality with these 30 imaginative questions!

Is life just one big theatrical stage to you, or do you prefer to be away from the spotlight?
Life is a big theatrical stage for me.
I love being in the spotlight!
Keep me out of the spotlight, please.
It depends on the situation.
When you hear the phrase "10-page essay," does your heart become filled with joy or terror?
It depends on what the essay is about.
Everyone has a certain learning style, but how would you describe yours?
Something else


On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being the highest), how would you rate your memory skills?
Which of the following classes would you never take in a million years?
Let's put a number on your creativity skills! What percent creative is the right side of your brain?


Do you think life is more of a comedy or a tragedy?
I'm not really sure.
Can you take direction well or is this something that you currently struggle with?
I'm somewhat good at taking direction.
I'm very good at taking direction.
I'm not very good at taking direction.
I prefer to listen to my own directions.
When it comes to your creative inspirations in life, who do you look up to the most?
Anna Pavlova
Robert De Niro
Ernest Hemingway
Vincent van Gogh


Tonight is movie night, which means it's time to pick one of these famous movies for some creative inspiration! Which one is it?
"Black Swan"
"La La Land"
"Stranger than Fiction"
"Mr. Turner"
If your life was like one of the colors of the rainbow, which one would it be?
Would you describe yourself as a fit and healthy person, or is this something that you're trying to work on?
I'm extremely fit and healthy.
I'm somewhat fit and healthy.
I'm not a really fit or healthy person.
I couldn't care less about health and fitness.


When it comes to the idea of teamwork, is this something that attracts or repels you?
I love the idea of teamwork.
It depends on who I'm working with.
I can't stand teamwork.
I'm indifferent about it.
Do you believe that perfection exists or is this something that truly cannot be achieved?
I believe that perfection does exist.
I think perfection exists, but no one is able to attain it.
Perfection is completely subjective.
Perfection does not exist.
How many hours per week do you spend practicing and perfecting your goals and hobbies in life?
Over 20 hours per week
Less than 10 hours per week
Between 10-15 hours per week
Between 15-20 hours per week


Are you a disciplined type of person or are you a little more lazy/relaxed in life?
I'm extremely disciplined.
It depends on what I'm going through.
I'm a little more relaxed/lazy.
I'm somewhat disciplined.
Is the following statement true or false? "The pen is mightier than the sword" (stated by Edward Bulwer-Lytton).
Both are about equal.
It depends on how you look at this.
A little bird told us that you love to read, but are they telling the truth or are they lying?
That little bird is full of lies.
It depends on the book.
It's true, I love to read.
I only read when I have extra time on my hands.


Confidence is everything in this world, but would you describe yourself as a confident type of person?
Yes, but I also have many moments of weakness.
Yes, very much so
Nope, not at all
A little bit
Rejection is an inevitable part of life, but how well can you handle these tough moments?
Not well at all
I think I can handle rejection very well.
It depends on what kind of rejection I'm receiving.
I've been getting better at this over time.
Are you afraid of being judged by other people or is this something that you can easily overlook?
I'm always afraid of being judged by others.
I try not to take criticism personally.
I try my best to overlook this.
I don't care about what other people think of me.


Do you find yourself constantly daydreaming in life or do you feel that this is a waste of time?
I don't do this very often.
I occasionally like to daydream.
I always find myself daydreaming.
It depends on what I'm going through.
Some people have already found their purpose in life, but have you found yours yet?
Yes, absolutely!
I tend to doubt my goals sometimes.
I'm not really sure.
I'd like to think so.
What fuels your decision-making skills the most: logic or emotions?
Is instinct an emotion?


If your ultimate passion in life didn't pay you a dime for your efforts, would you still want to do it?
Without a doubt
I'm not really sure.
Probably not
Most likely
What would your friends and family find you doing on a Saturday evening?
Hanging out at a bar or a club
Watching a movie
Reading a book
Visiting a museum
There are many beautiful things about this world, but what inspires you the most?
The energy of this world
The people of this world
The mysterious qualities of this world
The beautiful colors of this world


On the scale of introverted to extroverted, where do you fall between these two personality traits?
Somewhere in the middle
I'm a bit of both.
Would you describe yourself as a fast learner or do you need some time before you become an expert at something?
I need quite a bit of time in order to learn something.
I'm definitely a fast learner.
I need a little bit of time before I become an expert at something.
It depends on what type of task we're talking about.
Emotions are a large aspect of creative professions, but how emotional are you on a scale of 1 to 5?


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