What Do Your Hygiene Habits Say About You?

By: Khadija L.
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
What Do Your Hygiene Habits Say About You?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

We can try as hard as we want, but there are parts of the human body that provide good environments for different germs and parasites to grow. This is one of the reasons why personal hygiene is so important.

Different people have different habits, and if you look at various cultures, they each have their own standards of what is hygienic and what is not.

Across the western world, there are certain practices that can be agreed upon. Some of these practices include taking a bath or shower every day, brushing one's teeth every day, washing your hands with soap after going to the toilet, changing into clean clothes regularly and covering one's mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.

These practices not only help to minimize the spread of various diseases, but they are also some of the ways in which a person can "stay clean and fresh."

What do your hygiene habits say about the type of person you are? Will they say that you are an extremely hard working person or that you are a bit of a free spirit? If you would like to find out, then this is the quiz for you!

How often do you shower?
A few times a week
Every other day
When I feel dirty
At least once a day
What do you use in the shower?
A scrub brush
A loofah
My hands
A wash cloth
Do you always shower after a long day at work?
Most times
It depends on how I feel


Be honest, do you pee in the shower?
Only when I need to go really badly
Who hasn't done it?
All the time
How often do you change your towel?
Every two weeks
Every week
When it begins to smell bad
Every few days
How often do you wash your hair?
Whenever it feels dirty
Ever other week
On special occasions
Every week


When do you brush your teeth?
I don't have a specific time
Whenever I want
When I need to go out
In the morning and at night
What kind of toothbrush do you have?
I rotate between the three
Do you floss your teeth?
Only at the dentist
I try to
Yes, regularly


How often do you change your toothbrush?
Every 5 - 6 months
Every 3 - 4 months
When the bristles begin to fall out
Every 2 months or less
What do you use to clean your face?
I use a wash cloth
I splash some water on it
I use my hands
How often do you shave or wax your body?
Every 5 - 8 weeks
Every month
I rarely shave or wax my body
Every 2 - 3 weeks


How often do you cut your nails?
Every month
Every 2 weeks
Whenever they begin to look messy
Every week
When you see a pimple, you...
Cover it up
Put some medicine on it
Leave it
Pop it
Do you use deodorant?
I use a natural deodorant


What do most of the products that you use smell like?
How often do you clean your makeup brushes?
Every month
I don't own makeup brushes
Every two weeks
Whenever they are dirty
When do you do your laundry?
Whenever I remember to
Every two weeks
When ever I need clean clothing
Once a week


How frequently do you change your underwear?
I'd prefer not to say
I don't wear underwear
Twice a day
Do you wear your dirty clothes?
I've done it once or twice
Only if I'm desperate and it doesn't smell bad
All the time
How many times do you wear your jeans before washing it?
About 10 times
3 - 5 times
I lose count
Once or twice


How often do you change your sheets?
Every two weeks
Evert three weeks
Every month
Every few days
How often do you clean your bedroom?
I don't keep track
Every month
When it is difficult to find things
It is always clean
Do you wash your hands every time after you use the bathroom?
I can't remember if I do it every time
Most times
Honestly, no


What do you wash your hands with?
I prefer to use sanitizer
A bar of soap
Antibacterial soap
Do you carry hand sanitizer with you?
Yes, but I can never find it
When I remember to
All the time
If your food falls on the ground, you...
Leave it there
Eat it if no one is looking
Eat it depending on where it fell
Use the five-second rule


What is the oldest takeout that you have eaten?
A week old
A few days
A week and a half
A day old
Do you share your utensils with others?
Umm, gross
It depends on who it with
Not at all
Which of these do you do in public?
Scratch my armpits
