What % City Girl Are You?

By: Jennifer Post
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What % City Girl Are You?
Image: Betsie Van Der Meer/DigitalVision/Getty Images

About This Quiz

There are thousands of cites in the world, each with their own characteristics, attractions and things to offer. Usually, in a city, you will have greater access to restaurants, fitness, museums, libraries and overall things to do. This is what makes so many people want to go to cities, whether they are visiting from a small town and are reveling in the masses of stores and food, or walking around the city in which they live. 

There are some careers that exist way more in cities than they do in the suburbs. If you want to work in tech or publishing, most likely being in or near a big city is your best chance of landing your dream job. Not to mention, the greater chances you have for making friends and finding love. The sheer amount of people in cities can be overwhelming, but it can lead to so many great opportunities. 

There's the city of lights, the city that never sleeps, sin city, the motor city, the windy city, the list could go on. Cities are so iconic that they get their own nicknames. Want to find out what % city girl you really are? Take this quiz and find out!

Have you ever been horseback riding?
All the time!
I used to go when I was a kid
I'm too busy now
I have not but it looks fun enough
If you were in a new place and your cell phone died, what would you do?
Just find my way back to the main road
Ask someone for directions
Find somewhere to charge my phone since I never leave home without my charger
Read any signs around me and figure it out
What is your weekend uniform?
Jeans and a t-shirt
Leggings and oversized sweater or denim shorts and a tank depending on the weather
A fun dress or romper
Casual athletic wear


Which of the things below can you not live without?
My truck
Comfortable shoes
On a typical night, what does dinner look like?
Meat and vegetables
Burgers or pasta
Pad thai
Hot pot
Do you know how to line dance?
Of course
I did at one point, but for the life of me can't remember
Never had the interest in learning
Like in the movies?


How good are you at hailing cabs?
I usually get someone else to do it
I'm sure I could do it if I tried really hard
I've gotten so so good at it
I'm good, but I try to avoid it
What is your ideal commute to work like?
About a 20 minute drive
A short drive into town
Being able to walk
The train not breaking down
Where are you heading for a night out?
I don't really go out, I have to get up early
The local watering hole
A fancy gala
Just a friend's house


If you could have a pet, what would you have?
A medium sized dog
I miss my cats, but don't have enough space
Pets are too much of a commitment
How far are you willing to go for a cup of coffee?
My kitchen
About 10 minutes
As far as it takes
I'm willing to go far, but I never need to
Do you usually have a lot of visitors?
Nah, there isn't really much to do for visitors
When people need downtime, yes
All the time, people love coming here
For day trips, yeah


How important is eating organic, locally sourced food?
It's not super available
I would do it more if I could
It's very important
It's basically all I eat
Is yoga something you practice on a regular basis?
Not my thing
I wish I could do it more
I do it occasionally, but I prefer other things
About once a week
How often do you interact with the people in your neighborhood?
Multiple times a day
When I run into them I'll talk to them
I talk to the some people in my building
Very rarely, if at all


Are you a big drinker at social functions?
I enjoy a beer or two
It's readily available, but I don't partake that much
That's pretty much the only time I drink
Oh of course, people go all out
How often do you go to museums?
Rarely ever
We used to go on school field trips
About once a month
I'm a member so I go a lot
Do people think you're "cool" because of where you live?
Not really, but it's happened before
It depends on the person
Only people who knew me growing
They do tend to think that


Are you a patient person?
I have all the time in the world so why not?
I really try to be
My patience is getting very thing
Absolutely not
Do you eat out more than you eat at home?
I rarely ever go out to eat
I go out for special occasions
It's about even
I eat out way more often than I cook
Do you travel for the holidays or stay put?
I travel to my grandma's house
I stay put
I go to my family's home
I stay, I enjoy the quiet of everyone else being gone


Is the amount you pay in rent worth it for the space you have?
I don't pay rent
It's a great value
It's not terrible
Are you friendly with your direct neighbors?
We're related and very close
I'm friends with my next door neighbors but that's about it
Not all of them
Yeah we chat in the hallway
Do you talk to strangers more than you talk to people you know?
Definitely not more, but I do talk to strangers sometimes
I don't come across many people I don't know
I love talking to strangers
It's about even


How full is your social calendar?
It's pretty much empty
The weekends get really booked
It's pretty full but there's a few free days
There's not enough space for everything I have going on
What about being in a city do you enjoy the most?
I don't really like being in cities, it's stressful
All of the activities
The food
The vast, open space
Now what about cities do you like the least?
Everything is so expensive
The days always seem to go by so quickly
The public transportation
Slow walkers that I can't pass because of crowded sidewalks


It's happy hour! What are you drinking?
Domestic beer
A fun cocktail
Sparkling water
A full-bodied wine
Do you consider yourself politically correct?
Nah I don't care
I need to be better, but also people shouldn't get so offended
I really try to be, but I slip up sometimes
You have to be these days
What is the best city in the world?
Austin, Texas
New York City
