What Does Your Palm Say About Your Love Life?

By: Marie Hullett
Estimated Completion Time
7 min
What Does Your Palm Say About Your Love Life?
Image: urbazon/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

People have practiced palmistry since ancient times, particularly in India, China, Tibet, Persia, Sumeria, Palestine and Babylonia. Historians think it possibly originated from Hindu astrology, as several thousand years ago a Hindu sage known as Valmiki reportedly wrote a book entitled "The Teachings of Valmiki Maharshi on Male Palmistry." From there, the practice spread all over, including to Greece, where the ancient philosopher Anaxagoras adopted the art.

Today, a diverse range of people have tried their hand at it. No matter where you live, most likely, you can likely find a fully-fledged palm reader somewhere near you. This practice typically involves the person being read providing their dominant hand for a reading, which is sometimes considered to represent the conscious mind. Meanwhile, the other hand is often thought to represent hereditary traits, or sometimes to garner information about past lives.

In classical palmistry, which is rooted in Greek mythology, the various creases on the palm foretell a variety of intimate insight about someone's career, health or love life. However, since the lines on your palm lengthen, ebb and change over the course of one's life, these readings are never set in stone. So, if you don't like your reading today, don't fear-you might just need to wait a few years.

Whether you believe in the art of palmistry or deem it a bunch of hocus pocus, find out what your palm reveals about your love life through the help of the following quiz!

Which hand is your dominant hand?
My right one
My left one
I'm fairly ambidextrous.
My left hand is dominant in some things, and my right is dominant in others.
Take a look at your dominant hand. How many horizontal lines on your palm do you see underneath your pinky finger?
Five or more
Three to Four
Which of these best describes the lines under your pinky?
At least one dips upward.
At least one has a fork at the end of it.
There are at least two roughly parallel to each other.
At least one dips downward.


The deeper crease that runs along the top portion of your palm is called the heart line. How long is this line?
Very long: It extends to the index finger or even further.
Average length: It extends about to the middle finger.
Below average: It lies somewhere between the middle and pinky fingers.
Very short: It doesn't extend past the pinky.
Does your heart line exhibit any forks near the end?
Yes, there are three.
Yes, there are two.
Yes, there is one.
No, there are none.
Your "head line" is the large crease located below the heart line, at around the middle of the palm. What is yours like?
Straight (represents someone who is logical and detail-oriented)
Forked (represents someone who likes to debate and can see both sides of an issue)
Curved (represents someone who trusts their very strong intuition)
Very faint (represents someone who is a daydreamer)


In which direction does your heart line curve?
It's perfectly straight.
It curves downward.
It curves upward.
It curves both up and down.
Is your heart line broken or fully intact?
It's not broken.
It has a large gap.
It has a small gap near the start.
It has a gap under the ring finger.
Some heart lines are shaped liked an iron chain. Is yours?
The start or end of the line features a chain.
The middle of the line has a chain.


Some heart lines have small triangles above or below them. Does yours have a triangle?
I have two: one above and one below the line.
I have one above the line.
I have one below the line.
Does your palm have a double heart line?
Sort of, but one's much shorter than the other.
Yes, but the second one is very, very faint.
A feathered heart line (with a faint, short lines both above and below it) reveals someone who is very passionate. Do you have either of these lines?
My heart line is feathered.
My heart line is not feathered.
My heart line has feathers below the line.
My heart line has feathers above the line.


As they say, X marks the spot. Does your heart line have an X on it?
It has multiple Xs.
It almost has a complete X, but it's very faint.
Now, face your palms toward you, with your pinkies touching. When comparing your hands side-by-side, which one has a higher heart line?
Both lines align perfectly (meaning you are very gentle and pure-hearted).
The left line is higher (meaning you tend to be a fighter who loves a challenge in love).
The right line is higher (meaning you have an old soul and may gravitate toward older individuals in love).
I can't tell. They seem very close in height.
When comparing all the lines on your left and right palms, do they look mostly similar or totally different?
Very similar (meaning you have mostly done what your genetics intended)
Very different (meaning you have made many important choices that go against your instincts)
Somewhere in the middle.
The major creases are fairly similar, but the small lines vary greatly.


