Should You Join the Air Force?

By: Brian Whitney
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Should You Join the Air Force?
Image: Shuttertock

About This Quiz

Are you cut out for the military? There are a lot of different branches of the military, whether it be the United States Marines Corps, the Army, the Navy, the Coast Guard, or the Air Force. If you're thinking about signing up, getting some fantastic skills, and serving your country, you have some tough decisions in front of you. The United States Air Force is cool, there is no doubt about it, out of all the different military branches, they are probably the most proficient when it comes to technology, and usually, people that join are the most highly educated. Oh, and you also get to fly around in a plane! How cool is that? 

With all that said, there are a lot of factors to consider when it comes to joining the United States Air Force. The military is not for everyone, and if it's not for you, that doesn't make you a bad person: all of us are different.  And although the United States  Air Force is naturally focused on flying, only a small percentage of recruits wind up in the air, most of them are doing other jobs. We know these things are confusing, "Top Gun" was about the Navy after all. Are you ready to "Aim High, Fly-Fight-Win"? Take this quiz to find out.

Are you into the latest technology?
I don't really follow that kind of thing.
I try to keep up on it.
I enjoy reading about the newest tech very much.
I live for new technology.
Do you have a fear of heights?
I really do.
Doesn't everyone kind of have a few or heights?
I wouldn't say so.
I love being up high.
Do you like gaming?
I don't game at all.
Not particularly.
I used to get into it.
I love to game.


When was the last time you flew a kite?
I never have done that.
When I was a kid.
Within the last year.
I just did that recently.
Do you look good in a short haircut?
I hate how I look that way.
I suppose I do.
I look pretty good.
I look amazing in a short haircut!
Do you like being around a lot of other people?
No, I am a total loner.
I can handle it once in a long while.
I can handle it.
I thrive on that.


How do you handle being told what to do?
I hate it.
No one likes that.
I can deal with it.
I sort of enjoy it.
Are you in shape?
I am in awful shape.
Umm, not really.
I am in pretty good shape.
I am in excellent shape.
Have you ever worked out daily?
I have never done that.
No. Weekly maybe.
Yes, I did that until recently.
I still do that.


Are you afraid of flying?
It makes me a little nervous.
No, I enjoy it.
I love it.
Are you an adrenaline junkie?
No, I am pretty mellow.
I don't think that would be how I would describe myself.
I am pretty close to one.
Have you ever wanted to get a pilot's license?
No, that sounds like a nightmare.
It never occurred to me.
Sure, that sounds pretty cool.
I have thought about it a lot.


Do you like to travel?
I don't know, I never really have.
I don't mind it.
Sure I do.
I love it.
When do you get up in the morning?
Around noon.
About 10:00 a.m.
About 8:00 a.m.
About 6:00 a.m.
How would your friends describe you?
They would describe me as funny.
They would describe me as chill.
They would describe me as smart.
They would describe me as brave.


Did you do well in school?
I didn't like school.
I did okay.
I did pretty well.
I was awesome in school.
How often have you flown in your life?
Between zero and five times.
Between six and 10 times.
Between 10 and 50 times.
Over 50 times.
How into the movie "Top Gun" are you?
I never saw it.
I didn't like it.
That movie was awesome!
Umm, that movie was about the Navy, are you trying to trick me?


Have you ever seriously considered joining the military before?
I have thought about it a little.
It does seem interesting.
I have lots of times.
Do you ever just watch birds fly around?
Why would I do that?
I don't think I have ever done that.
I have done it a few times.
I do it a lot.
Do you like fast cars?
I don't really care either way.
Sure, they are fun.
I love them.


Do you mind enclosed spaces?
I freak out in them.
I don't like them much.
I don't mind them.
They don't bother me at all.
What is your current relationship status?
I'm in a long-term relationship with kids.
I'm in a long-term relationship.
I'm single with kids.
I'm single with no kids.
How much do you party?
I'm always on the lookout for a new party.
I do a fair amount of partying.
I don't party often at all.
I don't party.


Did you like to play on the swings when you were a kid?
I don't remember.
No, it made me sick to my stomach.
Those were pretty fun.
Yeah, I loved that.
How many computers do you own?
Three or more.
How do you feel when you put on a uniform?
I have never worn one.
I feel stupid.
I feel okay.
I feel proud.


How patriotic are you?
It depends on which country we're talking about.
I wouldn't say that I am very patriotic.
I'm as patriotic as much the next guy.
I am very patriotic.
What is your favorite winter sport?
Figure skating.
Ski jumping.
What kind of book would you read?
A romance novel
A mystery.
A self-help book.
An action/adventure book.


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