Our Most Difficult Knowledge Quiz

By: Torrance Grey
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Our Most Difficult Knowledge Quiz
Image: Pixabay / geralt

About This Quiz


Are you ready to test your knowledge on a global scale? Dive into ""The World's Most Difficult Knowledge Quiz"" by Torrance Grey. This quiz of hardest trivia questions will challenge you in just 3 minutes while covering topics from biology to pop culture. Whether you dream of being a quiz-show contestant or prefer shouting answers from your couch, this quiz is perfect for you!

From ancient myths of heroes solving riddles to modern-day game shows like ""Who Wants to Be a Millionaire,"" testing our knowledge has always been a popular pastime. Challenge yourself like never before with this quiz that covers a little bit of everything. Put on your thinking cap and get ready to show off your smarts!

Unleash your inner trivia champion and conquer ""The World's Most Difficult Knowledge Quiz."" Test your skills in biology, geology, solar system, American civil war, literature, and more. Whether you aim to be a quiz-show star or just enjoy a good brain teaser, this hard but fun trivia questions quiz is sure to keep you entertained. So, what are you waiting for? Let the hardest trivia quiz begin!

What color do about 75 percent of national flags contain?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Red is associated with Communist nations of past and present -- notably, the USSR and China. However, this is a fairly recent development -- red has long been a favored color in flags for countries of all political persuasions.

From 1919 to 1933, the Weimar Republic was the government of what nation?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The Weimar Republic was the government that preceded Adolf Hitler's. It was named for the city were its first constitutional convention was held.

What part of a sailboat does the tiller move?
The compass
The hull
The rudder
The sails
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The rudder is the strong underwater blade that makes the boat "yaw" in the water, or turn left or right without leaning. Fun fact: Swimming dogs, like Labradors, use their tails as a rudder!


What is the wearing away of rock by wind, water or gravity called?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

If you're outdoorsy, you've probably explored caves made by wind erosion. This is one of the more common terms from geology.

Caravaggio shared a first name with what other famous artist?
Hieronymous Bosch
Pieter Brueghel the Elder
Jackson Pollock
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The Sistine Chapel painter's full name was Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni. It's no wonder we just call him "Michelangelo." Meanwhile, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio is only known by "Caravaggio."

Vienna is the capital of what country?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Classical music lovers flock to Vienna to see the city where Mozart, Lizst, Beethoven, Strauss and more lived and worked. Vienna is also the city that gave the world Sigmund Freud (though not everyone would thank the Austrian capital for that!)


Seismology is the study of what?
Extinct animals
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

You probably knew this if you live in a coastal region, where earthquakes are common. However, inland regions aren't immune from seismic activity, at least not entirely.

Which of these was the first actor to be paid $1 million for a role, for "Bridge on the River Kwai"?
Gary Cooper
William Holden
James Stewart
John Wayne
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Holden holds this distinction. If you knew this, you're likely to also know that Elizabeth Taylor was the first woman to be paid the same amount, for "Cleopatra."

This is one of the most detailed images of Earth ever made to date. The composite image was created from data collected during four orbits of the Suomi NPP satellite that were digitally projected together.
Which of these is NOT one of the Earth's layers?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Geologists roughly divide the Earth into core, mantle and crust (going from center to exterior). "Terrestria" isn't part of that system, though we think it'd make a good name for a country in a fantasy paperback.


What body of water did the Romans call "mare nostrum"?
The Black Sea
The Irish Sea
The Mediterranean Sea
The Atlantic Ocean
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

"Mare nostrum" means "our sea," and reflects the dominance that ancient Rome had all through the lands surrounding it. It's a bit ironic, though, because Rome had a great army, but a terrible navy -- their history is full of losses in sea battles.

Putnisite is a newly discovered mineral that occurs as tiny crystals on volcanic rock. One such crystal, just 0.4 millimeters across, shown here, was recently found at the Armstrong mine in Widgiemooltha, Western Australi
Peter Elliott
Which of these is the hardest mineral on Earth?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Despite the Sia song, titanium is not the hardest metal on the planet. Fun fact: Diamonds became popular for engagement rings because they were hard enough to stand up to daily wear, even during housework. It doesn't have anything to do with their value -- diamond is actually rather common.

A "crepuscular" animal becomes active at what time?
Late night
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

This is a complicated word for a simple thing. While many animals are classified as "diurnal" or "nocturnal," a "crepuscular" animal comes out to hunt or graze at twilight.


Which fantasy hero might you find in Diagon Alley?
Tris Prior
Percy Jackson
Harry Potter
Katniss Everdeen
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Diagon Alley is a shopping district in the Harry Potter novels. It's where Hogwarts students buy their books and supplies.

Which of these authors created Cthulhu and Yog-Soggoth?
Hugh B. Cave
H.P. Lovecraft
Ursula Le Guin
Aphra Behn
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Lovecraft created a grand, terrifying "mythos" involving gods called "the Old Ones," which included Cthulhu and Yog-Soggoth. Horror writers set stories in his fantasy world to this day.

Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie co-created which operating system?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

UNIX came out of Bell Labs in the 1970s. Fun fact: The Mac operating system is actually UNIX-based.


Which of these authors wrote "The Red Badge of Courage"?
Stephen Crane
Ernest Hemingway
E.B White
Walt Whitman
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Crane was one of America's first practitioners of the style called naturalism. Though Crane had no military experience, he wrote a grippingly detailed story about the Civil War.

