What % Antisocial Are You?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What % Antisocial Are You?
Image: Lucy Lambriex / DigitalVision / Getty Images

About This Quiz

When it comes to socializing with others, some people are as natural and carefree as a social butterfly. But for many people, public speaking or simply chatting with others at a party can be quite a terrifying ordeal. Antisocial tendencies may also be characterized by a lack of interest in talking with others, especially since some people prefer to live a more quiet type of lifestyle. But being antisocial is not a bad thing, as it's just a normal human trait that makes you unique and different. So don't worry if you believe you're antisocial, because that's what this quiz is all about!

If you want to become a more sociable person, we're here to help with that! For starters, you may be experiencing some fear about what other people might think of you. This may also be linked to some self-confidence issues, so it's important to be happy with yourself first before you find happiness in others. Confidence is also an attractive trait to many people, so try to become a more confident version of yourself during social events. Now if you're not at all interested in becoming more sociable, that's OK too! Let's find out what % antisocial you are with this personality quiz!

It's 9:00 pm on a Friday night. Are you watching a movie indoors or hanging out with some friends?
Hanging out with some friends.
I'd probably be watching a movie with some friends.
Watching a movie indoors.
Are you the type of person to raise your hand in class to answer or ask a question?
Of course, I'm not afraid of what other students think of me.
Only if I was really confused about the subject.
Heck no!
Which of these house pets do you become at a fancy party?


Your significant other wants to introduce you to their family members. How do you feel about this?
Would you ever talk to your crush alone, or do you need some friends to accompany you?
I could definitely talk to my crush alone.
It depends on the crush.
I would probably just need one friend with me.
I would definitely need some friends with me.
Let's say that you're at a club with your friend. Would you dance with them or sip on some cocktails in a corner?
I would dance with my friend.
Probably both.
I'd probably be sipping on some cocktails in a corner.
I'd rather just leave the club.


Would you consider sleeping to be one of your most favorite hobbies?
No, sleeping is not a hobby.
Only on my days off.
It's a hobby, but not my favorite one.
Now you're speaking my language.
Do you think that the world is secretly against you, or is that just a ridiculous thought?
What a ridiculous thing to say.
I guess it depends on the type of day I'm having.
I sometimes feel like people are against me.
Yes, I feel like everyone is always judging me.
When you talk to other people, which of these scenarios best describes your feelings?
Lying on a beach
Playing hide-and-seek
Climbing a mountain
Walking on a tightrope


If the human spirit was like a legendary creature, which type would it be?
How much time does it take for you to trust someone enough to talk to them about your feelings?
A few minutes
A few days
A few weeks
A few months
On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being the highest), how much do you care about what other people think of you?


Do you secretly want to become a more sociable person, or are you happy with the way you are?
I'm pretty happy with the way I am.
I just wish I was better at public speaking.
I wish I had a few more friends.
I wish I was more sociable.
What color do you become when you are being interviewed for a job?
Your soul may be reflective of something more abstract! Which of the following does your soul resonate with the most?
The sun
A river
The wind
The moon


Compare yourself now to how you used to be. Have you grown into a more quiet and reserved type of person?
Nope, just the opposite actually.
I'm not really sure.
Somewhat, yes.
Does a lack of sleep affect how sociable you are to other people?
No, I'm pretty outgoing even without sleep!
A little bit.
Yes, I need sleep to function.
I'm still antisocial no matter how much sleep I get.
Based on your social skills, which of these professions would you not want to transition into?
News reporter


The ultimate test of public speaking would most likely be hosting an awards show. Would you want to host the Oscars for $10,000?
I'll do it for free!
Sure, I'll do it for $10,000.
You're going to have to pay me more than that.
Absolutely not.
Do you feel more comfortable talking to just one friend or a large group of friends?
It doesn't matter to me.
A large group of friends
One friend
Fill in the blank: I become a more sociable person when I drink a gallon of __________.
Energy drinks


What is the scariest part about speaking in front of a crowd of 1,000 people?
Nothing is scary about it.
I'm scared about messing up my speech.
I'm scared about what people will think of me.
Everything is scary about public speaking.
Are antisocial people more wise and intelligent, or is this an absurd thought to have?
That's a pretty absurd thought to have.
It just depends on the person.
Most antisocial people are wise and intelligent.
Yes, I believe all antisocial people are more wise and intelligent.
Do you prefer to have more serious or lighthearted types of conversations with people?
It doesn't really matter to me.
Lighthearted conversations
Serious conversations
I just hate conversing with people in general.


What puts you at ease when talking to other people?
Their outgoing personality
Their kindness
Their flaws
Is it better to talk to someone who is overly shy or overly talkative?
Overly talkative
Hopefully this person can be somewhere in the middle.
Overly shy
I don't want to talk to anyone.
Are you the type of person who judges others before you start to talk to them?
No, I try not to.
It depends on the person.
Sometimes I do.
Yes, all the time.


If you saw Natalie Portman hanging out a cafe, would you have the guts to say hi to her?
Of course I would.
I'm not sure, maybe I would.
Only if I brought a friend with me.
That's out of the question.
For $200, you must either dance, sing or act on a theatrical stage. Which will you choose?
Would you feel embarrassed about eating in front of a large group of people?
No, why would I be?
That depends...am I the only one eating?
Only if I spilled something on me.


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