Only a true fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender could answer these questions... Can you?
By: Olivia Seitz
5 min
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About This Quiz
Calling all: Avatar The Last Airbender fans! Think you know everything there is to know about the beloved characters and plot of this hit show? Put your knowledge to the test with this avatar the last airbender trivia fun quiz and see if you truly are a true fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender!
Whether you're a die-hard fan or just looking to test your knowledge of the Avatar universe, this quiz is sure to challenge even the most dedicated viewers. From the characters to the storylines, this quiz covers it all and will have you feeling like a bending master in no time!
So what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender and see if you have what it takes to prove your fandom with this exciting quiz. Get ready to show off your expertise and maybe even learn a thing or two along the way!
In the introduction to every episode, Katara says, "Everything changed when..."
"...the Fire Nation attacked."
"...our father left for the war."
"...Aang appeared to save the day."
"...we saw Ba Sing Se."
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
The phrase "everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked" is not only one of the show's most famous lines, it's also a running joke fans use when engaging new content.
How much time did Aang spend underwater, where the Fire Nation armies couldn't find him, leaving the world without an Avatar to guide it?
three hours
fifty days
one hundred years
an indeterminate number of years
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
After one hundred years of no Avatar, many people had given up hope of ever seeing the Avatar again. When Aang returned, his arrival was met with mixed feelings: some were overjoyed at his return, while others were angry and afraid.
After accidentally burning Katara while learning firebending, he swore off the practice. Over time, he learned to be more careful and accepted a firebending teacher.
Zuko, the banished prince of the Fire Nation, believes that capturing the Avatar will restore his honor. He refuses to return home without being able to say he located and defeated the Avatar personally.
When the team finds a buried library to discover when Sozin's Comet would return, they are confronted by a spirit in the form of what?
giant owl
small lion
giant mouse
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
The Spirit Library, guarded by an owl-like spirit named Wan Shi Tong, houses the information Aang needs to time his attack against the Fire Nation. Wan Shi Tong chases them out, angry that the knowledge they sought would be used for war.
Toph, or the "Blind Bandit" as she's known in the ring, is one of the most powerful earthbenders known. Her blindness forced her to explore bending as a way of seeing, and it became an integral part of her life.
Aang was taught how to block and release chakras by the ancient Lion Turtle. Using his newfound knowledge, Aang is able to subdue and defeat the Fire Lord without taking his life.
Which of the following pairs is officially a couple at the end of the series?
Toph and Sokka
Zuko and Ty Lee
Mai and Ty Lee
Aang and Katara
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Aang harbors a very obvious crush for Katara throughout much of the series, while Katara takes some time to view Aang as more than just a child. She initially shows feelings for Prince Zuko, but ultimately falls deeply in love with Aang.
Last airbender quiz which of the following pairs was NOT a couple in "Avatar: The Last Airbender"?
Aang and Katara
Mai and Zuko
Toph and The Duke
Sokka and Suki
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Toph was the only member of Team Avatar without a significant other by the close of the series. Aang and Katara are known to marry after the series ends, but Mai and Zuko are just dating. Same for Sokka and Suki.
Sokka, the lovable buffoon who journeys with Aang and Katara, hails from where?
the Fire Nation
the Northern Air Temple
the Southern Water Tribe
a small Earth Kingdom village
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Sokka is Katara's brother and is present when Avatar Aang emerges from his protective layer of ice. He's not a bender, but he approaches his position with a sense of humor and a determination to learn fighting skills.
Its supernatural powers would bolster the Fire Nation.
If Aang reached it, his powers would grow exponentially.
It would tear a hole between the natural and spiritual world.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Aang and his friends learned that Sozin's Comet would give the Fire Nation enough power to finish conquering the known world, unless the Fire Lord were defeated first. The characters must accomplish their goals before the comet (here, a ticking time bomb) arrives.
During the first war with the Fire Nation, which group was wiped out?
Water Tribe
Fire Nation
White Lotus
Air Nomads
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
The Fire Nation launched a coordinated strike against the Air temples, resulting in genocide. Aang blamed himself for not being present to fight, but in reality, his survival was key to the continuation of the airbending line.
What becomes of Fire Lord Ozai and his daughter Azula?
They're both sentenced to death.
Ozai is imprisoned and Azula is committed.
They're banished to life in an iceberg.
They're sent to live out their days in the Spirit World.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
They're too dangerous to let loose, but Zuko, Aang, and the other fire nation officials decide to let them live. Ozai spends his remaining days in prison, his bending gone; Azula is committed to a mental health institution.
What substance besides pure water does Katara learn how to bend?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Katara can bend anything with water in it, including human bodies. She learns the skill when she's captured by a bloodbender and is horrified when she must use the ability to defend herself.
On Kyoshi Island, all the formidable warriors are what?
old men
young women
middle-aged men and women
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
The Kyoshi Warriors are young women trained in martial arts. They are formidable in battle, wearing armored green kimonos and metal headdresses. Their weapons include metal fans.
Last airbender quiz who is the only member of Team Avatar whose parents are both alive?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Katara, Zuko and Sokka all lost their mothers; Aang lost both his parents in the Fire Nation attack. Toph is not an orphan: both her parents live comfortably in the Earth Kingdom, but her relationship with them is strained.
Iroh delights in sharing his love for a good cup of tea and happily soaks up the praise his little tea shop receives during his time in Ba Sing Se. He does enjoy a good fight, but only when it's fair or when he can beat up some bad guys.
