Can You Ace This Female Reproductive Parts Quiz?

By: Bri O.
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Can You Ace This Female Reproductive Parts Quiz?
Image: Shutterstock

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From the dawn of time, the majestic being known as woman has baffled mankind. With the ability to form a human life and sustain it for nine months, the female reproductive system just may be the most magnificent, yet mysterious, aspect of womanhood.

Contrary to popular belief, the entire system is much more than the vagina. There are many different parts with amazing abilities. From the mons pubis, which is the part of the female anatomy where pubic hair grows, to the ovaries, this system is intricate! Of paramount importance are the previously mentioned vagina, which is only about three to four inches; the vagina leads to the cervix which is the opening that leads to the uterus and is able to house up to eight babies at a time! The "eggs" are produced in the ovaries and are led down to the uterus via the fallopian tubes.

Prior to the vast knowledge available today, there were some pretty weird beliefs about the female anatomy, such as the womb having the ability to migrate to other parts of the body. Imagine that! Despite not being able to travel at will, the female body is still absolutely fascinating and quite a wonder. But is it something you know about? Do you know the tiny parts that come together to form the female reproductive system? Let's find out.

The uterus is also known as what?
Baby sac
Bubble holder
Amniotic sac
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

If you've ever wondered how it's possible for the vagina to elongate during sexual activity, you can thank the uterus. When the body is sexually aroused, the bottom portion of the uterus turns itself up towards the belly bottom, making room for the vagina to stretch and grow.

How long is the average menstrual cycle?
28 days
40 days
23 days
21 days
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During each 28 day cycle, the female reproductive system undergoes a series of phases, including hormone production, thickening of the uterine lining, shedding of the uterine lining, and the releasing of a mature egg. The length of the female menstrual cycle can vary depending upon the person.

Where is the cervix located?
At the end of the Fallopian tubes
Directly between the uterus and vagina
By the vulva
On top of the labia
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This organ is responsible for dividing the uterus from the vagina, as well as serving as a bridge between the two. The cervix helps facilitate childbirth by dilating during labor to be many times its resting size.


The average uterus takes what shape?
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The average uterus is about the size of a fist when there is no pregnancy present. During pregnancy, it can expand up to 500 times its original size. Fun fact: there are about 3,000 different pear varieties, all native to Asia and Europe.

Which of the following is an internal female reproductive system organ?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The ovaries are where eggs can be found. During menstruation, the ovaries typically release one egg per cycle.

What is the process of releasing a mature egg called?
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After the egg leaves the ovary, it makes its way into the Fallopian tube, where it hangs out waiting to be fertilized. If it isn't fertilized, then the body continues with the menstruation cycle and sheds the uterine lining.


What does P.M.S. stand for?
Premenstrual Syndrome
Period Menstruation Symptoms
People Making Sex
Post Menopausal Syndrome
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Premenstrual syndrome covers symptoms associated with periods, including haywire emotions and painful cramping, to name a few. Severe PMS is known as PMDD, Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder.

When is the highest chance of pregnancy during the menstrual cycle?
During the period
Right after ovulation
The days immediately before ovulation occurs
Right after the shedding of the uterine line
Correct Answer
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Sperm can live for an impressive five days or more (under optimal conditions) after being ejaculated into the vagina, while an egg can live for just one after being released. This means the four days leading up to as well as the day of ovulation are the ideal times for getting pregnant or the best times to abstain from sex, depending on what you want.

Hot flashes are commonly associated with what stage of the female reproductive system life cycle?
Peak sexual health
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Starting as early as 45 years old, women may experience symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes, period irregularity, mood changes, and sleep problems. The most common age for menopause to occur is 51.


Which of the following is not a part of the female reproductive system?
Fallopian tubes
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The female reproductive system is made up of the vulva, clitoris, labia majora, labia minora, Bartholin's glands, vagina, uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, mons pubic, and hymen. Around 50.8 percent of the U.S. population has a female reproductive system.

