What Celestial Body Are You?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What Celestial Body Are You?
Image: shunli zhao/ Moment / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Since the first time we humans looked to the sky, we have named the things we saw up there. At first, we named them for gods, heroes, and mythological creatures. Later, we thought they were made of a quintessence; the fifth element. By the 1800s, we thought that outer space was not a void, but a realm full of the gas ether, which is from where we get the expression "the ether."

Now we know that celestial bodies are fascinating as they are made of the same ordinary stuff our planet is. Some things visible to the naked eye are effectively several large pieces of rock held together by a network of ice. Other things we can make out with the naked eye are binary stars, galaxies, and much of our home galaxy, the aptly named Milky Way.

Of course, there are celestial bodies visible only to the most powerful telescopes. Since the 1960s, we have built telescopes capable of seeing in various spectra of non-visible light and radiation, and we have manufactured lenses that magnify visible light to the point we can see far away bodies with our eyes and a few dozen pieces of precision-manufactured glass.

Still, astrologers ply their trade, pointing to the stars and planets as a sign of your destiny. Knowing what we know according to science, are you anything like the inhabitants of the cosmos? Take this quiz, and we will tell you which celestial body you are.

How often do you find yourself defying the conventional wisdom?
Every day
I do it on occasion.
I usually just prove the conventional wisdom.
Are you older than you look?
Not really
It seems that way.
If anything, I'm baby faced.
No, I just have one of those faces where people can't tell it's me.
How intimidating do you appear to be?
Not at all intimidating
I'm not intimidating, but I look cool.
I'm bad, I'm bad, you know!
I'm a bit mysterious, but not intimidating.


How often are you overshadowed by your contemporaries?
I don't have contemporaries.
I'm usually the one doing the overshadowing.
I'm almost always second in the running.
Most of the time, but I have my moments in the sun.
How well did you fit in with the other kids when you were growing up?
Not well at all
I was the leader.
I was the black sheep.
I stayed out of the way.
How much do you outperform expectations?
My mere existence is a bet against the odds.
I outperform by lightyears.
I outperform by a country mile.
I don't do much.


How private are you?
I'm not private, I'm just busy.
I'm very private.
I make too much noise to be private.
I'm not private at all.
How often are you called cold?
Not often, though I am.
It's not the first adjective people choose for me.
I'm red hot!
How easily are you overlooked?
Very easily
If you're looking for someone like me, you'll spot me first.
I stand out like a sore thumb.
I'm never overlooked, but always underestimated.


How different are you from your friends?
I have no friends.
I'm very different from them.
I'm the center of attention.
I'm the one who gets dumped on all the time.
Where do you find beauty?
In being contrarian
In the mysteries of time
In the act of creation
In the intricacies of language
Do your detractors occasionally use nasty labels to hurt your feelings?
No, I haven't many detractors.
All the time!


How often does it seem like you come in just under the wire?
I don't have any concept of that.
I see deadlines as suggestions.
I break the wire.
When I face a challenge, I come in just under the wire.
How long does it take others to notice your accomplishments?
A bit, but they notice eventually.
They take literally forever to do it.
They notice as soon as they notice me.
They never notice.
What is your favorite term from business?
Trying to catch a falling knife
Dead cat bounce
Creative destruction


How would you describe the people who love you the most?
My children
My fans
Is one of your peers a much bigger deal than you?
Yeah, and we rub elbows constantly.
No, I'm the biggest deal.
No, we're all equally important.
All of them are!
What color dominates your wardrobe?


How wide is your artistic streak?
I'd say it is wide, but is it really art?
Not that wide
Very wide
Fairly confined
How would you describe your detractors?
I don't have any.
How often do you have to tiptoe past real trouble?
Regularly, about once a year
Never. I'm done with trouble.
I make trouble.
I never get into trouble.


How much do you like a good mystery?
I have no time for that.
I love it!
It's cool, so long as I'm the mystery.
I enjoy them.
What do you like to do to relax?
I go for a run.
I sit back and enjoy a nice glass of wine.
I cook.
I just like to make a scene.
How close to living on the fringes of society are you?
I'm in the heart of it all.
I'm retired.
I make my own society.
That's me, in a nutshell.


How well do you stand out from the crowd?
You won't notice me.
I blend in until you get a good look.
I really stand out.
I'm probably the sixth person you notice in the class photo.
How involved are you in the mainstream?
I know it well, but I go the other way.
I'm too old school to be mainstream.
My ideas become the mainstream.
I'm pretty mainstream.
How well do you work as part of a team?
I don't know. I never have.
Not well.
I'm always best with a team.
I'm good, so long as I'm not the one in charge.


How much do you feel you get pushed around?
It happens, but you get over it.
That used to happen. Not anymore.
Nowadays, I do the pushing.
I get pushed around a lot.
How ambitious are you?
Not at all. I like where I am.
I had ambitions. I achieved them.
I'm massively ambitious.
I just want what's mine.
If you could travel to the stars, would you?
Yes, but not too far.
I'd rather time travel.
Yes, as far as possible.
I'd want to go to the end of the solar system.


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