What Gem Are You?

By: Jennifer Post
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What Gem Are You?
Image: dm909/Moment/Getty Images

About This Quiz

By definition, a gemstone is a mineral crystal. It can be in its raw form or polished and cut to be the gems you would put in jewelry. Not only are they used for adornment, but they are also used by the holistic community for their healing properties. There's no real science backing the thought of gems having the ability to make you more confident or help you sleep better, but the people who use the gems wholeheartedly believe it. Believers cling to their quartz and amethyst in their pockets and hope that it will brighten their day.

There doesn't need to be science for things to work. It's all about knowing what you want to happen and manifesting it. Sure, call it a self-fulfilling prophecy or whatever, but gems really do help the people who use them. Which one would you be? Where do you feel like you really excel? If it's public speaking, you might be Amazonite. If you seem to have a natural sense of self and confidence, maybe you're aventurine. Each gem brings something different to your life just like you bring things to other people's lives. So which one are you? Take the quiz now to find out! 

Which color do you think represents your true spirit?
All the colors
In other people, which trait do you value the most?
Ability to love
Free spirit
Speaking up for themselves
Which trait that you possess helps you the most in life?
Love of life
My voice


What's the first thing you do at sign of trouble?
Think of solutions
Talk it out
Take the lead to fix it
Nature is all around you, but do you get the chance to appreciate it enough?
I make an effort.
Not nearly enough
As much as I possibly can
I need to get out more.
Do you dress for comfort or for style?
More comfort
I try to be trendy.
Depends on what I'm doing
I like stylish comfort.


Are your moods pretty even keeled or all over the place?
Pretty even
I get a little out of control.
Definitely a mix of both
I keep my cool until I don't.
If you had to make a tough decision, do you make it using logic and reason or heart and emotion?
Depends on the decision
Logic for sure
I tend to decide with my feelings.
I try to do both.
Do you need to be the center of attention at social gatherings?
No way
It's fun sometimes.
I do like it.
I don't need to be, but I like it when I am.


When you like someone, do you find it easy to flirt with them?
I'm a little awkward.
If I'm feeling the vibe
I just talk to them like normal.
Did you spend a lot of time studying in school or did things come easily to you?
I didn't study but they also didn't come easy.
I was very studious.
Things came pretty easily.
I didn't really care about school.
Do you believe that hypnotizing people can bring out the truth?
It really can.
I haven't made up my mind.
I think it brings out what people want the truth to be.


How do you cheer up people who are going through a rough time?
Get them to see the positive
Tell jokes
Take them out
Buy them nice things
Are you intimidated by those in higher positions than you?
All the time
Only at work
What's your first thought when someone says they need to talk to you?
It's bad news.
I try not to think anything.
Maybe something fun is happening.
I'm needed for something.


You're sick of your routine. What are you doing to spice it up?
Watching a new show
Eating at a new place
Buying some new clothes
Trying to meet new people
Which fantasy book series has stood by you no matter what's going on?
"Harry Potter"
"Hunger Games"
"Lord of the Rings"
If you won the lottery, what would most of your money be spent on?
Paying off debt
Investments for the future


The planet isn't going to be around forever. What's one thing you do to help the future of Earth?
Use barely any plastic
Pick up trash whenever I can
Plant trees
There's so much negativity in the world that it's easy to get consumed. What's the best way you can think of to combat negativity?
Spread joy and positivity
Constantly lifting people up
Don't give in to it.
Stay off of social media as much as possible
On the weekends, are you the kind of person to get up early and start your day or sleep in and relax?
One day for each
Sleep in
I usually have so much to do I have to get up early.
It changes every weekend.


Is patience a virtue you possess?
I really try.
Definitely not
In certain circumstances
Yes, absolutely
Would you be able to be close friends with someone who has different political views than you?
In this day and age? No.
We just don't talk about it.
We can be kind of friends.
Of course I can.
Are you open to new opportunities no matter what they are?
Not no matter what
You have to be or else life is boring.
If it's something I'm already related to


Where are you the least comfortable living?
In a big city
In the middle of nowhere
In an apartment on top of a pizza place
In my hometown
What body of water excites you the most?
A lake
The ocean
Fish pond
Babbling brook
If you were planning on redecorating your home, what would be your first step?
Figuring out a budget
Picking a style
Looking for inspiration
Measuring my space


If you're feeling a little down in the dumps, how do you bring yourself out of it?
Take a nap
Do you believe that you can make something happen just by manifesting it?
I don't think so.
It's happened to me before.
Which controversial topic do you avoid talking about at all costs?
Women's rights
Pineapple on pizza


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