Tell Us Which of These Things You'd Do For A Million Dollars And We'll Guess How Much Of A Risk Taker You Are

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
8 min
Tell Us Which of These Things You'd Do For A Million Dollars And We'll Guess How Much Of A Risk Taker You Are
Image: moodboard / moodboard / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images

About This Quiz

There are many types of risky dares in this world that may be accomplished with determination, a certain type of skill set and a focus on the prize money. Such prize money may be small, but this quiz is all about 30 million dollar questions that will put your sanity to the test. So sit back and take a comfortable seat at our game show, because we want to know what you would do for a million dollars!

While we won't tell you some of the questions just yet, think about the old game show "Fear Factor." If you're familiar with such a TV show, then you've probably seen people eat some pretty gross foods, as well as participate in several risky dares. Some of the gross foods that contestants have had to eat in the past have included buffalo testicles, duck embryos, donkey urine and cheese with maggots lurking in it.

So the question now becomes, would you eat any of these foods for $1,000,000? Whether or not this sounds like a piece of cake to you, this quiz will determine how much of a risk-taker you really are. If you're hungry for more cheese with maggots, take our million dollar quiz now!

Would you eat 10 Carolina Reaper peppers in one sitting for $1,000,000?
Yes, I think I could do it.
No way, I wouldn't even try.
I would try, but I don't think I'd get far.
I think I could eat at least five of those peppers.
Do you think you could drive from Alaska to Florida at 35 mph for $1,000,000?
Of course I would.
Not at all
I think I could get to Nebraska before quitting.
I think I could, but it would take a while.
You have the option to start a new life for $1,000,000, but you can never see your friends and family again. Would you do it?
That would break my heart, but the money seems to be worth it.
No way, I love my family and friends too much.
I would have to really think about this.
Only if I really needed the money


Someone has just offered you $1,000,000 to live in Antarctica for one year. How do you feel about this?
I would definitely live in Antarctica for one year for this kind of money.
Nope, that sounds way too cold.
That depends ... am I going to be alone there?
I probably would if I can stay at least a little bit warm.
For $1,000,000, you can only eat pizza for the next three years. Would you do it?
That sounds like a blessing more than a challenge.
Nope, I would get sick of pizza so fast.
Can I at least switch up the toppings?
It would be hard, but I think I could do it.
Would you work 100 hours a week for six months straight at your current job for $1,000,000?
I almost work that much at my current job, so that's a yes from me.
I don't think I could handle that.
I would at least try.
It'd be tough, but I could manage that.


For $1,000,000, you must change your full name to "Blueberry Sugar Booger." Are you brave enough to do this?
That'd be embarrassing, but the money makes it worth it.
Absolutely not
I'm not sure, maybe I would.
Yes, but I would still go by a different name.
Could you stay awake for five days straight for $1,000,000?
That's not a problem for me.
No, I can barely stay awake for six hours straight.
I could probably do a full 24 hours before falling asleep.
I think I could get to three days straight before crashing.
Would you have the courage to vomit on your favorite celebrity for $1,000,000?
Of course, they wouldn't know me anyway.
No way, I love my favorite celebrity too much.
Could I at least help them clean up afterwards?
I probably could.


Someone is offering you $1,000,000 to dye your hair purple for the next three years. Would you do this?
This isn't a big deal, so yes.
Of course not, my job depends on my natural hair color.
Can't I at least choose a different hair color?
Yes, but I wouldn't go out that much for the next three years.
With $1,000,000 on the line, you have the option of temporarily losing your sight or hearing for a year. Which do you choose to lose?
I'll lose both of these senses for $2,000,000.
Neither, I love my ears and eyes too much.
I would probably live fine without hearing for a year.
I would choose to lose my sight for a year.
For $1,000,000, you must be stranded alone on a deserted island for two years. Do you think you could survive?
Yes, without a doubt
I would probably die within two weeks.
I don't think I could even last a full year.
I think I could do one year, but not two.


