The “Am I Ugly?” Quiz

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
The “Am I Ugly?” Quiz
Image: ImageSource/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images

About This Quiz


Are you having one of those days when you feel like you just rolled out of bed and into a mess of bad hair and blemishes? Well, you're not alone! The ""Am I Ugly?"" quiz by Talin Vartanian is here to help you navigate through those moments of self-doubt and insecurity. Beauty isn't just about looks, it's about how you treat others and your inner personality shines through!

Have you ever encountered a person who looked like a supermodel but acted like a mean girl straight out of a teen movie? Yeah, not a great combo! This quiz dives deep into the question of whether your personality matches your outer appearance. After all, no one wants to hang out with someone who is rude, cynical, or selfish, no matter how good they look on the outside!

So, are you ready to tackle the big question on your mind? Take the ""Am I Ugly?"" quiz today and discover what truly makes you beautiful inside and out. Let's put those insecurities to rest and embrace the unique and amazing person that you are!

Man looking in the mirror in the morning
F.J. Jimenez / Getty Images
How often do you have bad hair days?
Very rarely
All the time!
Once in a while
Question 2 - confident
Flashpop/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
What do you see when you look in the mirror?
Someone who is confident
Someone who is talented
Someone who feels lost in life
Someone who is tough
Question 3 - humor
Klaus Vedfelt/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
What is the most attractive part of your personality?
I am very sociable.
I am very intelligent.
I have a great sense of humor.
I'm very ambitious.


Question 4 - makeup routine
AleksandarNakic/ E+/ Getty Images
What's your daily makeup routine like?
I just use one to two simple makeup products.
I go all out with eye, lip and face makeup.
I don't wear makeup.
I only wear makeup for special occasions.
Question 5 - insecurities
Tara Moore/ Cultura/ Getty Images
Do you have insecurities about your beauty?
Not really
A few, yes
Yes, definitely
I only feel insecure on my "off" days.
Question 6 - hygienic
RUNSTUDIO/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
Would you describe yourself as hygienic?
Of course, I am hygienic.
I'm leaning towards "no."
I'd like to think so.
Yes, but I have my lazy days. too.


Question 7 - lying
Klaus Vedfelt/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
Have you ever lied to someone for your own personal gain?
I can't remember.
Just once or twice
I used to lie but not anymore.
Question 8 - smile with confidence
Mengwen Cao/ Moment/ Getty Images
Do you smile at strangers with confidence?
Yes, all the time
Only if they smile at me first
Not usually
Only if I'm in a good mood
Question 9 - Freckles
Deborah Andreasen/ Moment/ Getty Images
Which of these 'beauty flaws' makes you think "Yup, that's me."
Stretch marks
Spider veins
Freckles or acne


Question 10 - body type
LaylaBird/ E+/ Getty Images
Would you rather change your body type or your face?
I actually like the way I look.
My body type
My face
Question 11 - worried
Martin Novak/ Moment/ Getty Images
Are you worried about what other people think of you?
No, I couldn't care less.
Sometimes, yes
It depends on the person.
Question 12 - friends
Hello World/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
How would you feel about being friends with someone who is super gorgeous?


Question 13 - brag
Steve Prezant/ ImageSource/ Getty Images
Is it ever OK to brag about how awesome you are?
Of course, it is
Only to my friends
No, I would never do that
When the occasion calls for it
Question 14 - face shapes
Unsplash by Park Street
What's your face shape like?
Diamond or heart
Question 15 - lazy
ULTRA F/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
Which of the following makes a person appear more ugly?
Lack of physical beauty
Inflated ego


Question 16 - bad skin
Gravity Images/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
Would you ever leave the house when you're having a bad skin day?
I don't get bad skin days.
Sure, why not?
Probably not
It all depends on the day.
Question 17 - fashionable
Unsplash by
How would you describe your fashion sense of style?
Question 18 - compare yourself
Denkou Images/ Cultura/ Getty Images
Do you tend to compare yourself to other people?
Not really
It depends on the person.
Yes, quite frequently
I try not to do that.


Question 19 - Gosling
Wikicommons by Elen Nivrae from Paris, France
Which of these celebrities would you want to look like?
Chris Hemsworth
Kim Kardashian
Taylor Swift
Ryan Gosling
Question 20 - fit
Luis Alvarez/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
Would you describe yourself fit and athletic?
I used to be, but not anymore.
No, not at all
Of course
Question 21 -  friends
FG Trade/ E+/ Getty Images
Where does your inner confidence come from?
From the way I look
Who said that I had inner confidence?
From my friends/family
From my own mind


Question 22 - smile
Peter Amend/ ImageSource/ Getty Images
How would you describe your smile?
Just OK
Question 23 - nutrition
Klaus Vedfelt/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
Do you take care of yourself when it comes to your mental health and nutrition?
Kind of ...
Not too much
I try to take care of those things.
Of course, I do that!
Question 24 - weight
Flashpop/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
Are you happy with your overall weight?
For the most part, I am happy with my weight.
No, I could gain a few pounds.
No, I could lose a few pounds.


Question 25 - compliment
Thomas Barwick/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
On what do people normally compliment you?
My looks
My personality
I don't receive many compliments.
My achievements
Question 26 - friends
Thomas Barwick/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
How would you describe the size of your social circle?
It's very small.
I don't have many friends.
It's pretty big.
It's about average.
Question 27 - dating
Plume Creative/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
Are you currently dating someone who is considered to be attractive?
Yes, I am.
Well, I wouldn't say they're super attractive.
No, I'm single.
It's complicated.


Question 28 - beauty
Klaus Vedfelt/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
What's your personal definition of the word "beauty"?
Someone who looks physically stunning
I can't describe it.
Someone who has an awesome personality
Someone who is very confident
Question 29 - spa
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
How often do you treat yourself to spa services?
All the time
Only on special occasions
Once in a while
Question 30 - sad
Boy_Anupong/ Moment/ Getty Images
Do you often feel like you're not good enough?
No, I never feel that way.
You read my mind.
It depends on the day.


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