There Are Six Types of Co-Workers: Which Are You?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
There Are Six Types of Co-Workers: Which Are You?
Image: 10'000 Hours / DigitalVision / Getty Images

About This Quiz

There are many archetypes in modern society, and none are more familiar than those we find at our work. After all, however often we change jobs in our lives, we spend most of our waking hours at work, so it's no surprise that we start to recognize constants that appear in one given workplace and then follow us to another.

An archetype is the perfect example of a thing; that is, it is unlike a stereotype, which is usually based on either outright falsehoods or a kernel of truth that has been extrapolated far beyond what it originally included. That's why it is so easy to recognize certain figures, from the rumor mill who always has the gossip to the den mother who always organizes the birthday cards to the rising star who is on an escalator directly to the corner office. Other office archetypes include the saboteur who constantly steps over others to get where they're going, the malingerer who is always sick just when you need them, and the doormat who would be delighted to give up their Saturday so you can complete that report on time.

Of course, while a person may fall into a workplace archetype, it doesn't mean that it is the entirety of who they are. You might be one of these figures at work, but very different outside of it. That's why it's important to figure out the role you're falling into at work, so that you can decide if it is authentic to who you are and who you want to be. If it is, embrace it, and if not, change it! Let's get started!

How would you recognize a colleague's birthday?
I organize a card, a gift, a cake and a party!
I don't.
I buy them a bottle of wine and give it in front of everyone, saying, "Try not to open it here, OK?"
I buy them something I probably can't afford.
Do you ever refuse to take on more work?
I say "yes" or "no" strategically.
When I'm overloaded, yes
Do you see yourself getting a corner office someday?
No, I'm happy here!
Definitely not
Definitely yes
That'd be cool.


What do you typically wear to work?
The most casual and comfy things I can without being fired
Slacks and a shirt or nice blouse, nothing too fancy or high effort
A meticulously dry-cleaned and well-thought-out outfit
Power suit, but sometimes with something cheeky like sneakers, a loud vest or statement necklace to show I'm human
What word would your coworkers use to describe you?
Have you ever taken credit for an idea that wasn't yours?
Of course not!
I've never taken credit for an idea that WAS mine!
Once or twice


How often per year do you pull a sickie?
At least a week's worth
Once or twice
Maybe once to take an interview elsewhere
I don't really pull sickies.
Do you spend a lot of time at the water cooler?
A fair amount
When it suits my plan
I avoid it.
Yes, it's my desk away from my desk.
When they need a volunteer, how quickly does your hand go up?
Depends what it's for


How often do you work through the weekend?
Whenever there's a good reason
What's your favorite thing about your job?
I love looking after everyone.
The paycheck
Opportunities to get my enemies
Opportunities to do exciting work and rise up
What's the first thing you added to your desk when you arrived?
Photos of my kids
A little model of Darth Vader to remind me of my goals
Trophies and certificates
Pictures of my vacations


If you won a million dollars on the lottery, how would it affect your work?
I'd give my kids college funds and deposits on homes, then carry on working.
I'd quit at once and move to a place where $1 million is enough to buy a house and live without ever working again.
I'd help everyone I know.
I'd buy an apartment and consider switching jobs, but I might stay. A million is a lot, but not enough to never work again in this town!
Have you ever competed for a promotion?
Yes. I won by playing dirty.
Yes. I lost playing fair.
Yes, many times, and I always play fair and always win.
Not yet
What do you consider your key source of power in your workplace?
Everyone likes me.
Nobody notices me.
I know things.
I don't have any power.


What is your favorite part of a working day?
Going home
When I present something I'm proud of
Chilling with my best work buddy
Have you ever covered for a colleague who snuck out of work?
Of course. I have many mutual arrangements of this nature.
No. I've told them I would, then I secretly told on them.
Yes, many times.
Only rarely, but yes
Would you ever date someone at your workplace?
No, I'm married.
Sure, as long as they weren't going to start expecting me to be on time to work.
Yes. Being half of a power couple is my dream!
No, I like talking about people, not being talked about.


If your boss said they were leaving, what would be your first thought?
I'd be sad and hope the new boss will be as nice.
I'd be immediately gunning for their office.
I'd be relieved. They're mean.
I'd go and find out who the new boss was and whether there would be any changes for the rest of us.
Have you ever signed up for a corporate retreat?
No. Until they hold one someplace like Bermuda, I'm not interested.
Yes. Free holiday.
Of course. Networking ahoy!
Sure, I like to be in the loop.
What was your key qualification to get the job you have?
Relevant experience
My buddy got me in.
Appropriate degree and skills
Contacts, degree, skills, and frankly, just being dazzling


If you were fired, why would you be fired?
There would be no good reason.
I'm actually a terrible person, which they might notice.
I'd take the fall for someone else.
My relentless rumor-mongering might finally create fallout.
What's your favorite perk of the job?
Free snacks
Free cab home if you stay until after 9pm
Company car, now that I'm a manager
I learned a lot about this industry.
Have you ever stolen something from the office?
No. I'm the one who has to order new things, so there would be no reason.
Yes-the only copy of the key report on the Phillips account.
Of course not.
Pens, paper, that sort of thing. An occasional tangerine.


Where is your desk in relation to the boss's desk?
Quite near
As far away as possible
I "hotdesk," so I don't have an assigned one.
Just outside her office
If a colleague does something against company rules, do you tell on them?
Depends what rule
Nope, I couldn't care less
If it serves my purpose
Probably, yes. I need clean hands here!
What change would make you move jobs?
If I could afford to work less
If I had an opportunity to get ahead with less effort
If the bullying got even worse, I'd have to!
More money or a shorter commute


Have you ever been a project lead?
I am a great project manager, but I prefer operations to leadership.
Yes, I do one every so often.
Many times, yes
Have you ever mentored someone junior to you?
I wouldn't call it mentoring, but I take care of everyone.
In my own twisted way, yes
Nobody needs my mentorship!
Yes, many people
Have you ever sent an email to the wrong person that got you in trouble?
Not yet
I feel like everything gets me in trouble.
A few times!


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