Earth's Evolution: The Paleogeography Quiz

Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Earth's Evolution: The Paleogeography Quiz
Image: Dimas Ardian/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Paleogeography is the study of the geography of paleos, right? Perhaps you could use a little brushing up on your paleogeography knowledge — or a starter course. Either way, this quiz will have you combining your paleo and geo knowledge in no time.
First things first: What is paleogeography?
the study of historical physical landscape
the study of handwriting
the study of ancient ruins
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Those who study paleogeography are interested in the physical environment of the past.

Let's dive into some well-known names in paleogeography. What is Pangaea?
the first supercontinent that existed
the last supercontinent that existed
the only supercontinent that existed
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Ooh, that means there are more supercontinents to name that came before Pangaea ...

The "precursor" body of water to the Pacific Ocean is called ...
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Although it stretched across the globe, it's kind of like the Pacific's ancestor.


Paleogeography is designed to …
study and record the past positions of land and water
study the change of physical features in the past and future
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

While it's important to see where we came from, we also need to know where we're going.

What is paleomagnetism?
how fast the continents move
the permanent magnetic field of rocks and minerals
the moon's pull on the continents
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Rocks and minerals can give insight into the strength and direction of Earth's magnetic field at different points in history.

How does paleomagnetism work?
iron in molten rock align to Earth's magnetic fields
iron-bearing rocks will be deposited differently at different latitudes
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Between those two facts, we can determine where rocks and minerals were originally deposited and how plate tectonics moved them.


But you know, magnetic north is always north and south is always south so no biggie.
Uh, not exactly — Earth's magnetic field sometimes reverse polarity.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Yeah, turns out that every 200,000 to 300,000 years the poles reverse.

When was the last time the poles reversed?
100,000 years ago
200,000 years ago
780,000 years ago
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

After about 780,000 years, we're due for another reversal!

What are hot-spot tracks?
lave flows
geyser activity
When plumes of lava rise above the lithosphere and a tectonic plate moves across it, a chain of volcano islands is pushed up.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The Hawaiian Islands are a well-known example of hot-spot tracks and can help us determine the age and movement of land masses.


What's paleobiogeography?
the book of paleogeography
how plants and animals have moved or been distributed in the past
how plants grow
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

By studying where and how plants and animals migrate or move, we can get some clues to the shifting of continents and land.

What is paleoclimatology?
studying rainfall and temperature history
studying greenhouse gas outputs
studying how hot Earth is
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Rainfall, temperature and other climate markers can give us an idea of ancient trends.

Wait, how would we know about ancient rainfall and temperature?
Well, it's all just a guess.
the soil
Look to the rocks.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Certain rocks form under specific climate conditions, so we can nail down some context for climate by studying things like coal and tillites.


What is the lithosphere?
Earth's crust
the crust and some of the mantle
Earth's mantle
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The lithosphere of Earth consists of the hard crust and the very upper part of the mantle.

Continents are composed of …
very new rock
very old rock
a mix of old and new rock
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The rock that makes up continents isn't easily subducted, so it's been around a long time.

Mountain belts are interesting for paleogeography because …
They're easy to dig into.
They never change.
They change positions frequently.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The movement of mountains proves useful to those studying geography.


Mountains form …
where continents collide
when continents move apart
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

While we mostly think about continents moving together to form mountains, peaks can also occur when continents rift.

When did the Andes form?
when the continental lithosphere was subducted under the ocean lithosphere
when the ocean lithosphere was subducted under the continental lithosphere
when a bunch of dirt washed up after a big storm
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

It'd be rather exciting if dirt piles the size of the Andes appeared after a gale, but alas, they were formed by the subduction of the ocean lithosphere.

What mountain range is older?
Rocky Mountains
Appalachian Mountains
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The Appalachian mountain range is estimated at 300 million years old — much older than the Rockies or Himalayas, despite being much smaller.


True or false: Alfred Wegener's continental drift theory was widely accepted upon its proposal.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The theory of continental drift was controversial and problematic in many ways, but it was a precursor to plate tectonics.

Modern coastlines have developed within …
the last million years
the last 200,000 years
the last 12,000 years
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Coastlines change extremely fast, based on rising and lowering sea levels. They've developed within the last 12,000 years.

Where is the edge of a continent?
on the shoreline
often much farther out at sea
No one knows.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The edge is demarcated by the continental slope and rise, which is often far at sea.


Throughout history, Earth generally ...
had taller peaks and mountains
had much higher sea levels
had less water
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

A lot of Earth was covered by sea for most of its history.

Why do sea-level changes occur?
due to ice levels
due to the shape of ocean basins
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Both of these factors cause sea-level changes, which is linked to climate change.

Wait, how did all this water get here?
No one is sure.
Gases from Earth created water vapor in the atmosphere, which condensed to form oceans.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

So through rain, kind of.


When did water first appear on Earth?
about 2 billion years ago
about 4.6 billion years ago
about 1.7 billion years ago
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Water's been around for a while — approximately 4.6 billion years.

How do the oceans' basins change shape?
seafloor spreading
plate tectonics
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Nope, it's not just Earth rearranging the furniture. It occurs through seafloor spreading and plate tectonics.

What is seafloor spreading?
Tectonic plates spread, and new mantle rises up.
Mountains form in the ocean.
The seafloor slowly erodes.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Seafloor spreading occurs where tectonic plates diverge.


Paleogeography is often used in …
wildlife conservation
oil exploration
cocktail party banter
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Understanding sedimentary basins is an important part of petroleum geology.

What else can we learn from sedimentary deposits?
where people moved
how animals grazed
the history or existence of extinct plants and animals
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Studying paleogeography allows us to learn about biological evolution, too.

So let's end with a cool paleogeographic fact. What happened when North and South America linked up?
North and South American fauna assimilated
Nothing happened.
Most of the South American species of fauna became extinct.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The continents had different mammalian fauna, and while some native South American species migrated up, most of the South American fauna went totally extinct in the fight for supremacy and space.


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Dimas Ardian/Getty Images