Our Most Difficult Knowledge Quiz Will Let Us Guess What Grade You're In!
By: Ian Fortey
4 min
Image: FatCamera/E+Getty Images
About This Quiz
Remember way back when you first started going to school and everything was like "this is a circle?" Yeah, things were pretty simple back then. But then it got complicated, and you had to do social studies and science and math. One day, they made you dissect a frog. Then you had to find Canada on a map. And then before you knew it, you were doing quadratics. What the heck is a quadratic? No one remembers. Or do they?
You can't help but forget stuff as you go through life, but hopefully, a few things stayed in there. Some people seem to remember everything they've ever learned and are all super-geniuses now building apps and space shuttles and cool new ways to top a taco. Wherever you're at with your knowledge, we can probably make an educated guess all on our own about what grade you're ranking in at based on your answers. Just try some of these questions and see how much you know and how much you only think you know. Just be prepared ahead of time; some of these may only seem easy if you're fortunate enough to have learned the answers. Some of these are going to be very difficult. Think you can handle it? Then grab your pencil and let's go!
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