What Disney Princess Are You, Based on Your Myers-Briggs Type?

By: Jennifer Post
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What Disney Princess Are You, Based on Your Myers-Briggs Type?
Image: Walt Disney Animation Studios

About This Quiz

You've probably taken an online personality test before to figure out what combination of the four main personality types you are. There are 16 possible combinations. That isn't really a lot if you compare it to the number of people there are in the world. Every single person is boiled down to one of 16 personality types. Actually, it's more than just every person in the world. If you factor in fictional characters, you're adding in hundreds, if not thousands of other people who now also get to be assigned one of these personality types. 

Through questions crafted at digging deep into who people are, and asking the same question multiple times with different wording to see if the answer is the same, the Myers-Briggs personality test can almost positively determine your personality type. It's also become the authority on all things personality. The test was constructed by Katharine Cook-Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs Myers, and is based on a theory by Carl Jung. Jung's theory was that people use the four psychological functions to experience the world, the four being sensation, intuition, feeling and thinking. Some of these are more dominant, while others are just contributing factors. Based on your own Myers-Briggs personality type, which Disney princess are you? Take this quiz to find out!

Do you often set lofty goals and not follow through with them?
I have before.
I always follow through with them.
I don't set lofty goals.
Are you the kind to take the lead?
Heck, no!
Every chance I get
Very rarely
How often do you make decisions with your heart over your head?
Most of the time
Not very often
I like to use both.
I always go with my heart.


Have you been told that you're difficult to please?
I've been told I'm stubborn if that counts.
Quite often
Maybe once or twice
Do you prefer to spend time with other people or yourself?
By myself for sure
I love being around other people.
Definitely with other people
Mostly alone, but I can be with others, too.
Is family everything to you?
I don't really know my family.
I want them to be proud of me.
Maybe one day


When you do take the lead in something, what's your approach to motivating people?
Just letting them do what they're good at
Inspirational quotes
By action
I don't really take the lead.
Can you handle not being liked?
I feel like most people don't like me anyway.
I don't care.
Not really, no
Depends on who it is
Would others who know you say that you're outgoing?
Not really
Annoyingly so
I can be.
I tend to be more shy.


If you had to describe yourself in one word, which would you choose?
Do you only want what's best for those that you love?
More than anything
I'll fight to the death to protect my family.
Who doesn't?
Are you a dreamer more than a go-getter?
That's definitely me.
I dream about it, then I go get it.
I'm not much of a dreamer.
I do get caught up in my daydreams.


How much would you sacrifice in order to make other people happy?
My own happiness
Hopefully I could do that without sacrificing anything.
Probably too much
How healthy is your self-confidence right now?
It's pretty low right now.
I'm good!
It's always changing.
I've never had any issues.
If crisis strikes, how do you react?
Go into fight mode
Seek out what happened
Hope it all ends soon


Are you afraid of flying?
I think I'm more afraid of crashing.
Never have been
I don't like not being in control.
I've never flown, but I don't think so.
At the end of the day, how do you decide if the day was a good one?
If I'm exhausted
If I didn't hurt anyone
If I didn't disappoint anyone
If I can look in the mirror and be proud
Which one are you, normally, in the friend group?
The mom
The loud one
The mediator
The shy one


What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning?
My to-do list
Coffee and breakfast
Nothing really
Is it more important to you to have more friends or better friends?
More friends
Quality over quantity
I don't have time for friends.
I feel like I'm supposed to say better, but I don't know.
At work, if your boss gives you some negative feedback, what do you do?
Look for a new job
Tell them they're wrong
Try to be better


What's the one area you feel your skills are best suited for?
The military
Do you put a lot of effort into your appearance?
Not all the time
A few minutes
A lot of effort
Only when I'm going somewhere
How do you relax when you have some downtime?
Cook dinner
Paint or draw


Is being loved the most important thing to you right now?
Not really, no.
I want everyone else to feel loved.
I want to show love.
How do handle not being the best at something you've worked really hard for?
I get sad.
Move on to something else
Just keep working hard
Give up
Have you always had trouble fitting in?
I've never tried that hard.
Not usually
It's always been hard.
With certain people


Do you like to finish a task as quickly as you can?
I like to do them right.
Depends how difficult they are
Within a day or so
Not really
Would you rather spend free time with your friends or your family?
I don't have much of either.
I think friends.
I like to split my time.
If two people close to you are fighting, what part do you play in it?
I stay out of it.
I try to mediate.
I'm probably part of it somehow.
I listen, but don't take sides.
