The Ultimate Shark Teeth Quiz

Estimated Completion Time
2 min
The Ultimate Shark Teeth Quiz
Image: -/Stringer/AFP/Getty Images

About This Quiz

If you're going to collect something, why not shark teeth? Many shark teeth are prehistoric and have a fascinating look to them. Take our quiz to learn more about the fun you can have collecting shark teeth.
The shark tooth capital of the world is located where?
Sydney, Australia
Venice, Florida
Cape town, South Africa
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

You can go to any beach in search of shark's teeth, but "the" place to go is Venice, Florida, in the Gulf of Mexico.

How many bones does a shark have?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Sharks do not have any bones at all; their skeletons are made of cartilage.

What happens to a dead shark's remains over time?
They dissolve.
They calcify.
They get eaten by other sharks.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Cartilage, fat, and muscle all dissolve over time in the ocean's salt water, leaving only the teeth, which eventually wash up on the beach.


What materials are shark teeth made of?
enamel and dentine
bone and cartilage
fat and muscle
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Sharks teeth are made of dentine and enamel, which do not dissolve in salt water.

Why does a shark's tooth fall out so easily?
Shark teeth rot easily.
Sharks don't have roots for their teeth.
Sharks don't brush and floss regularly.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Human teeth remain in place because of their roots; shark teeth do not have roots, so they fall out easily and often.

Approximately how many rows of teeth do sharks have?
one or two
between five and 15
between 20 and 30
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

A shark will have anywhere between five and 15 rows of teeth at any given time in its life.


For how long does a shark usually keep one tooth?
one week
one month
one year
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Sharks have so many teeth that no one tooth is very important. Sharks will keep a tooth for about a week.

For how long do scientists believe sharks have been roaming the depths?
4 million years
40 million years
400 million years
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Sharks have been around for more than 400 million years, making most shark teeth fossils.

How long does it take a shark tooth to fossilize?
10,000 years
100,000 years
1 million years
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

A shark tooth will fossilize at the bottom of the ocean over the course of 10,000 years.


What protects shark teeth from oxygen and bacteria while they are in the water?
The teeth are covered in sandy sediment.
The teeth have a protective shell.
The teeth are guarded by tiny fish.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

When one of these teeth hits the bottom of the ocean it often gets covered with sandy sediment, which protects it while it fossilizes.

The most valuable shark teeth are those of which shark?
great white shark
tiger shark
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The teeth of a megalodon, a giant pre-historic shark, are always in high demand, and are considered the most valuable of shark teeth.

What is the average length of a great white shark?
five feet
approximately 15 feet
just over 27 feet
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Great whites are anywhere from seven to 20 feet long.


What was the average length of a megalodon?
40 feet
60 feet
80 feet
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The average megalodon was more than 60 feet long, making it large even by prehistoric standards. It was larger, for instance, than the T-Rex!

How big can a megalodon tooth be?
seven centimeters
seven inches
seven feet
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

One megalodon tooth can be as much as seven inches long, and its size is one of the main factors in determining its value.

How much can a megalodon tooth weigh?
one gram
one ounce
one pound
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

A fossilized megalodon tooth will often weigh about one pound.


The six to 12-inch drop in the floor of the sea, where the surf goes back into the sea, is known as what?
the surf line
the drop
the wash-in
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Where the surf turns inward there is usually a drop in the floor of the sea. This area, known as a wash-in, is the place to go to look for collectables -- shark teeth in particular.

Is there a particular time of day that's best for fossil searching?
low tide
high tide
any time
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

During high tide the water moves around so aggressively at the wash-in that you can't really hope to see, let alone grab, anything. Wait for morning low tide, when things are calm and quiet.

You will have more success if you look for shark teeth after what?
Look for shark teeth after the fishing boats have returned home.
Look for shark teeth after a major storm.
Look for shark teeth right after a full moon.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Storms kick up a lot of stuff from deep in the ocean, and as the water settles, some of these items end up on or near the shore. Try looking for shark teeth after a big storm.


Which American town is known for having many of the largest megalodon teeth in the world?
Venice, Florida
Chicago, Illinois
Bakersfield, California
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The beaches along the coast of Bakersfield, California are home to many of the world's largest shark teeth.

The Jimmy Buffet crowd enjoys using shark's teeth for what?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Many people, including the Buffet crowd, make jewelry out of shark teeth -- necklaces are the most popular.

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