What Greek Goddess Speaks to Your Soul?

By: Raj Chander
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
What Greek Goddess Speaks to Your Soul?
Image: YouraPechkin / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Females in classical civilization weren't always treated fairly, but Greek goddesses were a notable exception. The goddesses were praised and worshipped just as much as their male counterparts.

For example, consider the female influence on Zeus, who is widely considered the most powerful God in Greek mythology. He was married to Hera, but he's known just as much for his philandering ways. Zeus' fling with Leto, the Greek goddess of birth and motherhood, resulted in the twins Apollo and Artemis, two of the most important Greek gods in history. Another of his affairs resulted in the birth of Helen of Troy, who would famously grow up to become "the face that launched a thousand ships," initiating the Trojan War. 

Of course, goddesses did much more than have affairs and children. They held powerful influence over important areas like family, war, the harvest, wisdom, justice, the moon and much more. If you've ever read or heard about them and wondered which of the goddesses had the most influence on your personality, you've found the perfect quiz. Just divulge your answers to the questions below and we will connect your spirit to a powerful female deity who was worshipped widely a few thousand years ago.

Life takes us many places. Where in the world do you feel most comfortable?
With a lover or romantic partner
In a game or competition
At home with family
A forest or field
We can't spend all our time working - the Greeks certainly didn't. What's your favorite leisure activity?
Cleaning or organizing my home
Training for competition
What's your current marital status?
Single. I don't like to be tied down.
Single. I prefer focusing on my career and being the best person I can be.
In a relationship


Lots of Greek mythology revolves around children. What do you think about kids?
They are just another wonderful part of nature.
Children are important to me. I either have them already or definitely plan to.
They are super cute! But I don't want any of my own.
They're fine as long as they don't get in my way.
Many famous Greek deities were known for their wandering eyes. Would you ever have an affair?
Sure, why not? You only live once.
I don't know.
Never, and I would hate anyone cheating on me.
No, but I would get involved with someone married if the connection was strong enough.
Which of these job titles is closest to the career you currently have?
Stay-at-home mom
Fashion consultant


We all need some love from Mother Nature. How much time do you spend outdoors?
I'm outside as much as possible.
Whenever a task takes me there.
Usually only if I'm on a date or hanging with someone on a patio.
I like being outdoors to practice my craft, when possible.
If you could travel to one place in the world, which of these would you pick?
My in-laws' house
The Amazon Rainforest
What's your day-to-day, go-to outfit look like?
It doesn't matter much - it's probably going to get dirty anyway.
A designer shirt and pants with shoes to match, and the perfect accessories
Something equally nice-looking and functional, like a comfortable blouse and jeans


Some goddesses are always nice to worshippers - others can be moody. What type of goddess would you be?
I would be sweet to everyone!
I would lean towards the tougher side.
Usually nice, unless someone betrays me. Then I'm striking back hard.
It would change depending on my mood.
Which of these is your favorite Greek figure?
Greeks were big into athletics - they did invent the Olympics, after all. What's your favorite sport?
The game of love!


You're heading to the mall with friends. Which store are you most likely going into?
Sharper Image
Bath & Body Works
Osh Kosh B'Gosh
The ancient Greeks planted some crops, but only about 30% of the land was suitable for growing things like barley, olives and tomatoes. How good are you at growing things?
I prefer ordering things online.
About average
I'm no expert, but I can grow simple stuff.
I'm the best gardener I know.
Do you have a preference about eating organic foods?
I prefer it whenever possible, but sometimes you have to make do with what's available.
Not really
Yes, I prefer eating things I grow.
I like to eat the foods that will keep me in the best shape.


Greek goddesses had some cool ways to get around. Which of these would you most want to ride on?
Chariot drawn by winged dragons
Crimson shell
Chariot drawn by a peacock
How much do you use social media?
It's nice to keep up with family.
I love taking selfies!
I use it for beautiful nature pictures.
Not that often, I prefer real life.
Greek history had plenty of epic battles between rival city-states. As a goddess, what would be your view on war?
I'd try to stay peaceful and only fight if absolutely necessary.
I'd go to war over a lover.
I'd fight if it was necessary to defend my family.
Bring it on!


Greeks loved their exercise. How often do you go to the gym?
I prefer being active outdoors.
Pretty often - gotta take that gym selfie!
A few times a week, if I'm lucky.
I'm a gym rat!
Homer was probably the best-known writer in ancient Greece. Who's your favorite famous scribe?
Charlotte Bronte
Jane Austen
Ernest Hemingway
Annie Dillard
Greece is well known for its many islands. How do you feel about the beach?
It's good every once in a while.
I like taking trips there with family.
It's great to be around all the natural life there.
I love laying out!


Gods and goddesses often fought over rumors and hearsay. How much do you gossip?
Almost never. It's a waste of time.
Sometimes, but only about certain things.
I always have the tea.
Just a bit with my friends, about people we know.
How long does it take you to get ready before going out?
10 to 15 minutes.
A few minutes, or however long it takes to put on clothes.
At least an hour and a half, sometimes more.
People take time to get ready?
Which of these magazines are you most likely to subscribe to?
History of War
Outdoor Life


The ancient Greeks played the lyre, pan flute and other instruments. Which of these musical artists are you most interested in?
Katy Perry
Taylor Swift
Just like in modern society, wealth was an important part of life in ancient Greece. How much does money matter to you?
I gotta have enough to treat myself.
It's important, but professional success matters more.
I want to have enough for me and my family.
I'm pretty resourceful and don't need much.
Are you usually a jealous person?
Not really. I'm not that concerned with others.
I'm not proud of it, but yes.
Nope, I'm the most attractive person I know.
Only in certain kinds of competition.


Goddesses are supposed to be divine, but each one carried themselves differently. How elegant are you?
I'm extremely polite and gentlemanly/ladylike.
I'd rather be tough than elegant.
I can look pretty put-together, when necessary.
I don't really care about being elegant.
All the goddesses were technically ruled by Zeus, but not all of them appreciated it. How well do you deal with authority?
I'm pretty good at cooperating, most of the time.
I can put up with it, but I like to do my own thing at every chance.
The rules were made to be broken, as long as I don't get caught.
It's an important part of life, so I respect it.
The ancient Greeks placed great value on physical skill. Which type of activity do you prefer?
Weight lifting
Spin class


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