What is the inner lining of the uterus called?
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The endrometrium is the skin that builds up and sheds every month the female body menstruates. In the case of endometriosis, the uterus wall lining grows in areas of the body it should not, potentially causing serious complications.

What is a pap smear?
A procedure that collects and screens cells from the cervix
An analysis of vaginal discharge
A disorder that complicates sex
A gynecological tool
Correct Answer
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The pap smear is a recommended procedure for females starting at age 21. It's designed to check for cervix cell abnormalities that may indicate the development of cervical cancer.


What is an ectopic pregnancy?
A successful c-section
When a fertilized egg gets stuck and implants itself in the wall of a fallopian tube
When there are multiple fetuses, but some are weighing on the others
When male sperm is not required for fertilization
Correct Answer
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Ectopic pregnancies, if left untreated, can result in death due to hemorrhaging from a ruptured fallopian tube. Other complications include infertility and infection. Early intervention is usually successful.

How many eggs are females born with?
At least 400,000
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This number greatly decreases throughout the life cycle as no additional eggs are produced. By the time menopause comes around, the ovaries usually have about 1,000 eggs left.

How long is the first trimester of a pregnancy?
4 weeks
20 weeks
8 weeks
12 weeks
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The second trimester takes places between weeks 13 and 27. And the third trimester takes place between the 28th and 40th weeks of pregnancy. After 8 weeks of development, the medical term for referring to the pregnancy changes from embryo to fetus.


What attaches an embryo or fetus to the placenta?
The amniotic sac
The umbilical cord
The womb
The mammary glands
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Stem cells, which are used in innovative research, can be found in umbilical cords. Umbilical cords are usually around 20 inches long.

Where can the Bartholin's glands be found?
By the mammary glands
Near the rectum
In the armpits
On each side of the vaginal opening
Correct Answer
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These glands are responsible for producing mucus secretions that help lubricate the vagina and outer organs. This helps facilitate sexual intercourse.

What's the fatty tissue that protects the female pubic bone called?
Mons pubis
Correct Answer
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The mons pubis is where pubic hair grows. The body part is also called the mons veneris.


What does C-Section stand for?
Cramp Section
Cut Section
Cesarean Section
Crazy Section
Correct Answer
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A C-Section is a surgical alternative to vaginal childbirth where the abdomen is cut open and the infant is removed from the body via the incision. C-sections have higher rates of complications than vaginal delivery.

What is lactation?
When babies drool
When there is vaginal discharge present
When the mammary glands secrete milk
When the female's abdomen deflates after giving birth
Correct Answer
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If women do not want to breastfeed, the mammary glands will stop producing milk after 1-2 weeks of not being suckled or pumped. Interestingly enough, breastfeeding can be used as a form of contraception. It helps prolong the time between pregnancies.

What does S.T.I. stand for?
Sexual Tricks Incite
Sexual Trapeze Interests
Sexting Texting Instagramming
Sexually Transmitted Infection
Correct Answer
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In the past, STIs and STDs have been referred to as venereal diseases, named after the female goddess of love, Venus. There are around 15 million new incidences of STIs reported in the U.S. every year.


What does P.I.D. stand for?
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Pubic Interest Disorder
Personality is Dreadful
People in Deep
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Most commonly caused by sexually transmitted infections like chlamydia and gonorrhea, PID can also be caused by other sources of bacteria that are able to spread from the vagina to parts of the reproductive system. Left untreated, PID can lead to infertility.

What is a hysterectomy?
The tying of the tubes
A surgical procedure to remove the uterus
The closing of the cervix
The insertion of an IUD
Correct Answer
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Fibriods are the leading cause of hysterectomies. Uterine fibroids are noncancerous tumors that grow in the muscle wall of the uterus.

What's the average vaginal pH?
Correct Answer
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With a pH that ranges between 4 and 4.7, tomatoes have a similar acidity to vaginas. A neutral pH level is considered 7.0. When vaginal pH is out of whack, all the bacteria that live in the vagina are at risk of dying, which allows bad bacteria to replace them.


