Walk Through an Enchanted Forest and We'll Guess What Mythical Creature Lies Within You!

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Walk Through an Enchanted Forest and We'll Guess What Mythical Creature Lies Within You!
Image: chee gin tan/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Humans may have created some mythical creatures within their minds, but that doesn't mean that they're not real. In fact, some of them are said to have existed in the past, which makes a classic folklore tale that much more interesting. Mermaids used to lure in pirates with their beauty and singing voice while other people have sighted the so-called Loch Ness monster. But if these types of creatures are real, are humans actually different from them?

We'd like to think there are some similarities, and in today's mythical quiz, we're going to determine which one you are. But if you're going to embrace that beast within you, then you're going to have to think and act like one. And what's the best way to do that? By placing you in an enchanted forest! You'll have the chance to face different kinds of enemies and choose between different paths and scenarios. But remember to go with your gut and choose wisely, because your actions could determine whether you escape the forest, or whether you'll be stuck in it forever. So shed your human skin and take a walk through a magical land that one can only dream of. Because you never know what you might find on the other side ...

Woman in forest
Christoph Hetzmannseder/Moment/Getty Images
A moment ago, you were relaxing in your home. Suddenly, you wake up in an enchanted forest. How did you get here?
I've always been here; my home was the dream.
I think I'm just dreaming.
My head hurts, I can't remember.
I've been brainwashed.
Anupong Sakoolchai/Moment/Getty Images
After the dizzy spell wears off, what's the first thing you notice?
Multicolored sky
I'm underwater!
The flowers are changing colors.
It feels very hot all of a sudden.
Pixabay by jwvein
You see some yummy berries on a tree, but you're not sure if they're poisonous. What will you do?
I'll put some in my pocket for now.
I'm not all that hungry.
It's best to stay away from them.
Eat them, I'll be fine.


Dark Hedges trees tunnel
© Marco Bottigelli/Moment/Getty Images
You've now come to a fork in the road. On the left is a path toward darkness. On the right is a path towards a town. Which will you choose?
On second thought, I'll just go backwards.
Hmm ... I'm not really sure.
The path on the right
The path on the left
Giant mushroom and smoke
Dina Belenko Photography/Moment/Getty Images
You're walking on your chosen path when you smell something burning. Will you investigate it?
Heck, no!
Of course, I'm a curious person.
Maybe I should have chosen the other path
Ahh ... that smells good.
Stele forest cave
www.anotherdayattheoffice.org/Moment/Getty Images
You reach a cave with some writing on the walls. What will you write with a small rock?
"I was here."
"Where am I?"
"Can I leave this place alive?"
"What happens after death?"


Resting women in foggy bush
Vizerskaya/E+/Getty Images
You're feeling pretty tired, so you decide to nap for a few hours. Suddenly, you're woken up by a(n) ...
Mysterious sound
Fairy tree house
ZargonDesign/E+/Getty Images
You become spooked from fear, so you run out of the cave and try to find ...
A treehouse
A lake
Somebody to help me
Nothing, I'll just keep running.
Young woman dive into deep water
piskunov/E+/Getty Images
You suddenly trip and fall into a river. How good are your swimming skills?
Terrible, I'm going to drown!
I'm an expert at swimming.
They're just OK.
I hate water, but I can manage.


Small town
Pixabay by Walkerssk
The river ends up taking you to a small town of strange people. Do you approach them for help?
Hmm ... something's fishy about them.
Of course!
I'll just do a little wave.
Loch Ness monster swimming in the lake
gremlin/E+/Getty Images
Your leg is suddenly being tugged by a creature in the water. It's the Loch Ness monster! How will you fight it off?
Fight? I can't fight!
I'll quickly swim away.
I'll scream really loud.
I'll use my fists!
Warrior with sword
stock_colors/E+/Getty Images
The people of the village defeat the Loch Ness monster for you and they're offering you a place to stay for the night. Will you accept their offer?
Fine, but I still don't trust them.
Sure, that's very kind of them.
Let me think about it.
No, thanks


