See If You Can Identify These Freshwater Fish From an Image!

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
See If You Can Identify These Freshwater Fish From an Image!
Image: MakiEni's photo/Moment Open/Getty Images

About This Quiz

There are many types of friendly and violent fish that inhabit the waters of the Earth. In today's quiz, we'll explore 40 awesome freshwater fish that live in the lakes, streams and headwaters of our world.

From striped bass and trout to salmon and crappies, there are a wide variety of notable freshwater fish that may sound familiar to you. For example, you might be aware of Atlantic salmon from prominent Japanese sushi restaurants. Some types of freshwater fish are also used for recreational purposes, especially sport fishing. These include the muskellunge, largemouth bass, northern pike and the smallmouth bass. Various types of freshwater fish are also threatened, while others are critically endangered. Some fish like to migrate between saltwater and freshwater, like the Atlantic salmon. Other types have also earned the right to be the official fish of certain states. An example of this would be the channel catfish, which is the state fish of Nebraska.

Even if you're not familiar with freshwater fish, don't worry. We've provided you with a helpful hint for every question on which you're stuck. All you have to do is match the picture of the fish to the applicable fish name. Do you think you can do it? Take this fish identification quiz now to find out!

Atlantic salmon
Steve Bly/Photographer's Choice RF/Getty Images
This "king of fish" is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and a variety of vitamins and minerals.
Atlantic salmon
Sea lamprey
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Atlantic salmon is prominent in a wide variety of cuisines and can be quite beneficial for those who are on a weight-loss diet. These types of fish also alternate between fresh water and salt water.

Arctic grayling
Wiki Commons by AKSMITH
This fish features a large rainbow-like fin on top of its body and belongs to the Thymallus genus. What's it called?
Giant mottled eel
Arctic grayling
Atlantic sturgeon
American eel
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The arctic grayling can actually live for up to 18 years and can be found in Utah, Montana and Alaska. These fish are also known for their shimmering appearance and rainbow colors.

American eel
The Wildlife Brothers
The _____________ comes from the Sargasso Sea and looks like a giant worm.
American shad
American eel
White sturgeon
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The American eel belongs to the Actinopterygii class and loves to eat worms as a snack. During the migrating season, these fish can also be found in various parts of the Atlantic coast.


Atlantic sturgeon
cezars/E+/Getty Images
Talk about enormous! Which of these fish can grow up to 800 pounds?
Common molly
Black tetra
Atlantic sturgeon
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The Atlantic sturgeon can grow to become quite the hefty fish! Weighing upwards of 800 pounds, these types of fish love to eat smaller sea creatures for dinner, such as mollusks and worms.

Alligator gar
Michael Wood/Stocktrek Images/Stocktrek Images/Getty Images
This long fish bears the scientific name "Atractosteus spatula," otherwise known as...
European eel
Alligator gar
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The alligator gar belongs to the Lepisosteidae family and is considered to be a very large type of freshwater fish. They also like to hunt prey in the Mississippi River and look like mini alligators.

Brook trout
Dennis Welsh/Moment Mobile/Getty Images
Which of these freshwater fish is part of the salmon family and can grow to almost 10 pounds?
Moray eel
Brook trout
European eel
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Also called the "speckled trout," this type of fish is actually a char, even though it's called a trout. It's also a member of the salmon family, and is called "Salvelinus fontinalis" via its scientific name.


Chinook salmon
lightasafeather/E+/Getty Images
This fish can be found in Lake Ontario and is also known as "chrome hog."
Chinook salmon
Yellow tang
Ocean sunfish
Largehead hairtail
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The chinook salmon can be found in Lake Ontario, as well as Lake Berryessa and Lake Chelan. This is also the state fish of Alaska and Oregon and contains many vitamins and minerals.

Apache trout
Which of these critically endangered fish has distinct black freckles all over its body?
Apache trout
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

These types of fish love streams and salt rivers and live off of a diet of insects. Apache trouts are also the official fish of the state that is home to the Grand Canyon (you guessed it, Arizona).

Northern pike
vm/E+/Getty Images
"Esox Lucius" is the scientific name for which of the following long fish?
Northern pike
Atlantic salmon
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The northern pike gets its name from the pike weapon, which is a long pole with a sharp spear at the end. This type of fish is also cannibalistic and belongs to the Esocidae family.


Coho salmon
lightasafeather/E+/Getty Images
"Silver salmon" is the nickname given to which of the following anadromous fish?
Siberian sturgeon
Persian sturgeon
Coho salmon
Queen angelfish
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Coho salmon are called "silvers" because of their shiny silver hue and bears the scientific name, "Onchorhynchus kisutch." These fish also love to eat insects and other types of fish for dinner and belong to the Oncorhynchus genus.

Jennifer Idol/Stocktrek Images/Stocktrek Images/Getty Images
This fish is called "copper nose" and belongs to the Centrarchidae family. What's it called?
Russian sturgeon
Chinese sturgeon
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The bluegill fish is part of the Perciformes order and bears the nickname "copper nose." This type of fish can also be found throughout North America and is considered to be a type of freshwater fish.

