This Quiz Will Guess Your Love Life 8 Months From Now

By: Jennifer Post
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
This Quiz Will Guess Your Love Life 8 Months From Now
Image: Flashpop / DigitalVision / Getty Images

About This Quiz

When you think about your relationship right now, do you think long-term? Even if you do, that doesn't mean that it will actually be long-term. Or you could be right and 8 months from now you'll be married after planning a whirlwind wedding. The funny thing about relationships is you could be going along enjoying life and then bam, something changes. That change could be good, or it could be really sad. But if it does end up bad, keep you chin up. There are plenty of fish in the sea, as they say.

Predicting where your relationship will be 8 months from now can be super fun to think about. What if you get engaged in the next month? Seven months is plenty of time to plan a wedding. What if you're single now, but tomorrow meet someone. Eight months is plenty of time to build a strong foundation for a lasting relationship. No matter where you stand in your relationship status right now, 8 months is a long time, and yet a short time. Anything can happen, and you just have to make the best of it. But to know where your relationship will be in 8 months, take this quiz!

What's your favorite part about being in a relationship?
Being with my best friend
Constantly learning something new
Always having someone to do something with
The beginning honeymoon phase
On a first date, what do you want to do?
Go out for coffee
Drinks are always nice
A casual dinner
Dinner and a movie
If you're with someone right now, can you see yourself marrying them?
I'm definitely getting to that point.
I'm just happy with where we're at now.
I can't think that far ahead.


Does anything worry you about long-term relationships?
Growing apart
Getting bored
Not seeing eye to eye on important things
Losing myself
Do you have any relationship deal breakers?
Not wanting to get married
Not wanting kids
Being mean to wait staff
Nah not really
If your partner got a job across the country, would you move with them?
No question
I would seriously consider it.
It depends on where we are in the relationship.
I don't think so.


When you have a bad day, who do you turn to?
My significant other
My mom
My best friend first, then my partner once I've calmed down a bit
Is physical or mental/emotional chemistry more important?
They're all extremely important.
In the beginning, physical, but mental is what keeps a relationship going.
A good mix of all of them
Physical for sure
Are you comfortable enough to be open about all of your feelings?
Every single one
Most of them, but some aren't worth sharing
Just the surface ones for now
Nah, gotta keep it cool


Are you okay with your significant other still talking with their exes?
I don't see why they'd want to, but sure.
Depends on how serious the relationship was
Maybe if it's like, their high school ex
Not at all under any circumstances
Is it ideal to have a good relationship with your SO's mother?
It's ideal, but rare.
It doesn't matter to me either way.
It would definitely make things easier.
I'd rather not.
What's the longest you've gone without seeing a significant other?
A week I think
A few days
A couple of weeks
A day or two


How long do you think a couple should be together before going on a vacation together?
It's more about feeling than time.
A year
Whenever you have the money
When you're comfortable spending more than one night together
When is a good time to move in together?
When it makes sense
When you're engaged
After about a year
When you're married
Is saying "I love you" too pressurized these days?
Yeah, I think people make it too big of a deal.
No, it's a big moment.
There is a lot of build up, but once you say it there's a sense of relief.
I haven't really thought about it.


What's the ideal proposal to you?
In our home
Anywhere but in public
In a park during a picnic
At a sporting event
Who should be the breadwinner?
Doesn't matter, you're both providing for each other
It will go through phases.
The woman
The man
Was your first impression of your current partner right or wrong?
Totally right, and I'm so glad.
I was way off, thank goodness.
I was pretty on point.
I was right, and that's why we broke up.


Is cheating unforgivable?
I feel like it's so easy to say yes until you're in the situation.
It honestly depends.
I would be devastated.
How will you know if you're ready for the next step in your relationship?
No one's ever ready, you just take the leap.
I'll know when I have no doubts whatsoever about the relationship.
I'll probably overthink it way too much.
I just wing it.
How many relationships have you been in?
2 serious ones
Around 4
I've dated a lot, but this is my first long-term.
A lot, but none long-term


Does your partner feel like home?
I de-stress as soon as they hold me.
Absolutely, it's the best feeling.
My bed feels like home.
I don't even know what a home should feel like.
When you think about the future with your current partner, do you get excited?
So excited to see what's next
A little too excited, but a little nervous too. It's a big deal
I don't think too far ahead.
I get stressed a little bit.
Are there any secrets that are OK to keep from each other?
Not if you're married or heading that way
Secrets aren't worth it, they'll come out eventually.
Maybe little ones
Depends how long you've been together


What's a good way to keep the love alive in a long-term relationship?
Always make time for date night, even if it's just a couple of hours a week
Be apart enough to miss each other so you don't get annoyed.
Find ways to surprise each other.
Little unexpected things like surprise kisses or nice dinners
Is it OK to go to bed angry?
Sometimes you need to.
I definitely try to never do that.
It's never OK.
I don't think I ever have had to.
Do you think everyone has one person they're meant to be with?
No, I just think once you find someone you want to be with, you stop noticing other people
I really do
No, I just think you have to pick the best one.
Definitely not


If you could change anything about your relationship, what would it be?
I wish we had met sooner.
Absolutely nothing
I wish things were moving a little faster.
I wish we went out more.
What would happen if you found out you were pregnant this very moment?
We'd be thrilled!
I think we'd be OK.
It would lead to some intense conversations.
I'd freak out.
For a healthy relationship, do you think you have to agree on everything?
I think not agreeing on everything actually makes a relationship healthy.
The important things
You don't have to, but it's nice to.
That sounds boring.


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