Which creature, known as the original firebender, taught Aang and Zuko how to fire bend without using rage?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Two ancient dragons, Ran and Shaw, helped Aang and Zuko master firebending and better understand the source of firebending power. This allowed Zuko and Aang to bend fire without fueling their bending with rage.
Zuko struggles mightily with his "destiny" and is eventually won over by seeing his beloved Uncle Iroh in prison and learning that his grandfather was Avatar Roku. He teaches Aang firebending and fights against the Fire Nation at the end of the series.
The rag-tag team of child rebels Jet assembled to wage guerrilla warfare against the Fire Nation soldiers is called what?
Freedom Fighters
Treetop Tots
Rebellious Rangers
Jet's Jammers
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
The Freedom Fighters frequently made small raids against the soldiers, stealing their supplies and generally annoying them. Katara trusted Jet blindly until she realized that he was happy to sacrifice innocent lives to achieve his goals.
While visiting the Northern Water Tribe, Aang and friends save it from what?
A giant spirit monster
A Fire Nation attack
a hurricane
a pirate raid
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Joining forces with Princess Yue, Aang and his friends manage to save the Northern Water Tribe from an invasion led by Admiral Zhao. Zhao intended to permanently destroy waterbending by killing the Moon Spirit, but was narrowly foiled by Yue sacrificing her life to save the Spirit.
Last airbender quiz which of these characters is not an Avatar?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Katara becomes an impressively strong bender, but she's not an Avatar. Aang is the only living Avatar, but he communicates with past Avatars in the spirit world.
What is the name of the beach where Zuko, Mai, Azula and Ty Lee face themselves?
Ember Island
Lover's Cave
Roku Island
It's unnamed in the series.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Ember Island plays an important role in the lives and backstory of many of the show's characters. It brings up memories for Zuko and Azula, and it's where the Ember Island Players perform an extremely biased rendition of Aang and the gang's adventures.
The King of Omashu, a city in the Earth Kingdom, is actually who?
Aang's childhood friend
A Fire Nation sympathizer
a complete impostor
a waterbender
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
King Bumi was friends with Aang when he was a child and happily reveals his true identity after Aang completes various dangerous tasks. Bumi is fun-loving and slightly crazy, but also imparts some wisdom to Aang before they move on.
Which of the following characters is first to capture Aang?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Prince Zuko captures Aang early in the series, but Aang uses his airbending abilities to escape. He only surrendered in order to protect Sokka and Katara's village, so he has no qualms about fighting over open water.
After processing Zuko's choice to leave the Fire Nation, what does his lover, Mai, do?
She reaffirms her friendship with Azula and fights Team Avatar until the bitter end.
After inner conflict, she betrays Azula so Zuko can live.
She immediately sets out to join up with Aang and the gang.
She chooses not to fight on either side.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Mai shocks Azula by choosing her love for Zuko over her loyalty to Azula. Mai's tipping point was when she realized Azula would let Zuko die, something Mai could never be a part of.
Which of the following is General Iroh often seen doing?
Giving wise counsel to his nephew, Zuko
Drinking tea
Playing Pai Sho
All of the above
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Iroh voluntarily journeys alongside Zuko to protect him and attempt to form his conscience. In the meantime, he is often seen happily making tea and playing the ancient game of Pai Sho.
Aang doesn't fully control his actions and might hurt those he loves.
Dying in the Avatar State means the cycle of reincarnation will end.
Both of the above.
Neither of the above.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Using the Avatar State comes with two big risks for Aang: because he didn't undergo proper training, he won't know how to control the Avatar State until he is much older. Secondly, if he should die while in the Avatar State, there could be no new Avatar: the line of Avatars would permanently end.
After striking Aang with a bolt of lightning, what does Azula tell Fire Lord Ozai?
That she killed the Avatar
That her brother, Zuko, killed the Avatar
That the Avatar escaped
Nothing; she prefers humility to bragging
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
She claims that giving Zuko the credit was all so that his honor would be restored in Ozai's eyes, but Zuko realizes that she's setting him up. If the Avatar isn't actually dead, Zuko will be the one blamed for failing.
Last airbender quiz how does Aang feel about killing his opponents?
He enjoys it.
He accepts it as a necessity of battle.
He feels bad about it but does it anyway.
He consciously works to avoid fatally injuring his opponents; he does not wish to kill them.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Aang is as much a pacifist as he can be as the Avatar. He will fight, but he does not fight to kill; he disables his opponents and allows other authorities to deal with them later.
What lies at the bottom of Lake Laogai, the lake just outside Ba Sing Se?
A deadly sea serpent
A secret brainwashing facility
A beautiful spirit who guards a powerful sword
Lots and lots of kelp
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Lake Laogai houses the brainwashing facility run by the Dai Li, Ba Sing Se's secret police. Aang and the gang narrowly escape and proceed to inform the Earth King of Long Feng's treachery.
Which character was secretly the renowned Blue Spirit?
Katara, Aang's water bending friend
Sokka, Katara's brother
Suki, one of the Kyoshi Warriors
Zuko, the banished Fire Nation prince
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Zuko assumed the mask of the Blue Spirit when he rescued Aang from Zhao's prison (so he could recapture him later, of course). As a member of the Fire Nation, he couldn't risk being discovered aiding the Avatar.
Aang uses a glider disguised as a staff to glide through the air, propelling it forward with bending. Appa the sky bison is his other ride of choice, along with being his friend for life.
The arrow tattoos that Aang sports are because of his status as an airbending master. When he received them at the age of twelve, he was the youngest airbender to receive this symbol of accomplishment.