Whom did Robert E. Lee surrender to at Appomattox?
Abraham Lincoln
Ulysses S. Grant
David Farragut
William Sherman
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

There's an old joke that says that Lee never meant to surrender. He was passing the Appomattox Court House and went in to use the bathroom. Inside, he saw an unkempt bearded man, assumed he was the janitor, and gave him his sword to hold. (This joke works better if you know that Ulysses Grant was pretty far from a sharp dresser.)

The femoral artery is named for a bone in what part of the body?
Lower arm
Lower leg
Upper leg
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The femoral artery is named for the femur, which is commonly called the thigh bone. It's good that the femoral artery is deep inside the leg, and well-protected -- when breached, this large-bore artery can bleed out quite rapidly.


Which of these Golden Age actresses was also an inventor?
Theda Bara
Hedy Lamarr
Gloria Swanson
Gene Tierney
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Fun fact: Hedy Lamarr was the inspiration for a villain on "Agent Carter." The character, Whitney Frost, was a Hollywood ingenue whose image belied her formidable brain and scientific skills.

Which of these is NOT a taxonomic classification?
They are all taxonomic classifications.
None of these are taxonomic classifications.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

These are all fields of study. Though each of them involves animals, none are classifications. Those would involve an animal's kingdom, or phylum, or ... well, you get the point.

The James Webb Space Telescope began sending its first images back to Earth in the summer of 2022.
NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScI via Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
Viking I and II were spacecraft which NASA sent to ______.
The Moon
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

At the present time, the InSight lander is on Mars. But the Viking crafts of the 1970s paved the way.


Who wrote the 1976 Best Picture winner, "Rocky"?
Peter Bogdanovich
William Goldman
George Lucas
Sylvester Stallone
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Yup, Stallone was a struggling actor who decided he'd write the ideal role for himself. Then he had to fight to ensure the part wasn't given away to a big-name actor.

Whom did Bill Clinton run against in the 1996 presidential election?
Bob Dole
Elizabeth Dole
John McCain
George W. Bush
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Bob Dole was the Republican senator from Kansas. An older candidate, he was hindered by suggestions that he was too old to effectively lead America, compared to the younger Clinton.

What religion gave us the concept of Nirvana?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Nirvana is the idea of ultimate non-attachment, therefore peace, that a good Buddhist will achieve after death. If you haven't heard about the complicated journey that is the Buddhist afterlife, Google it -- it's remarkably complex and mythic.


What action star had a bit role as a organ player at a wedding chapel in "Kill Bill: Vol.2"?
Dwayne Johnson
Samuel L. Jackson
Jet Li
Kurt Russell
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Director Quention Tarantino and Jackson -- who, we know, is more than just an action star -- evidently have a great working relationship. Jackson has appeared in several Tarantino films, but the role in "Kill Bill" was really just a cameo.

Type O negative blood is considered universal blood because anyone can accept it. That also means it's in high demand and in low supply.
ER Productions Limited/Getty Images
Which of these medical fields deals with blood?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Hematologists study and treat blood cancers like leukemia and clotting disorders. The latter includes hemophilia and Von Willebrand disease.

Christ the Redeemer, an iconic Brazilian landmark, is struck by lightning an average of 3 to 5 times a year due to its high altitude.
Luan Gonçalves / Pexels
Which of these is the last book of the Christian bible?
Acts of the Apostles
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The full name is "The Revelation to St. John" (or "the apostle John"). Highly allegorical, it purports to tell the story of the coming end of the world.


"Ropa vieja" is a stewed beef-and-tomato dish that is the pride of which national cuisine?
San Marino
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

We know that "stewed beef and tomato" doesn't sound like an epicurean delight. But trust us -- you've gotta try it to really appreciate it!

Kurt Vonnegut's most famous novel was called "Slaughterhouse _____."
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

"Slaughterhouse Five" is a story about war, with a strong anti-war message. A central event in it is the firebombing of Dresden in World War II.

Which world religion has 613 commandments?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

These are also called the "613 mitzvot," with the latter word meaning good or righteous deeds. They are divided in several ways, including "positive" and "negative" commandments, commandments for men and for women, and so on.


What was Lot's wife turned into, in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt in the Genesis story about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Her sin? Turning back to look behind her, which God had forbidden.

San Quentin, California, is known to the world for what reason?
Gold was discovered there.
Its prison hosts executions in California.
It was the location of the first movie shoot.
It was the site of California's first mission.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

San Quentin is a very small town north of San Francisco. It really only serves as a bedroom community for prison staff, some of whom work on "the Q's" death row.

In which game would you "castle kingside" or "castle queenside"?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

"Castling" is an unusual move in which you can move your king more than one space, and "jump" over the castle (aka rook) that will now be on the king's flank. It's a protective maneuver done early in the game.


Atropos, Lachesis and Clotho are the Three _____ of Greek mythology.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

You might have been helped here if you've read Piers Anthony's "Incarnations of Immortality" series, in which the Fates appear prominently. For those of you who haven't read it, here's the gen. Clotho, the youngest of the fates, spins the thread of a life; Lachesis, middle-aged, measures it out; and Atropos cuts it, creating death.

Who was judged at the Nuremberg Trials?
Accused witches
German war criminals
Robber barons of the 1920s
Soviet enemies of the people
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

At the Nuremberg trials, former Nazis were put on trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Notably absent was Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels and Heinrich Himmler, all of whom had committed suicide as combat came to an end.

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