What % Cynical Are You?

By: Brian Whitney
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What % Cynical Are You?
Image: PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

When it comes right down to it, what sort of attitude do you have toward life? Do you think that good things will happen to you and your loved ones and that people are inherently good? Or do you think that people will just let you down in the end? If you chose the latter, then you're definitely cynical.

Being cynical doesn't mean things aren't going to work out for you, but it does have a lot to do with how you look at life. Let's say, for example, you just met someone that you really like, and you've started to date them. If you think that this person might just be the love of your life you probably are not cynical. But if you believe that this person doesn't really like you a whole lot, is probably cheating on you right off the bat, and is only dating you for your money or your looks, then you might just be a tad bit cynical.

Take this quiz, and we'll tell you what % cynical you are. That is, if you think it's worth it and not a total waste of your time. These things are never right anyway.

Your friend is volunteering at a soup kitchen, what do you think about that?
They're just doing it to brag about it later.
They just feel guilty about their privilege.
They probably won't like it.
That's super nice of them.
What do you think of people in happy relationships?
They're probably secretly cheating on each other.
They won't last.
It's too bad I can't find that.
How nice for them.
Someone asked you to go out with them, what do you do?
Say no, it will never work out.
Say no, they're just going to cancel on me.
Say yes, but get super nervous about it.
Say yes, how fun!


You just had a really great day, how do you feel?
Your boss asked you to take on a project, how do you feel about that?
Someone cut you off in traffic--what is your first thought?
That jerk is going to kill someone.
I'm lucky I wasn't killed.
Some people really should be more careful.
He must not have noticed me.


Do you think people need to earn your trust?
Yes, of course.
Most of the time I do.
No, I trust most people.
No, I trust just about everyone.
On your way to work you stepped in dog poop, how do you react?
I get totally angry because these things always happen to me.
I get irritated that people would be so thoughtless.
I get a little upset.
Who cares? These things happen.
Do you often wonder why people just won't shut up?
Yes, all the time
With quite a few people I do.
Not that often
No, I don't think I ever think that.


How many times a day do you sigh?
I sigh all day long.
Quite a bit
I'm not sure.
I don't think I sigh at all.
Someone just wrote you a romantic poem, how do you feel about that?
Seriously? How lame.
That's super creepy.
Well, it's kind of sweet.
What a nice thing to do.
Do you doubt what you hear until you do your own research?
Yes, pretty much always
Usually, I do.
It depends on the source.
No, I believe most things I hear.


Someone in the restaurant you're eating at is proposing; what are your thoughts?
It's totally lame.
I don't really care.
It's kind of sweet.
How romantic!
You see two people making out on the beach; what do you think?
Get a room.
It's kind of cute.
That's so nice.
Do you think that if people work hard they can achieve anything?
Are you kidding?
Well, not really
In some situations
I sure do.


Do you worry a lot about being alone when you're old?
All the time
Sometimes I do.
I try not to.
I never do.
Someone just told you that you look nice, what is your first thought?
What do they want from me?
Leave me alone.
That's nice, but I feel awkward.
So nice of them to say that.
Your best friend has decided to pursue art as a career; do you think it will work out?
What a joke
That isn't smart.
That's brave of them.
How wonderful for them


Can you enjoy a book if you don't like the main protagonist?
Sure, I prefer that.
I can if I am in the mood.
No, that isn't really my thing.
No, I hate that.
Your friend told a story about their recent trip to Europe, are you interested?
No, what a showoff
No, it was dull.
It's kind of interesting.
I was so happy to hear it.
Do you tend to hate things that are popular?
I pretty much always do. Trends are lame.
I do quite often for some reason.
I don't know, I just like what I like.
No, I love popular things.


What do you think of Russel Brand?
I hate him.
He's OK.
I love him.
Are you an optimist, a pessimist or a realist?
I am not sure.
What are your views on marriage?
It's a total joke.
It almost never works out.
It can be okay.
It's the most romantic thing ever.


Do you think your partner would ever cheat on you?
I am sure they would.
They might.
I hope not.
They would never.
Do you trust your government is telling you the truth?
Are you kidding? No.
Not always, I am sure.
I think they usually do.
Of course they are.
Do you think your best friend keeps your secrets?
I'm sure they don't.
I doubt it.
I hope so.
Yes, for sure


How often do you say "psh"?
All the time
Would you say that you have a sarcastic sense of humor?
I sure do.
I can sometimes.
I try not to.
No, I don't even get sarcasm.
What do you think of humanity?
People are awful.
People are either bad or good.
Everyone is mostly good with some bad.
People are good.