Channel catfish
GeorgePeters/E+/Getty Images
The _____________ is the official fish of five states in the United States.
Lake sturgeon
Giant mottled eel
Channel catfish
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The channel catfish can be found in the Lake of the Ozarks and bears the scientific name "Ictalurus punctatus." A large statue of this fish can also be found in Canada, named as the "Chuck the Channel Catfish."


Wiki Commons
Some people call this fish "musky" while scientists call it "Esox masquinongy." What would you call it?
Gilt-head bream
Queen angelfish
Ocean sunfish
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The muskellunge is part of the pike family, and is the largest of its kind. You can also find this type of fish in both Lake St. Clair and Lake of the Woods, as well as in various rivers of the Midwest.

Lake herring
This type of fish is also called "Cisco" and belongs to the Salmonidae family.
Dabry's sturgeon
Queen angelfish
Lake herring
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The lake herring has several nicknames, which includes cisco and chub. These fish also love to snack on larvae for breakfast and can be found within the Great Lakes, as well as the Arctic Ocean.

Pacific lamprey
Wiki Commons by Dino Kanlic
This parasitic creature sucks blood from various types of fish as a food source. Can you identify it?
Queen angelfish
Australian barracuda
Pacific lamprey
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Known as a "tridentate lamprey," the pacific lamprey fish relies on the blood from other fish to survive. They also look like a giant worm and belong to the Petromyzontidae family.


Lahontan cutthroat trout
Wiki Commons by Rhalden
Las Vegas isn't the only cool thing about Nevada because this state's official fish is the...
Common dentex
Lahontan cutthroat trout
Blackspot seabream
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The lahontan cutthroat trout is found in Lake Tahoe, as well as the Carson River. It's also known as a "stream spawner" because of its habitat in streams and belongs to the Actinopterygii class.

Chum salmon
Paul Souders/Photodisc/Getty Images
Many types of coastal streams contain which of these anadromous fish?
Yellow tang
Chum salmon
Australian barracuda
Queen angelfish
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The chum salmon is primarily found in a variety of freshwater coastal streams and is a favorite snack among brown bears. These fish can also weigh up to 19 pounds and bears the nickname "keta salmon."

Pallid Sturgeon
You won't find any teeth on this endangered fish, which also belongs to the Acipenseridae family.
Largehead hairtail
Pallid sturgeon
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Believe it or not, the pallid sturgeon is considered to be a toothless type of fish! It uses its mouth like a suction to eat tiny fish for food and can be found in the state of Missouri.


Yellow Perch
AFnS Outdoors
What is the name of this striped fish that belongs to the Perciformes order?
Pacific hagfish
Red porgy
Largehead hairtail
Yellow perch
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The yellow perch contains vibrant yellow scales with distinct black stripes and lives off of many small invertebrates. These types of fish can also be found throughout the United States.

Rio Grande silvery minnow
New Mexico PBS
This endangered fish is herbivorous and can be found in the Elephant Butte Reservoir.
Rio Grande silvery minnow
Great white shark
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The Rio Grande silvery minnows are very small and they only munch on plants for food. You can also find them throughout Rio Grande, and they only grow to be a few inches in length.

Blueback herring
Wiki Commons
You'll find many scutes on this fish, which is also found in Nova Scotia.
Short-finned eel
Blueback herring
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The blueback herring is also called the river herring and lives on a diet of fish and shrimp. These fish are also classified as an anadromous species and are popular in many different recipes.


Bull trout
Wiki Commons
Zooplankton is a favorite snack among which of these fish that loves freezing cold lakes?
Bull trout
Cory catfish
Tiger pleco
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The bull trout loves to swim in icy rivers and lakes near glaciers, especially in Oregon. They also eat various types of invertebrates, as well as salmon eggs, zoobenthos and fish for dinner.

Striped bass
Joseph Devenney/Photographer's Choice RF/Getty Images
You could call this grey fish "rockfish," but its patterns will tell us that it's a...
Atlantic salmon
Striped bass
Chum salmon
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

With nicknames like "rockfish" and "striper," the striped bass fish loves to consume fish and crustaceans for breakfast. They also lay quite a few eggs in its lifetime (about 3 million)!

Largemouth bass
Michael Wood/Stocktrek Images/Stocktrek Images/Getty Images
What is the name of this recreational sport fish that also bears the nickname "green trout?"
Chinese sturgeon
Acipenser oxyrinchus
Largemouth bass
Giant mottled eel
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The largemouth bass belongs to the Perciformes order and is a popular fish for sport fishing in the United States. These large fish also love to eat a variety of frogs and crustaceans.


American paddlefish
Kevin Schafer/Moment Mobile/Getty Images
No, it's not Pinocchio, but this long-nosed fish is one of the largest in the United States.
American paddlefish
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The American paddlefish, which belongs to the Actinopterygii class, is kind of like a mini-shark, as it maneuvers with its mouth open! Cartilage also makes up the anatomy of this fish, rather than bone.

