Image: Lt Victor Jorgensen/ US Archives
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It can be a sign of love, grief or respect worldwide. Kissing is a natural act that gives millions of people physical and psychological satisfaction, but where did it originate? Why does it make us feel good?
What percentage of people in the world kiss, according to anthropologists?
50 percent
75 percent
90 percent
Which of the following animals supports the theory that kissing is instinctive?
bonobo ape
The act of rubbing noses or cheeks with someone is often referred to as:
an Eskimo kiss
a French kiss
an Aztec kiss
The Indian epic poem "Mahabharata" described:
kissing as an abomination punishable by death
kissing on the lips as a sign of affection
kissing on the lips as a good way to become infected with a disease
In the 13th century, the Catholic Church replaced the holy kiss with which of the following?
a holy hug
a pax board
What one muscle does the basic kiss rely on the most?
the zygomaticus minor
the masseter
the orbicularis oris
What percentage of people tip their head to the right while kissing?
nearly everyone
What illness is known as the kissing disease?
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Which particular kiss is believed by many to have condemned a man to death?
the Spider-Man kiss
the Prince Charming kiss
the Judas kiss
The first interracial kiss on U.S. television featured which two characters?
Captain Kirk and Lieutenant Uhura
Nurse Julia Baker and Dr. Thomas Sheppard
Special Agent Leroy Gibbs and Forensics Specialist Abby Sciuto
How many calories does the average person burn while kissing for one minute?
18 calories
26 calories
78 calories
According to legend, kissing which stone could bring you good luck?
Blarney Stone
Wishing Stone
Rolling Stone
Mick Jagger (of The Rolling Stones' fame) has lips so famous that a lipstick imprint of his kiss sold for how much?