About This Quiz
Cowboys are one of the first things most people think of when they think of things with distinctly American origins. While the term may have come from the ranch hands from which it draws its name, the expression has come to mean a spectrum of people who live lives on the edge, from true cowboys, to "regulators," to rangers. Today, the term cowboy is often taken to mean the professional bull riders, but also people who drive aggressively, and other risk-takers.
Statistically, Americans are optimistic people, willing to take risks because we assume things will always work out in the end. This kind of frontier spirit is what makes America the kind of place where big dreams get tested out. Sometimes those big ideas are artisanal vegan hot dogs for cats, and they don't work out, but sometimes they're more like Apple, Ford, or Boeing. The key to launching such successful businesses is accepting risk, and only people who are at least a bit cowboy are going to make that leap of faith. You may never be more than a tenderfoot, but if you want to make it in the US of A, you need some cowboy in you.
So how much cowboy are you? Is it by nature or by nurture? Find out this and more, by taking this quiz!