What % Cowboy Are You?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
What % Cowboy Are You?
Image: Stevecoleimages/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Cowboys are one of the first things most people think of when they think of things with distinctly American origins. While the term may have come from the ranch hands from which it draws its name, the expression has come to mean a spectrum of people who live lives on the edge, from true cowboys, to "regulators," to rangers. Today, the term cowboy is often taken to mean the professional bull riders, but also people who drive aggressively, and other risk-takers.

Statistically, Americans are optimistic people, willing to take risks because we assume things will always work out in the end. This kind of frontier spirit is what makes America the kind of place where big dreams get tested out. Sometimes those big ideas are artisanal vegan hot dogs for cats, and they don't work out, but sometimes they're more like Apple, Ford, or Boeing. The key to launching such successful businesses is accepting risk, and only people who are at least a bit cowboy are going to make that leap of faith. You may never be more than a tenderfoot, but if you want to make it in the US of A, you need some cowboy in you.

So how much cowboy are you? Is it by nature or by nurture? Find out this and more, by taking this quiz!

When you were a kid, how likely were you to take on a new piece of playground equipment?
Totally likely!
Fairly likely
Somewhat likely
Totally unlikely, until I've seen other kids fall off of it a few times so I understand the risks.
How much rehearsal time do you need before making a big ask of your boss?
1 hour
A few days
Are you freaked out by horses?
No, I just make sure I keep my thumb close to my hand so they don't bite it off.
Not really, but I'm careful because they're big dumb animals who could knock me over without realizing it.
A bit. I mean, they can bite, they can kick, and they can trample.
Yes. They spook me, and I spook them. It's a vicious cycle.


Have you ever seriously contemplated running off with the circus?
Oh yeah! A few times!
A couple of times, but then who hasn't?
Once, yeah.
No, never!
Which of these vacations sounds like your cup of tea?
Visit a country with wild horses and maybe, oh, a bull-running.
Outward Bound
Go to a beautiful place where I don't speak the language.
A week at a spa
If you saw a stranger berating a sweet old lady in public, how would you respond?
I'd physically restrain the adult if necessary.
I'd put myself between them and call 911.
I'd video it, yelling to stop, then call 911.
Nothing. I mean, someone else will surely call 911, right?


Do you get super political on social media?
Totally. I mean, I live streamed my embarrassing doctor visit.
Sure, if my beliefs are sincerely held.
Only for beliefs at the core of my identity.
No way!
You're confronted in public by someone who says that you owe them money. How do you respond?
Tell them I don't owe them anything, and if they keep coming, give them "the look" to make them back off.
Insist I don't know them or owe them anything, and hold my ground.
Say I don't even know them and walk away.
Ask them how much I owe them and try to bargain.
You're offered an amazing chance to travel to a far off place and live out a personal dream, but you haven't got the money. What's your response to the offer?
I'm in! I'll figure it out!
I'm in, if I can have a month to get things in order.
I'm in if I can get my credit card to extend me the credit I need.
I'm not in. I don't want to drown in debt or suffer just to go on a trip.


How old were you when you learned to ride a bicycle?
What would be your immediate reaction to the fire alarm going off in your home?
Check to see if there's a fire, and if there is, can I put it out?
Check to see if there's a fire and if there is, grab one thing and go.
Grab my laptop, essential paperwork folder, shoes, and coat, and flee. Check after calling the fire department.
Run for my life!
When you graduated from high school, how did you reinvent yourself?
I cut myself off from all my old friends, and totally changed my style.
I started/stopped being religious.
I changed my look, and left some hobbies behind.


You're shopping for clothing, you see a fabulous item nothing like the rest of your clothes. Do you buy it?
I'm buying and wearing it. Oh yeah.
I'll buy it, and maybe wear it a few times.
I might buy it, but I won't wear it.
I won't touch it.
If you saw someone being hassled in a bar, how likely are you to step in and defuse the situation?
I'd interject with a non sequitur.
I'd try to talk the aggressor down, but make them feel heard.
I'd video the whole thing and tell the aggressor to be cool if they really got out of hand.
I wouldn't do anything.
When you sense a chance to undertake a decision at work, do you take it?
Of course!


How do you react when you meet a large dog for the first time?
I ask if it's friendly, and then gently let it smell me before making any moves on it. Then it's all cuddles!
I'll gently get to know the dog, but I won't get too familiar.
I'll say hello to it but I won't touch it.
I stay as far as possible from the beast.
What kind of music do you listen to when driving?
Top 40
If you were out with friends and one of them offered you a taste of a food you couldn't identify, would you try it?
Sure! They know my food allergies.
Yeah, I'm sure it can't be that bad.
Probably, since it's only a taste.
No way! Yuck!


Have you ever volunteered to be involved in a magic show that asked for audience participation?
Of course! I want a great memory!
Probably. Who doesn't love magic?
Maybe. I don't know if I want to be on the spot.
No way. I don't want to look like an idiot.
If you ever quit an instrument, why did you quit?
I've never quit.
I had other things/instruments I was interested in.
I just didn't have the time.
I couldn't play for other people.
How would you feel if asked to speak at a friend's wedding?
Flattered and psyched!
Excited and happy.
Honored, but anxious.
Horrified and frozen.


How ambivalent are you about commitment?
Not in the least little bit.
I'm pretty comfortable with it.
It depends. Sometimes I'm okay with it.
I don't know if I want to commit to an answer.
If you were a trapeze artist, would you be able to do a basic routine without a net?
Of course! It's just the basics after all.
Probably, since it wouldn't be the stuff I'd need the net for, right?
Probably not. Accidents happen after all.
No way! That's idiotically dangerous!
Would you accept a promotion at work even if you didn't think you could do it?
Sure! If they say I'm ready, then I'm ready.
Probably. I can fake it until I make it.
I'd really have to think about it. I don't want to get fired for messing up!
No! I would ruin my chances for advancement if I messed up!


How many languages do you know, other than English?
Would you let a friend send you on a blind date?
I'd do it, of course. My friends know me and I trust them.
I'd probably do it. If it was a real bust, I'd have to think about doing it a second time.
I might do it, if I'm not doing anything that night.
I wouldn't do it, sight unseen. What if I get trapped in the date from hell?
If you cut a finger cooking, how do you react?
Handle it. Blood doesn't bother me.
I treat it quickly to avoid staining anything.
My heart rate goes up and I worry about getting the wound dirty.
I get woozy and have to focus on something else.


Which of the following is closest to a course you've taken, to gain a skill set?
SEAL School
Mountain Rescue
What percentage of your close friends had a very different upbringing?
How safe is the career path you've chosen?
Not at all. There are no guarantees.
There isn't much we can count on but hustling every day forever.
Not the safest, but I have benefits and I can always sidestep into a more traditional job.
Totally safe. I'll be employed forever.