About how long is the average vagina?
7-10 inches
3-5 inches
11 inches
12 inches or longer
Correct Answer
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While the vagina may only be 3-5 inches on average, it can grow to more than 200% of its original size when sexually aroused. It's believed that vaginal depth and sexual pleasure aren't correlated.

What are the female gonads?
The ovaries
The fallopian tubes
The uterus
The cervix
Correct Answer
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Gonads are responsible for producing gametes. In females, gonads are the ovaries which produce eggs as gametes. In males, testicles act as the gonads and produce sperm as gametes.

What is polycystic ovarian syndrome?
When the ovaries overproduce male hormones
When the ovaries die
A disorder where there are more than the normal amount of ovaries present
When the ovaries stop producing hormones.
Correct Answer
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Male hormones are called androgens. When ovaries produce too many androgens, fluid-filled sacs called cysts can develop in the ovaries. A variety of other symptoms may be present as well.


What is toxic shock syndrome?
It happens as a result of foreign bodies lodged in the reproductive system
When toxic substances are ingested
When people go into shock as a result of toxic relationships
It's when the immune system attacks the ovaries for no reason
Correct Answer
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About half of all cases of toxic shock are related to menstruation, meaning they're likely related to issues with tampons or other feminine products. TSS is a severe, life-threatening systemic illness.

What is the most effective way to achieve female orgasm?
Oral sex
Anal sex
Sexual intercourse
Clitoral stimulation
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Just like the penis, the clitoris has foreskin and erectile tissue. It's located at the top of the vulva and contains more nerve endings than anywhere else on the body.

What is the medical term for when a women gets her "tubes tied?"
Tubal ligation
Correct Answer
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Tubal ligation is a form of permanent medical sterilization performed on females who decide they indefinitely do not want to become pregnant. While the procedure is commonly referred to as getting one's "tubes tied," the process does not include any actual tying of the fallopian tubes. Rather, the tubes are permanently blocked and/or severed. Menstruation continues to occur after tubal ligation, but pregnancy cannot happen.


Tubal ligation is what percent effective at preventing pregnancy?
Upwards of 99%
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While tubal ligation is perhaps the most effective form of medical contraception out there, it's a non-reversible procedure, which means it's not the right choice for many women. There are other forms of contraception that don't require much effort on the part of the patient, like IUDs and other implants. There are also shots and pill forms of contraception.

What is Trichomoniasis, a.k.a. trich?
A genetic disease
A uterine disorder
A sexual disorder
Correct Answer
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The vast majority of people with trich don't exhibit any symptoms, which allows it to easily spread between sexual partners. Out of all the curable STDs, trich is the most common one, with millions of new cases each year.

What does H.P.V. stand for?
Hereditary Pituitary Virus
Herpes Papillary Virus
Human Pulmonary Viral Infection
Human Papillomavirus
Correct Answer
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Although usually harmless, certain strains of H.P.V. can lead to the development of cervical cancers. There are more than 100 varieties of HPV that can infect the genitals, mouth, and throat. Some strains can even cause hand and plantar warts. Most people with HPV don't experience symptoms. It's the most common incurable STD.


What does U.T.I. stand for?
Useless Treatment Instructions
Understanding Transmittable Infections
Urinary Tract Infection
Understanding Training Instructions
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The female urinary tract includes the bladder and urethra. Either part of the tract may become infected. Bacteria is easily spread from the genitals and anal region to the urethra, making UTIs a common occurrence. There are a number of risk factors and preventative measures for UTIs.

Which female reproductive organ produces major hormones?
Fallopian Tubes
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The ovaries are responsible for producing estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, which are all hormones that play a part in the regulation of things like pregnancy and menstruation. Without properly functioning ovaries, women may go into premature menopause or experience other complications. Hormone replacement therapies are often useful in treating hormone deficiencies.

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