About This Quiz
There are many archetypes in modern society, and none are more familiar than those we find at our work. After all, however often we change jobs in our lives, we spend most of our waking hours at work, so it's no surprise that we start to recognize constants that appear in one given workplace and then follow us to another.
An archetype is the perfect example of a thing; that is, it is unlike a stereotype, which is usually based on either outright falsehoods or a kernel of truth that has been extrapolated far beyond what it originally included. That's why it is so easy to recognize certain figures, from the rumor mill who always has the gossip to the den mother who always organizes the birthday cards to the rising star who is on an escalator directly to the corner office. Other office archetypes include the saboteur who constantly steps over others to get where they're going, the malingerer who is always sick just when you need them, and the doormat who would be delighted to give up their Saturday so you can complete that report on time.
Of course, while a person may fall into a workplace archetype, it doesn't mean that it is the entirety of who they are. You might be one of these figures at work, but very different outside of it. That's why it's important to figure out the role you're falling into at work, so that you can decide if it is authentic to who you are and who you want to be. If it is, embrace it, and if not, change it! Let's get started!
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