Vampire, Wolf or Witch: Which Are You?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Vampire, Wolf or Witch: Which Are You?
Image: Jsteck / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Mythological monsters represent the horrors we worry might be growing deep down in our souls. Who hasn't worried that their rage could manifest in an uncontrolled manner, like a human transforming into a werewolf? Who hasn't felt that a so-called friend acts in a way reminiscent of a vampire, sucking the life, the joy, even the money from those closest to them? Who hasn't darkly fantasized about becoming a witch or warlock, with the power to strip others of their free will, making them do as you want, regardless of the moral consequences?

On October 31, much of the world turns its view to fears, to the corruption we dare not confront within ourselves. All Hallows Eve is a night when we reflect on death and all that fear of death causes, as the plant life in the Northern Hemisphere dies off in preparation for winter. It's no mistake our imaginations turn to the monsters of our nightmares and fears around how they could consume us, either from without or from within.

Look deep into yourself. How do your virtues and vices play out? What are you most afraid of? Do you worry about the demon outside your window? Because that demon is exactly what lurks within you. Take this quiz to find out what monster lurks within!

Pixabay by silviarita
Have you had much success with diets?
None. I can't seem to stop myself.
I have a drinking problem.
I usually beat myself up over them.
Only with help.
Romantic Couple Rose
Pixabay by 1475341
Are other people attracted to you?
No, none
Yes, often
No, I push them away.
Yes, thanks to my little helper.
21 woman with fridge
PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
How's your self-control?
Not great
I lose my grip every now and then.


Business Woman on Computer
Pixabay by nastya_gepp
Do people turn to you for advice?
No. Why would they?
Sure, as much as anyone
Curly Hair Woman City
Pixabay by 2704056
How do you fare when you can't get what you need?
I frenzy.
I look bad.
I turn in on myself.
I work hard to get it.
Woman Sleep Bed
Pixabay by manbob86
How deeply do you sleep?
I don't.
I sleep very deeply.
I toss and turn.
I sleep like a baby.


Woman Drive Car
Pixabay by gusttavobraz
How adaptable are you?
Not at all
A bit
I have help.
Boss Computer
Pixabay by StockSnap
What's your relationship like with your boss?
Terrible. I'm a drone.
I am the boss.
I hate my boss.
I'm under my boss's thumb.
Cocktail Glass
Pixabay by 453169
Are you always surrounded by people just like you?
It seems that way.
No, I don't like people like me.
No, there is no one like me.
I have a couple colleagues.


Black Women Friends
Pixabay by trevoykellyphotography
Do your friends ever accuse you of using them?
Not to my face, but I have heard the whispers.
No, only of abusing myself.
Not if they are wise.
Woman beach
How likely are you to pick a fight with a stranger?
I do it all the time.
I'll do it if I'm in a mood and run across them.
Unlikely, unless I'm ordered to.
I try to avoid that.
Woman Crossed Arms
Pixabay by gabrielle_cc
Do you seethe at the behavior of others?
I just seethe.
No, I rejoice in it.
No, only my own.


Pixabay by TeroVesalainen
How much is your life driven by routine?
All of it
No more than anyone else's
It's pretty chaotic.
It's always exciting and new.
Woman Watermelon
Pixabay by AdinaVoicu
How much is your life driven by hunger?
That's all I think about.
It's my number one drive, but not the only major drive.
It's not.
I'm more concerned with bigger things.
Alarm Clock
Pixabay by JESHOOTS-com
How much is your life driven by the passage of time?
Not at all
It consumes me.
Not really at all
Sometimes you have to wait for the stars to align.


Tax Clutter
Pixabay by stevepb
How much is your life dominated by forces beyond your control?
The forces are from within.
I prefer to think of the world as simply being as it is, not being out of control.
Only once in a while.
Every moment, but I seek to gain the upper hand.
Food Platter
Pixabay by stevepb
How would you describe your appetites?
All consuming
An afterthought
Drinks at the Beach
Pixabay by rawpixel
What is your relationship with alcohol like?
I don't have an issue there, at least.
I have a drinking problem.
I can really lose it if I have a drink.
I drink only on special occasions, like religious holidays.


Pixabay by un-perfekt
Do you have secrets you hide from your family?
No. I'm an open book.
I'm afraid they know.
Yes, very much so.
No, I don't have one.
Top of Mountain
Pixabay by Free-Photos
Do you work to undermine others in pursuit of your goals?
No, that sounds like some "Game of Thrones" stuff.
Sometimes, if they cross me
Only my own
Yes, every day
Mom & Daughter
Pixabay by StockSnap
Do you worry that your behavior will rub off on others?
Yes. That really worries me.
No, but it does sometimes.
Yes, because that's how I got this way.
No, because it's not for the faint of heart.


Grandmother and baby
Pixabay by changelinks
Are you concerned about losing the things you love to the passage of time?
Not really
Yes, very much
Not to time, no
No, because I can find a way to put a stop to that
Woman Reading Couch
Pixabay by Pexels
Do you have to keep to yourself, in order to protect the ones you love?
I probably should.
No, I don't love anyone more than myself.
Yes, that's my bag.
No, I sit in plain view.
Pixabay by jerrykimbrell10
Who do you owe the most to?
I owe nothing.
My... sire
The people I have hurt
My teacher


Woman Smile Mountaintop
Pixabay by ivanovgood
How badly do you want to live?
More than anything
More than almost anything
I don't know if I still do.
More than I want to die
Pixabay by PublicDomainPictures
Do you believe in an afterlife?
I don't know.
I hope there is one, and that God is merciful.
Yes, and I know where I am going.
Dark Forrest Milkyway
Pixabay by Free-Photos
Do you fear the dark?
No, it doesn't bother me.
It terrifies me.
I fear the light.
I fear other people, not the dark.


Friends Beach
Pixabay by FotografieLink
Are you worried about others knowing the real you?
No, I don't mind.
No, I would like them to.
Yes, keep them back.
No, I would like to keep my friends close, and my enemies closer...
Workplace Team
Pixabay by Free-Photos
Are you respected in your field?
Not at all
I feel I don't get enough respect, actually.
I'm respected, but not listened to, which is the highest form of respect.
Woman Mountain Top
Pixabay by Free-Photos
If you could become what you fear most, would you?
God no!
I wouldn't want to.


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