Walk Through an Enchanted Forest and We'll Guess What Mythical Creature Lies Within You!
By: Talin Vartanian
6 min
Image: chee gin tan/E+/Getty Images
About This Quiz
Humans may have created some mythical creatures within their minds, but that doesn't mean that they're not real. In fact, some of them are said to have existed in the past, which makes a classic folklore tale that much more interesting. Mermaids used to lure in pirates with their beauty and singing voice while other people have sighted the so-called Loch Ness monster. But if these types of creatures are real, are humans actually different from them?
We'd like to think there are some similarities, and in today's mythical quiz, we're going to determine which one you are. But if you're going to embrace that beast within you, then you're going to have to think and act like one. And what's the best way to do that? By placing you in an enchanted forest! You'll have the chance to face different kinds of enemies and choose between different paths and scenarios. But remember to go with your gut and choose wisely, because your actions could determine whether you escape the forest, or whether you'll be stuck in it forever. So shed your human skin and take a walk through a magical land that one can only dream of. Because you never know what you might find on the other side ...
You thank the creature that saved you, but it asks you a question: "I can tell you why you're here, but I'll need one of your senses in return. Do you accept my offer?"
As you approach this new location, you notice that the terrain feels more slippery. You try to tread carefully, but you fall and hit your head. What happens next?
You awaken to find that your vision has magically been restored, but you're also back at the beginning of the forest. What will you do differently this time?
You go through the portal and you're suddenly back in your home. You see a screen that says "Thank you for playing out virtual reality game. Would you like to start over?"