Play This Dating “Would You Rather” Game and We’ll Guess Your Relationship Status

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Play This Dating “Would You Rather” Game and We’ll Guess Your Relationship Status
Image: Image Source / DigitalVision / Getty Images

About This Quiz

You might be familiar with dating game shows like "The Bachelor," "Take Me Out" and "Rock of Love," or even the vintage show "The Dating Game," but today you're going to be a contestant on our "would you rather" dating quiz. Dating can be a hard game to play for many people, but if it comes easily to you, then you're probably someone who has quite a bit of experience with love. But don't tell us if you're single or taken just yet, because we're about to guess your relationship status with this dating quiz.

If you've been having some trouble scoring a date with that special someone, we've got some advice for you. You might be thinking that your appearance needs some tender loving care, but the secret to dating is all about confidence. If you can confidently walk up to your crush and strike up an interesting conversation with them, we're sure that you'll increase your odds at least 50%. After all, how can you score a date with someone if you never let them know that you're interested? 

We could sit here all day and talk about dating, but instead, we're going to put you in the hot seat now with this dating quiz!

Would you rather go on a first date with no makeup on or with really frizzy hair?
Really frizzy hair
My appearance doesn't matter to me, so I'll choose "both."
No makeup
I'm going with "neither."
Is it better to text or call a crush when you want to have a conversation with them?
I prefer face-to-face conversations.
Would you rather marry someone who is rich with a mean personality or someone who is poor with a kind heart?
I don't really want to get married.
I'll take personality over money any day.
Hopefully they can be both rich and nice.
I prefer money over a kind personality.


Do you think that it's more fun to go to a restaurant or a movie theater for a first date?
Movie theater
How about both?
I have something else in mind.
Does it look better to pay for your meal on a first date or have your meal paid for?
I'd rather just pay for my own meal.
I think it's best if the meal bill is split between both of us.
I'd want to have my meal paid for.
I'd rather pay for both meals.
Do you judge someone by the way they look or by the way they smell first?
The way they smell
I judge their personality first.
I don't like to judge others.
Their looks


What is your preference: staying in one relationship or dating different people?
Staying in one relationship
It depends on how much I like the person.
Dating different people
Would you rather say "I love you" first or have someone else say those words to you first?
I've never really been in love.
I don't mind saying "I love you" first.
It'd be cool if we could say it together at the same time.
I don't want to be the first one to say "I love you."
What is the secret to a loving relationship: laughter or communication?
Neither, it's something else.


Imagine your ideal proposal for a moment. Does it take place in Las Vegas or on a tropical island?
Somewhere else
Neither - it takes places in a nice restaurant.
A tropical island
Las Vegas
When it comes to Valentine's Day, would you rather receive a bouquet of flowers or a fancy box of chocolates?
I want a home-cooked meal.
Can I choose both?
If your date got you something that you really don't want, would you tell them or would you kindly accept the gift?
I would tell them that I don't really need it, but I'll still accept it.
I would just kindly accept the gift.
It depends on the gift.
I would tell them about how I feel.


When it comes to receiving a gift, do you care more about the price or the thought behind it?
I care more about whether or not it's handmade.
The thought behind it
A bit of both
The price
Is it more painful to have your heart broken by someone you love or to break your significant other's heart?
I'd rather have my heart broken.
It's much more painful to break someone else's heart.
Both of them feel awful.
It depends on who I'm dating.
Who do you listen to more when it comes to dating advice: your friends or your instincts?
I tend to just read online articles about dating.
My instincts
My friends


Would you rather date someone who is very active on social media or not active on it at all?
I don't mind if they're on social media as long as it's not too much.
I'd rather date someone who wasn't into social media.
I have no preference.
It'd be nice if they were very active on social media.
Is it better to meet a potential significant other through a mutual friend or through random chance?
Both have their pros and cons.
Random chance is always more fun.
It doesn't really matter to me.
I'd rather meet someone through a mutual friend.
When it comes to cooking for the one you love, would you rather cook something extravagant or something simple and basic?
I'd rather just take us to a restaurant.
Something more extravagant
Something simpler
I'd rather just order takeout for us.


If you could redo your first kiss, would you change anything about it or keep it the way it was?
I've never had a first kiss.
I wouldn't change anything about it.
Yes, I would make my first kiss more magical.
Yes, I would have my first kiss be with someone else.
Would it be more intimate to express your feelings through a poem or through a face-to-face conversation?
Through a poem
A face-to-face conversation
I think it's better to do it a different way.
I'd rather not express my feelings in either of these ways.
Choose one of these scenarios: dating someone who smells really bad or dating someone who is a really bad kisser?
I think I can manage dating a person who smells bad.
I would rather date someone who is a bad kisser.
It depends on the person.
I wouldn't date someone who had these qualities.


Do you think that the concept of "love at first sight" is real, or is it nonexistent?
I've never felt love, so I'm not sure.
It's absolutely real.
I think it exists for some people.
It doesn't exist.
Imagine your dream date. Could you be with them forever, or does that sound like too long?
I'm not really sure.
I could absolutely be with them forever.
Maybe not forever, but a few thousand years would be OK by me.
Forever is way too long.
Would you rather create a handmade card or a handmade gift for the person you love?
A handmade gift
A handmade card
I don't have time for such handmade gifts.


Is it better to date someone who is way too honest with you or someone who tends to hide their feelings from you?
Somewhere in the middle would be nice.
I would like someone who is more honest.
It depends on how long we've been dating.
I don't mind dating someone who tends to hide their feelings.
When it comes to relationships, are you more controlling or do you let someone else take charge?
I haven't really thought about this before.
The control should be split evenly between two people.
I don't mind someone else taking charge.
I like to be in control.
Are you the type of person who falls in love easily, or does it take more time for you?
It depends on the person I'm crushing on.
I fall in love pretty easily.
It takes some time, but not a whole lot.
It takes a lot of time for me.


When it comes to long distance relationships, is this something that you're willing to go through or something that you try to stay away from?
I personally don't think that long distance relationships ever last.
I don't mind long distance relationships.
It depends on how long we have to be apart for.
I don't do long distance relationships.
If your significant other cheated on you, would you give them a second chance or break off the relationship?
I would think about it first before making a decision.
I would probably give them a second chance.
It depends on how long we've been dating.
I would definitely break the relationship off.
Think about your love life as a story for a moment. Would it be more of a tragedy or a comedy?
It would be a blessing.


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