Only a true fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender could answer these questions... Can you?

By: Olivia Seitz
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Only a true fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender could answer these questions... Can you?
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About This Quiz


Calling all: Avatar The Last Airbender fans! Think you know everything there is to know about the beloved characters and plot of this hit show? Put your knowledge to the test with this avatar the last airbender trivia fun quiz and see if you truly are a true fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender!

Whether you're a die-hard fan or just looking to test your knowledge of the Avatar universe, this quiz is sure to challenge even the most dedicated viewers. From the characters to the storylines, this quiz covers it all and will have you feeling like a bending master in no time!

So what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender and see if you have what it takes to prove your fandom with this exciting quiz. Get ready to show off your expertise and maybe even learn a thing or two along the way!

In the introduction to every episode, Katara says, "Everything changed when..."
"...the Fire Nation attacked."
"...our father left for the war."
"...Aang appeared to save the day."
"...we saw Ba Sing Se."
How much time did Aang spend underwater, where the Fire Nation armies couldn't find him, leaving the world without an Avatar to guide it?
three hours
fifty days
one hundred years
an indeterminate number of years
Which element did Aang initially refuse to bend?


Why does Zuko want to capture the Avatar?
To steal his powers.
To restore his honor.
To persuade him to join the Fire Nation.
To kill him personally.
When the team finds a buried library to discover when Sozin's Comet would return, they are confronted by a spirit in the form of what?
giant owl
small lion
giant mouse
Who teaches Aang to earthbend?
Toph Beifong
Prince Wu


How does Aang defeat Fire Lord Ozai?
By dropping a boulder on his head
By burning him with firebending
By blocking his chakras to remove his bending
By sucking the air out of his lungs
Which of the following pairs is officially a couple at the end of the series?
Toph and Sokka
Zuko and Ty Lee
Mai and Ty Lee
Aang and Katara
Last airbender quiz which of the following pairs was NOT a couple in "Avatar: The Last Airbender"?
Aang and Katara
Mai and Zuko
Toph and The Duke
Sokka and Suki


Sokka, the lovable buffoon who journeys with Aang and Katara, hails from where?
the Fire Nation
the Northern Air Temple
the Southern Water Tribe
a small Earth Kingdom village
What great weapon do Azula and the Fire Nation soldiers use in an attempt to break through Ba Sing Se's walls?
an enormous drill
a fire catapult
their bending alone
a ram rod
What was all the fuss about Sozin's Comet?
It would destroy the Earth Kingdom on impact.
Its supernatural powers would bolster the Fire Nation.
If Aang reached it, his powers would grow exponentially.
It would tear a hole between the natural and spiritual world.


During the first war with the Fire Nation, which group was wiped out?
Water Tribe
Fire Nation
White Lotus
Air Nomads
What becomes of Fire Lord Ozai and his daughter Azula?
They're both sentenced to death.
Ozai is imprisoned and Azula is committed.
They're banished to life in an iceberg.
They're sent to live out their days in the Spirit World.
What substance besides pure water does Katara learn how to bend?


On Kyoshi Island, all the formidable warriors are what?
old men
young women
middle-aged men and women
Last airbender quiz who is the only member of Team Avatar whose parents are both alive?
General Iroh seems happiest when he's doing what?
Doing battle with dragons
Ordering around his nephew
Running a tea shop in Ba Sing Se
Meeting with members of the White Lotus


Which creature, known as the original firebender, taught Aang and Zuko how to fire bend without using rage?
Ultimately, with whom does Prince Zuko side?
Fire Lord Ozai
Avatar Aang
No one - he leaves them all to their fates.
The rag-tag team of child rebels Jet assembled to wage guerrilla warfare against the Fire Nation soldiers is called what?
Freedom Fighters
Treetop Tots
Rebellious Rangers
Jet's Jammers


While visiting the Northern Water Tribe, Aang and friends save it from what?
A giant spirit monster
A Fire Nation attack
a hurricane
a pirate raid
Last airbender quiz which of these characters is not an Avatar?
What is the name of the beach where Zuko, Mai, Azula and Ty Lee face themselves?
Ember Island
Lover's Cave
Roku Island
It's unnamed in the series.


The King of Omashu, a city in the Earth Kingdom, is actually who?
Aang's childhood friend
A Fire Nation sympathizer
a complete impostor
a waterbender
Which of the following characters is first to capture Aang?
After processing Zuko's choice to leave the Fire Nation, what does his lover, Mai, do?
She reaffirms her friendship with Azula and fights Team Avatar until the bitter end.
After inner conflict, she betrays Azula so Zuko can live.
She immediately sets out to join up with Aang and the gang.
She chooses not to fight on either side.


Which of the following is General Iroh often seen doing?
Giving wise counsel to his nephew, Zuko
Drinking tea
Playing Pai Sho
All of the above
What is risky about using the Avatar State?
Aang doesn't fully control his actions and might hurt those he loves.
Dying in the Avatar State means the cycle of reincarnation will end.
Both of the above.
Neither of the above.
After striking Aang with a bolt of lightning, what does Azula tell Fire Lord Ozai?
That she killed the Avatar
That her brother, Zuko, killed the Avatar
That the Avatar escaped
Nothing; she prefers humility to bragging


Last airbender quiz how does Aang feel about killing his opponents?
He enjoys it.
He accepts it as a necessity of battle.
He feels bad about it but does it anyway.
He consciously works to avoid fatally injuring his opponents; he does not wish to kill them.
What lies at the bottom of Lake Laogai, the lake just outside Ba Sing Se?
A deadly sea serpent
A secret brainwashing facility
A beautiful spirit who guards a powerful sword
Lots and lots of kelp
Which character was secretly the renowned Blue Spirit?
Katara, Aang's water bending friend
Sokka, Katara's brother
Suki, one of the Kyoshi Warriors
Zuko, the banished Fire Nation prince


Last airbender quiz what does Aang use to fly?
Unadulterated bending
His glider/staff
His sky bison, Appa
Both his glider and Appa
What do Aang's tattoos mean?
That he's the Avatar
That he's an airbending master
That he's a monk
They're just for kicks