What Industry Is Your Work Style Best Suited For?

By: Teresa M.
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What Industry Is Your Work Style Best Suited For?
Image: WikiCommons

About This Quiz

Back in the old days, even if you didn't end up in the same field that your father was in, generally speaking, you picked a lane young and that's where you spent your entire life.

If you were lucky enough to get an apprenticeship, you could enjoy a fruitful career in the trades. If you were even luckier and could get an education, the professions would be where you'd end up, perhaps law, the church, or administration. Other people could still be reasonably fortunate as they got steady work in factories, which after the labor movement got its mitts on them, became decent-paying, fairly safe jobs that sustained families (which they certainly were not in the 1800s when they first came about). You got a job at 18 or 22, and that put you on a path for the next 40-45 years.

Those times are gone. These days, everyone can expect to change jobs multiple times in their lives. Ongoing education is an absolute necessity, and flexibility and adaptation are everything. Some people even enjoy what is called a portfolio career, where they have a toe in multiple roles. Of course, it's a lot easier to sustain this if you find an industry where you can switch jobs and bring your skills and experience along with you, without having to become a domain expert again and again. That means a field that suits your interests, and most of all, your approach to work. Let's see which one might be right for you.

What is the first thing you do when you get to work?
I say hello to everyone.
I get ready for the daily meeting.
I make coffee.
I brush my hair.
How would you describe your work attire?
Super casual
What do you like most about your job?
I love the people I meet.
I love the things I learn.
I love my work.
I like the hours.


How many times a week are you late for work?
I'm never late.
Which word would your boss use to describe you?
How do you approach new projects at work?
I approach them with excitement.
I approach them by learning about them.
I approach new projects by digging in.
I approach new projects by going to lunch and thinking about it.


What would you do with more free time?
I would see more concerts.
I would read more books.
I would work out more.
I would sleep more.
What do you wear on Casual Friday?
I wear a cute new outfit I just bought.
I wear a track suit.
I wear jeans and a T-shirt.
Every day is casual day at my job.
What kind of shoes do you most often wear to work?


What would you be found doing at an office party?
I would be singing karaoke.
I would be chatting with guests.
I would be pouring the wine.
I would be hiding at my desk.
Are you a good team player?
I can be a good team player.
I'm a better leader than a follower.
It's all about being a team player.
I prefer to work alone.
What would be your dream job?
I would love a job that lets me travel a lot.
I would love to have a job that makes difference.
I would love to save lives.
I would like being my own boss.


Where would you least enjoy working?
Which word best describes your first job?
How do you feel about your current boss?
My boss is basic.
My boss is a little uninformed.
My boss is demanding.
My boss is pretty cool.


Would you consider going back to school?
I've had enough of school.
I would like a more advanced degree.
I could use a brush up class.
My job is full of continuing education.
Where do you usually eat lunch?
I usually have lunch with clients.
I have lunch at my desk.
I usually go out with the coworkers.
I usually grab something from a fast food place.
Could you handle a physically challenging job?
I think it's important to stay in shape anyway.
I prefer more mentally challenging jobs.
I would like a job that helps me stay in shape.
Physical labor is not for me.


Would you enjoy working in retail?
I have worked in retail, and it was great.
I have worked in retail, and it was horrible.
I really do not think I would like working in retail.
I would hate working in retail.
Do you ever break the rules at work?
I take long lunch breaks sometimes.
I make personal phone calls sometimes.
I surf the internet when I'm bored.
There are not many rules at my job.
How often do you go out with your coworkers after work?
We go out every Friday.
We go out after completing a big project.
Our boss takes us out to relieve stress sometimes.
I never go out with my coworkers.


Do you work a lot of overtime?
I work overtime when it is needed.
I rarely work over time.
My job requires a lot of overtime.
I work all the time.
Is the salary or the work more important to you?
Both need to be good for me to really like a job.
I think the work is more important to me.
The salary should reflect the work.
I'm all about the paycheck.
How would you feel about being a librarian?
I would find it really boring.
I would love being surrounded by so many books.
There are worse jobs than a librarian.
I would be willing to give it a try.


Which part of a benefits package is most important to you?
Expense account
Retirement package
Sick days
Flexible hours
Would you enjoy working with children?
No, thank you.
I would enjoy working with kids.
Kids are cool!
I wouldn't enjoy it very much.
Which movie set job would you hold?


Do you procrastinate when it comes to your work?
I procrastinate the small things.
I never procrastinate.
I don't have time to procrastinate.
i am guilty of being a giant procrastinator.
Do you enjoy public speaking?
I love giving speeches.
I don't mind it.
It makes me too nervous.
I do not like it at all.
What do you think is your best personality trait?
I am friendly.
I'm intelligent.
I'm thoughtful.
I'm hardworking.
