Magic was the first collectible card game, a concept that changed the gaming industry. Whether you're a white, blue, black, red or green mage, test your spellcasting skills with this Magic: the Gathering quiz.
If you want to cast a lot of creatures with Haste and deal damage directly to your opponent, which color should you play?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Haste and direct damage are characteristics of red, a color associated with fire and recklessness.
A creature with protection from white can be killed by a white card that says, "Destroy all creatures."
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Protection from a color prevents damage from sources of that color and prevents the creature from being targeted by sources of that color. The white "destroy all creatures" card neither targets nor deals damage, so it would kill the protected creature.
Which tournament legal Magic card has the highest combined casting cost?
Authochthon Wurm
Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Draco costs 16 mana, more than any other Magic card (we're not counting Gleemax even though it costs 1,000,000 mana since it was never tournament legal).
What Magic card is commonly known as "Tim," after a wizard from the movie "Monty Python and the Holy Grail?"
Bogardan Phoenix
Prodigal Sorcerer
Autumn Willow
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Prodigal Sorcerer's ability to deal one point of damage to anything is reminiscent of the explosive Monty Python wizard. "There are some who call me...Tim."
The first Magic set included a cycle of cards that let players gain three of something for one mana. One of these cards was vastly more powerful than the others, allowing the player to draw three cards. What is the name of that card?
A popular casual Magic format known as Commander (or Elder Dragon Highlander) uses 100-card decks. What is each player's starting life total in a game of Commander?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Starting at 40 life lets Commander games move more slowly, allowing players to develop different strategies.