Girl in forest with blue smoke
Eva Carollo Photography/Moment/Getty Images
Before you get a chance to answer, you hear a voice whisper to you from the woods. What's it saying?
"Come closer ..."
"What's your name?"
"I know why you're here..."
I can't understand the language.
Golden light in the forest
Daniel Grizelj/Stone/Getty Images
You feel hypnotized by this voice, and your body starts moving toward the forest. What do you see?
Bright colors
Black smoke
Nothing. Nothing at all.
A pair of red eyes
Woman on a mountain peak
Dougal Waters/Stone/Getty Images
Whatever you saw suddenly vanished into thin air. You snap back to reality, but you find yourself on top of a mountain. So now what?
I'll have to climb down the mountain.
I'll yell out for help.
I think I'll stay here awhile.
I'll leap from the mountain.


Scroll nailed on tree
aydinmutlu/E+/Getty Images
Before you do anything, you notice a scroll with your name on it. What does it say inside?
"Look down."
"Look left."
"Look right."
"Look up."
Dougal Waters/Stone/Getty Images
You look in the direction that it tells you to, and you suddenly notice a will-o'-the-wisp floating. Is it friendly or evil?
I'm not sure.
It's more mysterious.
Woman on a mountain peak and will-o'-the-wisp
Dougal Waters/Stone/Getty Images
The will-o'-the-wisp tells you to jump off the mountain, but assures you that you'll be fine. Will you listen to it?
I'd rather climb down than jump down.
Now just hold on a sec ...
Yes, I think it means well.
Absolutely not


Winged woman
Pixabay by sergeitokmakov
You feel a force push you from the edge, but before you know it, you sprout wings from your back! What are they made from?
Pixie dust
Winged woman flying
Pixabay by sergeitokmakov
You're flying down the mountain when you sense a mysterious force trying to strike you down. How will you escape from it?
I'll have to fly faster.
I'll fly up instead of down.
I'll try to hide somewhere.
I'll face it in battle.
Woman riding pegasus
Pixabay by Mysticsartdesign
The mysterious force ends up breaking one of your wings. You start plummeting down toward the enchanted forest, but something saves you. What is it?


Pixabay by peter_pyw
You thank the creature that saved you, but it asks you a question: "I can tell you why you're here, but I'll need one of your senses in return. Do you accept my offer?"
"Yes, you can have my sight or hearing."
"Yes, you can have my sense of touch."
"Yes, you can have my sense of smell or taste."
Woman in flowing green dress 1
Colin Anderson Productions pty ltd/DigitalVision/Getty Images
The creature turns out to be malicious and steals your sight! You can't see anything, but you smell something funny. What is it?
Ocean breeze
Cotton candy
Burnt wood
Woman in flowing green dress 2
Colin Anderson Productions pty ltd/DigitalVision/Getty Images
You follow the scent slowly and carefully, but you can't see where it leads you. What do you hear in your surroundings?
Gentle breeze
Birds chirping
Fire crackling


Woman floating in forest
Henrik Sorensen/DigitalVision/Getty Images
As you approach this new location, you notice that the terrain feels more slippery. You try to tread carefully, but you fall and hit your head. What happens next?
I'm awake, but my head hurts.
I become very dizzy.
I feel fine!
I black out.
Woman in moonlight glade
Bill Hinton/Moment/Getty Images
You awaken to find that your vision has magically been restored, but you're also back at the beginning of the forest. What will you do differently this time?
I would go toward the town.
I would go toward the path of darkness.
I would stay away from all creatures and people.
Woman with suitcase in dark forest
Tom Fullum/Photographer's Choice RF/Getty Images
You're walking along a different path when you see a mysterious bag on the ground. Your bravery pushes you to stick your hand in it. What do you find?
Hot coals


brightstars/Stockbyte/Getty Images
In addition to said item, you also find a compass. What direction is it pointing in?
Fantasy arch
Pixabay by Victoria_Borodinova
You follow the direction of the compass and it leads you to a portal. What do you see beyond it?
Winter wonderland
Magical oasis
Virtual reality game
yulkapopkova/E+/Getty Images
You go through the portal and you're suddenly back in your home. You see a screen that says "Thank you for playing out virtual reality game. Would you like to start over?"
No, thanks, I've had enough!
Give me a little break first!
Yes, but I want to modify the world.
