The Auto Shop Quiz

By: Dave Davis
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
The Auto Shop Quiz
Image: sturti/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

When car owners bring their vehicles into the mechanic's garage for routine maintenance or repair, the experience can often leave them feeling vulnerable. The space is filled with unfamiliar tools, machines and strange-looking devices, and mechanics frequently use terms most people don't understand. For car owners, it's like being in a foreign country where they don't speak the language. Add to the fact that, depending on the repair, hundreds or even thousands of dollars could be on the line, and this simple trip could lead to ever-rising levels of anxiety.

Is this your experience, or do you feel that the garage is a second home? Are you afraid of speaking with the mechanic, or do you relish the opportunity to talk shop? This quiz will determine how much you know about the tools of the trade when it comes to auto repair and maintenance!

One of the best ways to lower the fear and dread of visiting your local auto shop is to familiarize yourself with what you'll find there. While some of these objects resemble medieval torture devices, knowing a strut compressor from a breaker bar will, at some level, put your mind at ease.

Some of these devices are squarely in the domain of the professional mechanic. Others are easily found in a home garage or, at times, in a well-supplied glove box. Even if you don't consider yourself "handy,” you'll know far more about the tools found in an auto shop than you did when you started this quiz! So, let's step past the line that keeps the other customers out of the service bay and take a crack at some questions that will give us a diagnostic of your auto shop knowledge. Pull it on in!

20 - Jack stand
Garage Geek via YouTube
Can you name this simple piece of equipment that could save your life?
Pulley guard
Hydraulic press
Bumper support
Jack stand
24 - Socket set
mdlee52 via YouTube
What's the name of this basic set of tools that can be found in almost any garage or home?
Pipe fitting set
Socket set
Allen wrench set
Screwdriver set
18 - Combination wrench set
Robert Lowdon/Moment/Getty Images
Sometimes there's no substitute for a good set of these in the garage, but what are they?
Combination wrench set
Tuning compression array
Cable leads
Breaker bars


23 - Auto fuse puller
furulevi via YouTube
You could use a pair of pliers, but it's recommended that you use this tool for the job. What is its job?
Screw retriever
Auto fuse puller
Circuit tester
Nylon nut wrench
27 - Magnetic tray
Ramón Espelt Photography/Moment Open/Getty Images
It's simple, but you'll thank yourself when you use which piece of equipment?
Magnetic tray
Oil pan
Hubcap storage unit
Solar reflector
9 - Door air wedge
Wayne Winton via YouTube
You've been locked out of your vehicle. What's the name of this tool that will get you back in?
Hydraulic air compressor
Machine oil reservoir
Door air wedge
Water-cooled microdrill


15 - Magnetic pick-up tool
Supercheap Auto via YouTube
What's the name of this tool that, when necessary, will keep the cursing in the garage down to a minimum?
Radio antenna
Magnetic pick-up tool
Telescoping circuit tester
Linear stethoscope
8 - Air compressor
Campbell Hausfeld via YouTube
What's the name of this machine that is designed to put other items into motion?
Industrial vacuum
Tire inflator
Fuel tank draining system
Air compressor
22 - Wheel balancer
Derek Weaver Company via YouTube
What's the name of this device that won't be found in home garages but is a great tool for a professional service bay?
Rim straightener
Retread applicator
Wheel balancer
Precision inflater


25 - Tire gauge
flubydust/E+/Getty Images
Your mechanic has one and so should you. What's the name of this most basic piece of automotive equipment?
Timing key
Tire gauge
Water pressure gauge
17 - Creeper
Thinkstock/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Despite its name, this piece of equipment is both useful and completely harmless. What is it?
Nap board
Spider roller
Corpse hauler
28 - Torque wrench
Do It Yourself Bri via YouTube
What's the name of this piece of equipment that can help you from becoming your own worst enemy?
Ratchet wrench
Lighted screwdriver
Torque wrench
Pneumatic hammer


6 - Spark plug socket
This the right tool for a very specific job, but what is it?
Spark plug socket
Allen wrench
Lugnut socket
Automotive fuse puller
11 - Four-way lug wrench
skodonnell/E+/Getty Images
It looks like a ninja's weapon. What's the name of this tool?
Four-way lug wrench
Crosshatch wrench
Multiple-use tire iron
Camshaft balancer
36 - Engine hoist
Alvarez Metal Works via YouTube
This machine saves time and the mechanic's back muscles. What is it?
Engine hoist
Car lift
Overhead floor jack
Hydraulic belt adjuster


34 - Floor jack
Real Tool Reviews via YouTube
Other tools can do the job, but what's the name of this device that makes the task quicker and easier?
Underbody roller
Tire alignment sensor
Floor jack
Frame straightener
26 - Oil drain and caddy
Greg Smith Equipment via YouTube
It can be a messy business. What's the name of this handy bit of equipment that can make it less so?
Air conditioner recharger
Gas tank drain and reservoir
Oil drain and caddy
Air compressor and filter
16 - Digital timing light
Supercheap Auto via YouTube
When a mechanic uses this tool, he or she can keep things running the way they should on older or small engines. What's it called?
Digital reciprociter
Remote digital thermostat
Digital timing light
Fuel efficiency sensor


