The Ultimate Wasp Quiz

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2 min
The Ultimate Wasp Quiz
Image: AFP/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Do you remember the first time you saw a wasp is and thought it was the world's largest, scariest bee? While wasps and bees share certain features, wasps have their own lifestyle, which differs greatly from that of bees. Do you know how wasps work? Take this quiz to learn more about the bee's more frightening cousin -- the wasp.
What is the evolutionary relationship between wasps and bees?
Wasps and bees both evolved from the same pre-historic insect.
Bees evolved from wasps.
Wasps evolved from bees.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The modern wasp is much closer to its prehistoric ancestor, while the bee evolved from the wasp into a kinder, gentler creature.

Which of these Hollywood blockbusters was influenced by the life cycle of wasps?
The Fly
Jurassic Park
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The scenes in the movie Alien that depict life forms gestating, feeding, and eventually breaking out of host creatures were based on the fact that certain wasps lay their eggs inside of host insects whom they have paralyzed.

Approximately how many species of wasps are there?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

You think you know a wasp when you see one, but there are actually more than 20,000 species of this insect, some of which look quite weird.


What are the exoskeletons of wasps made of?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The outer shell of a wasp, known as the exoskeleton, is made of a long-grain polymer called chitin, a glucose derivative.

How many legs do wasps have?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Wasps are part of the insect family, which means that they have six legs.

The wings of a wasp are attached to what body part?
the head
the thorax
the abdomen
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The main body of a wasp's exoskeleton is known as the thorax, to which the legs and wings are all attached.


Which sex of wasp has a stinger?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Only female wasps have a stinger. Male wasps are inactive, and many can't even fly.

The organ that eventually evolved into the wasp stinger was called what?
the hemothorax
the stigma
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The ovipositor, which eventually evolved into a stinger, was originally the part of a female wasp's anatomy used to lay eggs directly into other creatures. This is why only female wasps have them.

Having washed a wasp sting, what is the next step?
Apply ice.
Remove the stinger.
Coat the area with anti-itch cream.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

If you've been stung, you should leave the area immediately to avoid being stung again. Go wash the injured area, and then apply an ice-filled washcloth in 10-minute intervals. You can then determine whether you need to take further action.


What is the primary purpose of wasp venom?
It's designed to ruin picnics.
It's designed to paralyze small insects.
It's designed to sweeten the pollen of small flowers.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

While wasp venom does cause a lot of pain to large creatures, its primary purpose is reproductive. It is designed to paralyze insects, so that the wasp can lay her eggs inside the victim.

When a wasp stings you, where does the venom go?
It is injected directly into the blood stream.
It remains and festers between layers of skin.
It goes directly to the marrow of the closest bone.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Wasps inject their venom directly into their victim's blood stream. This allows for efficient delivery of the poison, and it augments the poison's effects.

Which of these hormones, found in wasp venom, causes a loss of blood flow to the stung area?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Norepinephrine, one of the active ingredients in wasp venom, causes a temporary loss of blood flow to the stung area, dramatically augmenting the pain of the sting.


Scientists at the University of Georgia are attempting to train wasps to detect which of these?
terrorist weapons
missing children
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The war on terror has enlisted wasps (and bees) to help detect explosives and chemical weapons.

A single wasp larva might consume how many spiders?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Larvae of the black and yellow mud dauber feed on spiders. The mother will fill the larva's cylinder with as many as 40 spiders and then leave, never to return.

The average yellow jacket colony has how many wasps?
around 40
around 400
around 4,000
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

A single yellow jacket colony will have between 2,800 and 5,000 wasps. If you see one or two, there are likely thousands more in the vicinity.


Which of these insects is a species of wasp?
bubble bees
velvet ants
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

The term velvet ant is a misnomer, as these hairy crawlers are actually a species of wasp. This particular species shed its wings in favor of ruling the Earth.

Why should you avoid killing a wasp near its nest?
It's cruel.
It's dangerous.
It's bad for the environment.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

When a wasp is in danger it releases pheromones that other wasps smell and interpret as a warning. They will attack anything nearby that they feel qualifies as a threat.

During which season should you knock down wasp nests?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

If you want to rid your yard of wasp nests, do so in the winter when the nests are empty.


Which of these is likely to attract wasps?
body odor
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Perfume doesn't just smell good to humans, wasps love it as well. The sweet smell of alcohol and artificial fragrances will attract wasps from far and wide, so be careful.

What is the only reason a wasp will attack a human?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer

Wasps are only interested in finding pollen or hunting insects. They will come after a person only when they feel threatened, so remain calm around wasps; they will likely fly away the moment they have determined you are neither an insect nor a flower.

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