You see a contest prize of $1,000,000 for whoever can dance and sing naked on a theatrical stage. Would you do this?
That's not a problem for me.
No way, that's too embarrassing.
Can I bring a friend with me?
It depends on how large the crowd is.
Would you have your memory completely wiped out for $1,000,000?
I hate my past anyway, so sure.
No, I love my memories too much.
Can I at least choose the memories that will be wiped out?
Yes, but I would write an autobiography about my life before doing so.
You are not allowed to leave your home for the next five years for $1,000,000. Would you stay sane?
Of course I would.
No, because I love being outside too much.
As long as I have company with me, I think I could manage this.
I would go a little crazy, but I think I could do it.


You have the option of being locked in a pitch black room for one week with only some light snacks and water next to you. Would you do this for $1,000,000?
That sounds like a piece of cake.
No way, it's too dark and scary.
I don't think I could last 24 hours.
I could do it, but I'd be very hungry.
For $1,000,000, you are not allowed to shower or bathe for one year straight. Would this bother you?
Not at all, I would just smell really bad to other people.
Of course it would bother me, I need to smell good at all times.
Yes, I don't think I could do this for a full year.
A little bit, but I can pull this off.
Pick your top three favorite types of food. Now imagine not eating them for five years straight for $1,000,000. Could you handle this?
Yes, because there are so many other types of food to eat.
No, because I practically live off of my favorite types of food.
I don't think I could handle a full five years.
It'd be really hard, but I think I could do this.


Would you be able to live in a 200 square foot tiny house for $1,000,000?
I already live in a small home, so yes I could do this.
No way, I need my space.
That depends on how long I have to live there for.
It depends on who is living there with me.
For the next two years, you are only allowed to walk as your mode of transportation. No cars, buses, bikes or taxis will be allowed. Would you do this for $1,000,000?
Of course, that would be great exercise.
No, because that would be too much walking for me.
Maybe I could, but I'm not too sure.
Yes, I just wouldn't walk too far.
For the next 48 hours, you will be forced to live with a few hundred snakes in a small room. Does this sound worthy of $1,000,000?
That sounds super easy.
I'm too afraid of snakes, so I'll pass.
That depends ... are they venomous?
I could probably do 24 hours, but not 48 hours.


Imagine staying in bed for six months straight without getting up at all. Would you be able to do this for $1,000,000?
What a dream come true.
Absolutely not, this sounds like a nightmare.
I don't know, six months sounds too long.
If I had an abundance of food, books and games next to me, I think I could do this.
You are forced to relive your worst memory every single day for one month straight. Would $1,000,000 be too little for such a task?
I don't really have bad memories, so bring it on.
Yes, I would need at least $10,000,000 to do this.
I think I could do this for maybe 10 days straight.
I think I could do this, but it would really suck for me.
Would you break up with the love of your life for $1,000,000?
In a heartbeat
Of course not
I don't know ... $1,000,000 might very well be worth it.
Yes, but I would find a way to get back together with them.


Think about writing a 30-page essay about one of your worst subjects. Now imagine doing this every single day for one year straight for $1,000,000. Does this sound like fun to you?
"Fun" is a strong word, but I could still do this.
Nope, I hate writing.
I don't think I could do this for one year straight.
It would be a nightmare, but I would find a way to make it work.
You have just acquired a new superpower. If you keep this a secret for five years, you'll earn a $1,000,000. If you tell anyone, you'll lose the superpower. What would you do?
I would keep this a secret for five years.
I don't think I could keep this a secret.
It'd be really hard not to tell anybody about my superpower, so I'm not too sure.
I think I could do this, but it'd be very difficult for me.
You have the option of transforming into a goldfish for $1,000,000. You must keep this form for three months straight, but could you handle this new type of change?
I love fish, so of course I could do this.
No way, I love being human.
It depends ... am I going to be swimming in a bowl or in the ocean?
Can I at least swim with other types of fish?


Would you want to live on another planet by yourself for the next four years for $1,000,000?
That sounds like a fun adventure.
Probably not
Can I at least bring a friend with me, please?
I don't know, four years sounds like a long time to be away from home.
Someone is offering you $1,000,000 to inject you with a drug that will permanently alter your personality. Would you do this?
Sure, why not?
Nope, I love being me.
That depends on what types of changes will happen.
Yes, and I would find a way to become "me" again.
Would you completely change your physical appearance for $1,000,000?
Yes, because change is always a good thing.
No, I don't think I could do this.
That depends on if the change will be good or bad.
I most likely would.


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