12 - Strut compressor
OTC TOOLS via YouTube
This tool is vital when working on the suspension system of many car models. Do you know what it's called?
Bushing press
Strut compressor
Spring straightener
Vice clamp
35 - Breaker bar
Real Tool Reviews via YouTube
This tool is an example of one of humanity's oldest machines. What's it called?
Electrical conduit
Breaker bar
Ratchet wrench
5 - Battery charger and jumper
Living Survival via YouTube
Can you name this device that will get things moving when nothing else will?
Oil dispenser
Shop radio
Portable vacuum
Battery charger and jumper


21 - Battery terminal brush
Greensky438 via YouTube
Simple but effective, what's the name of this tool?
Spark plug cleaner
Battery terminal brush
12V outlet tester
Fuse tester
19 - Multimeter
FotoAta/E+/Getty Images
You know there's a problem, but you're not going to find it just by looking. What's the tool that's going to help you track it down?
OBD-II sensor
Frequency modulator
Timing indicator
30 - Spark plug gapper
donyboy73 via YouTube
Your car won't run smoothly, or in some cases at all, if your mechanic doesn't use this bit of equipment. What's it called?
Timing coin
Spark plug gapper
Distributor cap


14 - Gasket scraper set
Catus Maximus via YouTube
When rebuilding an engine, you'll need this type of set to seal everything up properly. What's type of set will you be using?
Screwdriver set
Gasket scraper set
Chisel set
Putty knife set
3 - Brake lathe
BendPak via YouTube
If you're feeling a little warped lately, which of these will put you back on the right path?
Transmission diagnostic scanner
Brake lathe
Angle grinder
Axle straightener
31 - Transmission jack
Danny Johnson via YouTube
What's this heavy-duty piece of equipment called around the garage?
Floor jack
Mechanic's stool
Transmission jack
Engine hoist


32 - OBD-II scanner
BSK Garage via YouTube
This machine can answer all your questions - at least when it comes to your car. What's its name?
Infotainment CPU
Circuit tester
Electronic owner's manual
OBD-II scanner
40 - Fender cover
Ze26 via YouTube
When used properly, you'll never know that a mechanic was there. What's this piece of equipment called?
Driveway cover
Mechanic's apron
Fender cover
33 - Brake pad spreader
starastronomer via YouTube
What's the name of this the tool which is most often used when things are grinding to a halt?
Piston repositioner
Hood fastener
Replacement trunk latch
Brake pad spreader


7 - Master bolt grip set
Budget Build Garage via YouTube
To remove items that were designed to stay put, you'll need a set of these. What is this set called?
Master bolt grip set
Socket set
Screwdriver set
Bolt hole drilling set
2 - AC recovery, recycle and recharge machine
FordTechMakuloco via YouTube
It can be a complex job, but this is the right tool for it. Which one of these is it?
AC recovery, recycle and recharge machine
Tire inflator
ODB-II diagnostic device
Automatic car jack
29 - Grease gun
Tool Review Zone via YouTube
What's the name of this device that keeps various parts of your car playing nicely with each other?
Air conditioner charger
Radiator coolant pump
Tire air pump
Grease gun


4 - Antifreeze tester
theoverengineer via YouTube
Sometimes you need to know what you're dealing with, and you can use this to gather info. What's it called?
Antifreeze tester
Refrigerant tester
Oil tester
Fuel tester
10 - Seal puller
Robert Lowdon/Moment/Getty Images
Despite its name, you're not doing anything mean to an animal when you use it. What's it called?
Bat wrench
Pidgeon hole grinder
Seal puller
Bulldog cutter
38 - Inspection camera
TheToolReview via YouTube
This device can shed some light on a problem area. What's it called?
Adjustable flash light
Inspection camera
Cylinder inspection tool


39 - Pneumatic socket wrench
Supercheap Auto via YouTube
What is the name of this time- and labor-saving device?
Sonic screwdriver
Shock/strut expander
Pneumatic socket wrench
Rachet wrench
1 - Windshield suction cup
NEW Auto Glass via YouTube
This tool can get you out of a sticky situation by giving you a handle on the situation. Can you name it?
Vacuum attachment
Magnetic gripper
Dent puller
Windshield suction cup
13 - Oil filter wrench
stone18/E+/Getty Images
What's the name of this device, which, when used properly, can keep you out of a messy situation?
Oil filter wrench
Gas tank band remover
Channellock pliers


37 -Serpentine belt tool
Cornwell Quality Tools via YouTube
What's the name of this tool that is designed to tighten and loosen hard-to-reach items under your hood?
"Slim Jim" lock pick
Transmission adjustment wrench
Spark plug puller
Serpentine belt tool