Smallmouth bass
doug4537/E+/Getty Images
This "brownie" fish is part of the sunfish family and is a popular catch for sport fishing.
Smallmouth bass
Brook trout
Brown trout
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

You'll find plenty of smallmouth bass within the Mississippi River, Lake Erie and Lake Tahoe. These medium-sized fish also weigh almost seven pounds and belong to the Centrarchidae family.

American shad
Kirk Lombard
Which of these fish has a lifespan of 13 years?
European eel
White Sturgeon
Black crappie
American shad
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

This type of fish (also known as "Alosa sapidissima") has a diet that consists of planktons and copepods. American shads can also live as long as 13 years and can sometimes be found within the Atlantic Ocean.


Black crappie
Wiki Commons by WBeckon
This recreational fish can be found in many lakes and rivers. Are you familiar with it?
Black crappie
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Recreational fish are fish that can be used for recreational purposes, like fishing and eating. The black crappie is currently one of these types of fish and can be found in a variety of lakes and ponds.

Comanche Springs pupfish
Texas Wild
Which of these fish lives in freshwater springs in the state of Texas?
Comanche Springs pupfish
Pacific hagfish
Red porgy
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The Comanche Springs pupfish species is currently endangered and can be found in Balmorhea, Texas. These fish also love to snack on algae but have a very short lifespan (up to two years).

Wiki Commons
This "yellow pike" fish is known for its excellent eyesight. Do you know what it is?
Striped bass
Sea bass
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The walleye fish is able to hunt its prey at any time of the day (or night) due to its pristine eyesight. This fish also loves to eat minnows and frogs and belongs to the Percidae family.


Colorado pikeminnow
Wiki Commons
Which of the following cyprinid fish is the biggest minnow in all of North America?
Pacific hagfish
Sloane's viperfish
Bastard sturgeon
Colorado pikeminnow
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Early settlers loved these long Colorado pikeminnows, which also belongs to the Cyprinidae family. These fish can also currently be found in various parts of the Upper Colorado Rivers.

Devils Hole pupfish
Wiki Commons
When traveling to Nevada, you might spot these fish that only have a lifespan of 12 months.
Humpback anglerfish
Devils Hole pupfish
Pacific hagfish
Obtuse barracuda
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

If you're ever in Devils Hole, Nevada, head on over to the limestone pools. You'll find plenty of the critically endangered Devils Hole pupfish there, which also belong to the Cyprinodon genus.

Shortnose sucker
Another Fishing Show
This type of fish bears the nickname "Quapdo" and is currently endangered. Are you familiar with it?
Shortnose sucker
Chinese sturgeon
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

This type of fish is currently endangered and eats many microscopic animals to survive. The Klamath Tribes nicknamed this fish "Quapdo," which can also be found in the northernmost areas of California.


Razorback Sucker
Wiki Commons
Most of these types of fish live in Lake Mohave, Arizona. Do you know what it is?
Yelllow tang
Great barracuda
Ocean sunfish
Razorback sucker
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Aside from Lake Mohave, Arizona, the razorback suckers can also be found throughout the Colorado River. The scientific name for this type of fish is "Xyraucben texanus" and it also belongs to the Cypriniformes order.

Humpback chub
W. Perry Conway/Corbis/Getty Images
The Colorado River is home to which of the following endangered fish?
Red porgy
Humpback chub
Orange-lined triggerfish
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The humpback chub fish is currently an endangered species and can be found within the Grand Canyon. The scientific name for this type of fish is "Gila cypher" and belongs to the Gila genus.

White bass
Wiki Commons by BenitoJuarez98
The _________ is a popular type of freshwater fish and belongs to the Morone genus.
Gilt-head bream
Ocean sunfish
White bass
Yellow tang
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

You'll find plenty of white bass fish in rivers and lakes, such as the Lake of the Ozarks and Lake Erie. These fish also come in a variety of colors, such as green, black and silver.


Steelhead trout
Matt Champlin/Moment/Getty Images
If you can lift 55 pounds, then you can probably lift the ____________, which currently lives in Alaska.
Pink salmon
Steelhead trout
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The steelhead trout is actually a type of rainbow trout and can also be found along the west coast of the United States. These types of fish also bear the scientific name "Oncorhynchus mykiss."

Westslope cutthroat trout
gmcoop/E+/Getty Images
Another name for this freshwater fish is the black-spotted trout, but do you know its true name?
Westslope cutthroat trout
Rainbow trout
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

This type of fish has earned the nickname "black-spotted trout" due to its array of distinct black spots. Westslope cutthroat trouts can also be found in the state of Montana, specifically in Flathead Basin.

Wiki Commons by Servien
You could call this fish "two-eyed steak," but it's probably better to call it a...
Pacific halibut
Pink salmon
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Although bloaters can be seen in rivers, they are primarily found in most of the Great Lakes. The scientific name of the bloater is "Coregonus hoyi" and they are known for their silver and purple colors.


Moapa dace
Wiki Commons
Which of these cyprinid fish is critically endangered and is rather small in size?
Moapa dace
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The tiny moapa dace fish lives exactly where its name implies, the Moapa River in Nevada! Per their diet, these fish also love to eat a variety of plants and can live for up to four years.

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MakiEni's photo/Moment Open/Getty Images