Is your palm wider and longer than your fingers?
Yes, very much so. (This means you need a detail-oriented partner.)
No, it's smaller. (This means you need a "big picture" partner.)
They're exactly the same. (You need a happy medium, as well as someone who can help you relax.)
It depends on which palm. (You can date either "big picture" or "small details" people.)
Every finger except the thumb is separated by three phalanges: the lower, middle and upper. What is your lower phalange like?
Relatively thin and has a "waist," meaning you require a partner who can talk out issues. You're a diplomat in love.
Thick and heavily padded, meaning you are very focused on physical pleasures
Slightly thick, meaning you tend toward physical pleasure, but also require emotional stability
The same as the other phalanges, meaning you require balance
Which shape are your fingertips?
Pointed (Signifying sensitivity)
Spatulate (Signifying high energy)
Conical or rounded (Signifying intuition and quick-wit)
Square (Signifying sensibility and practicality)


Which hand shape most closely matches yours?
Air hand: long fingers and square palm (represents someone sociable and intellectual)
Fire hand: short fingers and long palms (represents someone who is a confident risk-taker)
Water hand: longer fingers and long palms (represents a creative, emotional person)
Earth hand: short fingers and a square palm (represents a practical, down-to-earth individual)
Let's take a look at your thumb. Which one of these features does it have?
Long, indicating a faithful individual
Short, indicating someone who grows tired in love easily
A narrowed "waist" in the middle, indicating a diplomatic, tactful individual in relationships
Very flexible, indicating someone who is flexible in love
The lowest of the three major creases on the palm is called the life line. What is yours like?
A swooping semicircle (meaning you are positive and enthusiastic)
Absent or very faint (meaning you are prone to chaos)
Relatively straight (meaning you are very cautious in relationships)
Doubled (meaning you have immense vitality)


Now let's take a look at your fate line, which is a mostly vertical crease that extends from the bottom of the palm toward the middle finger. Which best describes your fate line?
It extends above the head line (this represents great career success).
It's forked (this represents two disparate sides to your personal ambitions).
It starts at or near the wrist (meaning you are a very hard worker).
There are two roughly parallel fate lines (meaning good luck).
Back to your life line. Does it have any short perpendicular lines, tassels or Xs?
Short perpendicular lines (may suggest an unexpected mishap)
Xs (may indicate excessive worrying)
Tassels (may indicate the decision not to have children)
Is your life line (the crease nearest to your thumb) solid or broken?
Solid (indicates a highly dependable person)
Has a large gap (indicates someone who can be restless or flighty)
It's so faint I can hardly tell (indicates someone who may be particularly susceptible to others' influence).
A small gap (may indicate a major change in life)


The sunline reveals insight about one's unique passions and personal goals. What's yours like?
It extends past the heart line (meaning great career success, but also potentially the need for balance).
It stops at the head line (meaning you tend to dislike rules, restrictions and micromanagement).
It stops at the heart line (meaning it's easy for your emotions to interfere with your goals, if you're not careful).
It stops before the head line (meaning you may need to redirect your energy elsewhere right now).
Do you have any intuition lines, which are typically mostly vertical creases located between the lifeline and thumb?
I have a very faint one (meaning you possess a strong intuition).
I don't have one (meaning you tend to rely on logic).
Yes, I have several prominent ones (meaning potential psychic abilities).
I can't tell.
Of your heart, head and life lines, which one is the deepest/longest/most prominent?
My heart line (meaning you will prioritize matters of the heart in life)
Life line (meaning you will prioritize other types of experience in life, such as adventure)
Head line (meaning you will prioritize intellectual, career or academic matters)
All about equal (meaning you will attain a balance of all three in life)


The lines on your wrist are often called "bracelets." The one closest to your wrist is called your health line. What's yours like?
Deep and straight (indicates a strong immune system)
Faint or broken (means you may need to make a lifestyle change)
Curves upward (may possibly indicate fertility challenges later in life, if you want children)
It's absent (typically means you have experienced minimal health issues so far).
Would you classify your hands as small, big or average-sized (relative to your overall body size)?
Large: represents the need for a sense of individual freedom and space
Small: represents excellent organizational abilities
Medium: represents a strong sense of balance
Not sure!
About one in 10 people have a Simian line, which means that the heart and head line are one. It typically indicates a stubborn character. Do you have the Simian crease?
I have it on just one hand.
I can't tell.


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