The Ultimate Weight Loss Quiz

Estimated Completion Time
1 min
The Ultimate Weight Loss Quiz
Image: LIU JIN/AFP/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Diets: You've tried them all, with mixed results. At least you know all about diets ... or do you? Test your diet IQ with this weight loss quiz.
Who wrote the "New Diet Revolution" in 1972?
Dr. Robert Atkins
Dr. James South Beach
Dr. Deepak Chopra
At any given moment, what percentage of American women are dieting?
40 percent
12 percent
80 percent
What's a good rule of thumb measurement for the size a portion of meat, poultry or fish should be in a healthy diet?
your foot
a deck of cards
a toilet seat


What is the basal metabolic rate?
the rate at which your body produces fats
the length of time it will take an individual to lose a specified number of pounds
the amount of energy a body needs to function when at rest
What's the idea behind lower carbohydrate intake to lose weight?
fewer carbs means less fluctuation in blood sugar levels
carbs create the fat stores in your body, so less of them means less fat
your body doesn't know when it's full when you eat too many carbs
What is the best way to tell if you're overweight?
body mass index
compounded weight ratio
1031 exchange


Which of these isn't an actual diet?
The Cabbage Soup Diet
The St. Louis Salt-only Diet
The Hollywood Miracle Diet
The initial weight loss seen at the beginning of a diet comes from:
sudden drop in fat stores
change in metabolic rate
loss of water
What percentage of your daily caloric intake should come from fats?
2 to 4 percent
25 to 35 percent
50 to 70 percent


Using which of these is an easy way to shave a few fat grams off your intake when dieting?
nonstick pans
ball of twine
rolling pin